(Hi Page B6 l |JortLxnò ©bserUer Pori land OL f e r v e i Auf© R C ¥ I B 2006 Subaru Impreza WRX by K athleen C arb The 2006 W R X ’s powerful de­ livery is soft at low rpm but the new 2.5-liter (urbo provides more bottom -end pull and an even deeper m idrange. H andling is superb thanks to a w ell-tuned suspension and stan d ard a ll­ wheel drive. The W RX’s potential is pretty down-to-earth. Smooth steering, brake, and accelerator inputs pro­ mote quick m an-m achine bond­ ing, and this editor enjoyed slam ­ m ing the new " s h o rt-th ro w ” shifter (still seems tall) through its gates. Subaru d id n ’t spoil the stick shift experience with a re­ calcitrant clutch: the W RX ’s left pedal is gradual and forgiving. Cockpit controls are your typi­ cal 90s-style Japan layout - intui- ti ve, h ig h q u a lity , s h a llo w cupholders. Cruddy gray dash­ board plastic abounds, though the WRX Lim ited shifts your at­ tention to one o f the nicer leather interiors at this price. Another such item is the stereo. Too many system s try to show off with wattage, speaker count, or over­ em phasized bass; the 140-watt WRX com es out ahead by bal­ ancing crisp lows, mids, and highs News and reviews on new motor vehicles firm seat cushion lending superb support, all that stomping room under the front seats, a comfortable armrest right in the middle, and a fhx>r hump no bigger than a front- wheel-drive car's. As long as no one’s stuck being the middleman and everyone’s under six feet, the Impreza is actually quite the fine four-seater There goes the Impreza again, surpassing expectations set up by appearances and practical data. All-wheel-drive isn’t for every­ one, but it’s hard to argue with a performance car that doesn't short­ change passengers, is great for in­ clement weather, and an get de­ scent gas mileage. Impreza is a prac­ tical. fun-to-drive alternative to the typically dull cars that populate its segment of the market. Tested Vehicle Inform ation: into a very fulfilling soundstage. If you judge the size of the ve­ Price: $25,620 (base $24,995); E n­ hicle before you have a chance to gine: 2.5 liter 4cylinders; Trans­ sit, you’ll never discover the high. mission: 5-speed manual. Olimi S ports - World Cup Fever I ta ly w in s ! D ow ntow n's Pioneer Square was the Portland center for W orld Cup frenzy on Sunday, during the heated final between Italy and France. A crowd o f 8,(XX) spilled out onto sidewalks and streets, lending a European air to the city center, as a giant 17 by 26 foot screen transfixed onlookers. The live broadcast from G er­ m any boom ed throughout the square, as passionate fans for b o th c o u n trie s w a tc h e d the match grow ugly, and at some tim es brutal, before France went dow n 5-3 in a shootout after a I- I draw. The Oregon Sports Authority and T A O W P ro d u c tio n s c o ­ hosted free screenings o f the sem i-finals and cham pionship, w h ic h a ls o g o t s u p p o rt by local and international businesses. O regon S ports A u th o rity ’s CEO Drew M ahalic said this was the first time in O regon’s history that the public was offered a large screen sports broadcast of an event taking place elsewhere. Given the extrem ist nature of soccer fans, M ahalic was pleased with how well behaved the sur­ prisingly large crowd was. and said they 're looking for future opportunities. “ It went smooth as silk," he said. "The W orld Cup in 2010 will take place in South Africa, 8.000 soccer fans packed into downtown's Pioneer Square on Sunday, to catch Italy and France vie for the World Cup and it’s almost a given that w e’ll Championship. The Italians suffered through off-field match fixing scandal, then extra-time during the final match, do this again.” to prevail 5-3 over France. Trail Blazers Street Jam Rose Garden to Host NCAA The Rose Garden was selected to host the 2009 NCAA M en’s Basketball first and second round The Portland Trail Blazers and Special Olympics Oregon team up to present the Trail Blazers Street Jam. the most electrifying outdoor 3 on 3 basketball experience in Or­ egon, Saturday and Sunday. July 29-30 beginning at 8 a.m. at the Rose Quarter Commons. From recreational playerstoelite games today by the NCAA Division I M en's Basket­ ball C om m ittee today. T w enty-fourcities will serve as hosts for the first and second round and regional games in 2009 and 2010. Games will be played at the Rose Garden on Thursday, March 19 and Saturday, March 2 1,2 0 0 9 with the University o f Oregon being the host school. "W e are thrilled to be the host venue for the 2009 M en’s NCAA first and second round gam es." stated Mike Scanlon, G eneral M anager o f the Global Spec­ MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING trum -m anaged Rose Q uarter. “ It took a lot of hard work by a number o f individuals in order to bring this Residential & Commercial Service tournam ent back to Oregon, including the Oregon Sports A uthority, the City of Portland, the U niver­ sity of O regon. Portland Arena M anagement and the Portland Oregon Visitors A ssociation.” Tw ootherG lobal Spectrum-managed facilities will host the 2009 M en’s NCAA tournam ent: W achovia C enter in Philadelphia and Arizona C ardinals Sta­ dium in Glendale. As selected by the com m ittee in 2003, D etroit is the host of the 2009 Final Four and Indianapolis is the site o f the 2010 Final Four. Experience the master's touch CARPET CLEANING 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL Portland Teens Qualify Hundreds of young track and field athletes competed at the USA Track and Field Region 13 Junior Olympic Championships, held last week at Willamette University in Salem. Schaveyantay Hill o f Portland (center), shown running in the intermediate girls age group, quali­ fied in the 100 meter, 200 meter and 400 meter sprints, securing her spot to compete at Nationals, July 25 through 30 in Baltimore, Md. 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) STAIRS (w/th other service) ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS: “ Master Barber" at /Ichievers I ’Sdrbersilop 1 518 S.E. Morrison St., Portland. OR 97214 Phone: (503)232-3842 Sprodlizing in Textunrrrs and Tai lured Cuts for Mm fc Women Since 1924 Cell: (503)887-5740 www.achieversbarbershop.com • achieversbarbershop(» hotmatl.com Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm. 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M IU M N II Agent $25.00 A dditionat Services • AREAS ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • A U TO / B O A T /R V CLEANING • DEODORIZING S PET ODOR TREA TMENT • SPO TS STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION . A.J. Davis — The Original compet itors. the Trai 1BI azers Street Jam has games for all ages and abilities. Teams are guaranteed a minimum of three games. All net proceeds benefit Special Olympics. Admission forspectators is free, and 3-5 person team prices are $ 125. Visit www.BlazersStreetJam.com or call 1-877-266-5808. Landscape Maintenance • Pruning • Irrigation Repair • Consultations C ull Jesse Carrel (503,753-4646 l o r vo u r fr e e estim ate CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (S03) 281-3949 I , I i