Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 12, 2006, Page 5, Image 5

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    œiu ^Jnrtlanò (¡Obseruer
luly 12. 2006
Page A5
Dear Deanna!
Inventor's Brilliance: 60 Patents
W ith so many nuxlem gad­
gets, we hardly take notice o f
where they came from, who made
them and so forth. One o f my all
tim e favorites is the a ir condi­
The next time you sit down in
a fine restaurant that is a pleasant
70 degrees on a hot afternoon,
think about this, not only did a
black man invent air condition­
ing. he also made your ftx x l taste
In 1935, Frederick Jones (1892-
1961 ) designed and b u ilt the first
air conditioning unit that kept
food fresh w hile it was truck-
driven across the state o r coun­
The idea originated on a hot
night in the late 1920s when Jones
eration parts. F in a lly, on Dec. 14,
1943 his first air conditioning unit
m e t a lo n g ha u l
was mounted on top
tr u c k e r w h o was
o f a 16 wheeler and
dow n on his luck,
Am erica was experi­
losing hundreds o f
e n cin g tastes they
liv e c h ic k e n s be­
never had before.
cause o f heat stress.
A n y type o f fresh
A lready a refrigera­
ftx x l could be hauled
tio n expert and suc­
from Los Angeles to
c e s s fu l in v e n to r,
New Y o rk or from
Jones went to w ork
''Tampa, Fla. to Seattle.
that night seeing a
One very special de­
huge need fo r re frig ­
lig h t was to see a
erated trucks to haul
group o f Eskimos in
food products over
F a irb a n k s , A la s k a
Frederick Jones
long distances.
eating fresh Florida
A lthough Jones succeeded, it oranges w hile they were up to their
was no overnight matter. It w ould waist in snow. A d d itio n a lly , Jones'
be 1935 before his prototype was inventions allowed us to store sum­
granted a patent. A d d itio n a lly w ith mer fruits fo r consumption in the
the advent o f W o rld W ar II, metal cold w inter months.
was extremely hard to get fo r refrig-
Besides having many firsts in ­
v o lv in g re frig e ra tio n , Jones
ended up w ith more than 60 pat­
ents fo r a variety o f inventions
T h e y in clu d e d m icrophones,
other audio equipment, portable
X -ray machines, the condenser,
and small piston engines.
As the first black man inducted
into the American Society o f Re­
frigeration Engineers, and one o f
the n a tio n 's m ost p r o lif ic
inventers in the 19th Century,
Jones understixxl that racism still
existed in America.
A t his unprecedented induc­
tion to the Minnesota Inventors
H all o f Fame, he commented,
"Some people d o n 't like the idea
o f a black man doing so w ell,
w hile others have called me a
genius. H o w e ve r, those w ho
looked down on me still used my
pro d u cts!”
Authentic Creole Jambalaya Dinner
M a rtin Luther K ing, Jr. Loaves
& Fishes Center is hosting an A u ­
thentic Creole Jambalaya Dinner
on Saturday, August 5, from noon
to 5 p.m.
The cu lin a ry team fo r this event
includes Loaves & Fishes C en­
ters Board M em ber Teletha Ben­
ja m in and Loaves & Fishes C en­
ters E x e c u tiv e D ire c to r Joan
S m ith, both o f w hom have co n ­
nections to Southern Louisiana.
The pair w ill be using a tra d itio n a l
C re o le -style recipe passed dow n
in B e n ja m in 's fa m ily . The Creole
Jam balaya event is the firs t o f its
k in d fo r the M a rtin L u th e r K in g ,
Jr. Loaves & Fishes Center, w hich
has been se rvin g the n u tritio n a l
needs o f seniors in northeast
P ortland fo r m ore than 10 years.
"T he d a ily menu at the M artin
Luther K ing, Jr. Center has evolved
over the last year to include a va ri­
ety o f soul food entrees,” said Cen­
ter Manager D avid Lomax. "The
food has received such good re­
views that we decided to make it
available to the general public for
one special night. We guarantee a
sumptuous feast to d e lig h t the
Centers has p rovided a n u tri­
tio n a l and social life lin e fo r se­
n io rs through 28 meal sites in
M u ltn o m a h , W a sh in g to n and
C la rk counties and M eals-O n-
W heels d e liv e ry to homebound
seniors. W ith the help o f more
than 6,700 volunteers, the non­
p ro fit, nonsectarian agency now
serves 4,3(X) meals daily and more
than one m illio n meals each year.
Loaves & Fishes C enters' v i­
sion is that no senior w ill go
h u n g ry o r experience social iso­
The menu includes authentic
C reoie-sty le jam balaya ( a non-sea­
food version is available), along
w ith bread, salad, beverage and
dessert. Cost is $10 fo r adults and
$6 fo r children. Tickets are avail­
able from the center.
M a rtin Luther K ing, Jr. Loaves
& Fishes is located at 5325 NE M L K
BI vd. in Portland. For more informa­
tio n , c a ll D a v id L o m a x at
Since 1970 Loaves & Fishes
Bike to Live, Live to Bike
In a town where you can throw a
stone and hit a bike, it takes all kinds
o f cycles to please all kinds o f cy­
clists. W ith that in mind, congratula­
tions to Revolver, north Portland's
newest bike shop, at 6509 N. In­
terstate. Shop owner and bike
mechanic M a rk P ickett
opened Revolver last De­
cember. having moved
here fro m Arkansas
where he ran a bike shop
in Fayetteville. Pickett
spent his first few years
in Oregon working at the mountain
bike shop Fat Tire Farm in northwest
Portland. Taking a slightly different
direction. Revolver tills a niche for
the particular bike culture found in a
vast neighborhtxxl anchored by only
C y c le
tw o for-profit bike shops - W e ir’ s
When I stopped by the new place,
Cyclery in St. John's and Cyclepath I grabbed a sleek black business card
on Northeast M artin Luther King Jr. and noticed the words “ bicycle liv ­
Boulevard. Pickett works w ith tw o ing" under the title.
by S akaii B i.o rv r
part-time employees, Jake Fumiss
That’ s a great thing about Re­
and Verg, and besides bike volver - the bikes y o u 'll find there more high-end road bikes because
sales, the three perform tune- are accessible and affordable and there’ s a solid market there, but I
ups. overhauls, flat repairs ready to roll, making it easy to inte­ don’ t have enough flo o r space,"
and component replace­ grate biking into everyday life.
he said.
Pickett said he’ s received a big-1
Some bikes Pickett carries are
Re volver fits nicely commuter-friendly Brce/erBikes, the ger response than he expected, with
in to the O v e rlo o k stylish and upper-middle end brands the long-term locals wanning tip to
neighborhood, espe­ Surly and Soma, and the wide-rang­ the place, jo in in g the NoPo bike
cia lly since it opened ing bike manufacturer Marin.
scenesters who were thrilled when
amid some bigchanges in north Port­
Revolver sells custom bikes, but he opened.
land - the Max Y ellow Line has re­ Pickett said most people want m ulti­
“ Someofthe locals weren't ready
vived local business and foot traffic functional, crossover bikes, with the form e,” he said. "They're feeling it
along Interstate Avenue, and scores common request to have their moun­ out, but once I've dealt w ith those
o f people commuting by bike needed tain bike double as a commuter.
guys, they have a good reaction
a neighborhotxl service center.
" I w o uldn’ t mind bringing in and send in their friends."
Banking on
I was w ith my ex-boy friend fo r over
a year until we broke up last spring
over a trust issue. We still messed
around over the summer although
he had a g irlfrie n d . We got back
together but it only lasted a month
because he said he was too busy
for a girlfrie n d . I was heartbroken.
I ’ ve tried to move on but I always
find m yself com paring the other
guys to him . I'm s till in love w ith
him. Should I try to get back w ith
him o r move on w ith my life? —
Confused; On-Line Reader
Real People, Real Advice
Dear Confused:
An advice coluinn known fo r
its fearless approach to reality
based subjects!
There's nothing more painful than
wanting a man that doesn't want
you. H e’ s given you clues on a
silver platter and you need to take
notes He cheated on his g irlfrie n d
w ith you and told you he was too
busy fo r you. This is not the man for
you. Place this in your m ind and
accept the reality so you can get
over him . Each tim e you think you
want him . remember your broken
heart and think o f how yo u 're too
good fo r drama and keep it moving.
Dear Deanna!
I'm a 47-year old mother o f 2 c h il­
dren w ith 3 grandchildren. I'm in a
relationship w ith a recovering ad­
dict. I watched him destroy him self
and attempt suicide when he was
using narcotics. In spite o f that and
going to and from drug rehab and
having nothing, I still gave much
love to hi m. I ' m the woman who has
seen the tremendous change in this
man. H e's now back on top with
vehicles, money, attention from
women and an ego. I'm fed up be­
cause he treats me like nothing and
he disrespects me. A m I right for
m oving out o f his house? —Miss
N.; Buffalo, N. K
Dear Miss N.:
Money, women and toys can’ t re­
place drug addiction. Y our man is
being setup by the devil fo r a hard
crash and burn that’ s going to rock
his w orld. It’ s best you remove
yourself because when his chips
fall again and they w ill, it's going to
be ugly. Successful drug recovery
iscoupled w ith faith and fam ily and
there's nothing but evil in this pic­
ture. Leave now and focus on qual­
ity time w ith your fam ily so you can
flourish in a new direction.
ITear Deanna:
I'm 15-years old and I saw my dad
fo r the first tim e in five years. M y
dad has a ch ild by my aunt and
anotherone by my mom. Years ago
he had me taken from by mom by
authorities over a lie. M y mom re­
a lly d id n 't have parents or support
and she is still suffering. O u rfa m ily
is distant because relatives blame
her fo r everything. I love her and
hate to see the trouble this has
caused us. I was told by her to
forgive them and don’ t know i f I
should. —Fatherless 15 Year Old;
On-Line Reader
Dear Fatherless:
Y o u 're a very strong g irl and it's
going to be up to you to bring the
fa m ily back together. There is a lot
o f adult dirty laundry going on that
your young mind w o u ld n 't under­
stand but y o u 'll see things d iffe r­
ently w hen you get older. Continue
to love and support your mother
and follow her guidance o f fo rg ive ­
ness and prayer fo r your fa m ily and
your father.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeannal@yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website:
wwh ', askdeanna.com
Discussion on
Immigrant Rights
An eyewitness report and
roundtable discussion on 'What
now for the immigrant rights
movement?' will be held Satur­
day, July 15 at 7 p.m. at the
Bread and Roses Center, 819
N. Killingsworth St.
Eduardo Martinez Zapata,
educator and son of immigrant
farmworkers, will share his im­
pressions of the Western Re­
gional Conference for Immi­
grant Rights recently held in
Los Angeles.
Local residents are invited to
learn about the presentations
and discussions that addressed
globalization'and immigration
and how to build on the tremen­
dous protests for immigrant
The discussion is sponsored
by the Freedom Socialist Party.
For more information or to ar­
range childcare, call 503-240-
Lacat is 'Fresher
Aben Hill
W e lls F a rg o Bank has h ire d
T ig a rd re s id e n t A b e n H ill as a
C o m m u n ity B a n k in g d is tr ic t
m a n a g e r and a s s is ta n t v ic e
p re s id e n t.
Based in T ig a rd , H ill manages
the c u s to m e r se rvice , sales and
s ta ff d e v e lo p m e n t e ffo rts o f 58
team m em bers at seven bank
branches in L e b a n o n , M t. A n ­
g e l. S ilv e rto n , S ta y to n . Sweet
H om e and W o o d b u rn .
H ill p re v io u s ly w o rk e d in a
sim i la r p o s itio n at C h e v y Chase
Bank in W a s h in g to n , D .C . He
earned a b a c h e lo r's o f science
d e g re e in m a n a g e m e n t at
P otom ac C o lle g e .
Founded in 1852, W e lls Fargo
& C o m p a n y is a d iv e rs ifie d f i ­
n a n cia l se rvice s co m p a n y w ith
$492 b illio n in assets, p ro v id ­
in g b a n k in g , in su ra n ce , in v e s t­
m ents, m o rtg a g e and c o n su m e r
fin a n c e to m ore than 23 m illio n
custom ers fro m m ore than 6,200
stores and the In te rn e t.
S a tu r d a y & S u n d a y » 1 1 a m - 5 p m
J u i c e , f la v o r , c r u n c h , c o lo r , v a r ie t y ! T h is w e e k e n d
p ro d u c e
th e s e
d e p a rtm e n t
ir r e s is t ib le
p r e tty s im p le
o u r p ro d u c e
b u r s tin g
w it h
s u m m e r f r u it q u a lit ie s .
m ake
t h is
b u y e r, m a k e s
I t's
a ll
r e a lly
h a p p e n . J e f f F a ir c h ild ,
it a p o i n t t o
o u r f r u i t t r e e - r ip e a n d r e a d y - t o - e a t f r o m
p u rc h a s e
N o rth w e s t
g r o w e r s w h o a r e p a s s i o n a t e a b o u t t h e ir c r o p s . S t o p
b y t h is w e e k e n d a n d s a m p l e t h e b e s t lo c a ll y g r o w n
s u m m e r f r u it w e t h i n k y o u ’ll f in d a n y w h e r e .
A R B O R L O D G E : N I n t e r s t a t e A v e & P o r t la n d B lv d P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 1 7 5 0 3 .4 6 7 .4 7 7 7
N E 3 3 r d & K illin g s w o r t h P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 . 2 8 8 .3 8 3 8
a n d fiv e o t h e r P o r t l a n d a r e a l o c a t i o n s . V is it u s o n l i n e a t w w w . n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t . c o m .