Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 12, 2006, Page 11, Image 11

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    July 12. 2006
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R eligion
Page B5
S co ty Fram e
Spiritual life depends on the
purposes we cherish. — CharlesSpurgeon
(5 0 3 ) 2 4 9 -1 6 8 3
Multnomah County Co Chau
R e c o v e r y A s s o c ia tio n
1100 Nt 28th Avenue
Portland. OR 97232
Second Annual Women With “Hattitude”
RAP Office (503)493 9211
Fax (503)493 9249
S co tz o li9 y a h o o .c o m
www.rap r»w org
T h e la d ie s o f B e th e sd a C h ris tia n
C hurch w ould like to e x te n d an invitation
to attend the 2nd A nnual W om en W ith
"H attitu d e” T ea on Saturday. July 22,
from I :(M) pm to 4 :0 0 pm. T h eT ea is a
fundraising event to benefit the upcom ing
W o m e n ’s R evival, scheduled for A ug.
T h e p ro g ra m w ill in c lu d e a S ile n t
A u ctio n o f "th e m e d h a tb o x e s ” fo r m en
an d w o m e n , as w ell as b e a u tifu l “o n e-
o f-a -k in d " h ats th at h av e b een d e sig n e d
and d o n a te d by local m illin e rs an d ha,
su p p lie rs. In a d d itio n , th e w o m e n w ill
have free ra ffle d ra w in g s th ro u g h o u t
th e a fte rn o o n .
W ear y o u r m ost fabulous hat and jo in
them for Fellow ship, G reat Food and Fun!
Individual and g ro u p tickets are av a il­
able now for don atio n s o f $7 (fo r indi­
vidual tickets) and $70 (to sponsor a
table). If you are unable to attend, your
tax-deductible financial donations are w el­
com e and appreciated.
For additional ticket inform ation, please
e m a il
W anda
P h illip s
w anda. ph i 11 ips @ com cast. net, or by phone
at 360-381-0397.
W atch K A T U -C hannel 2 at 9 :0 0 am
on Friday, July 14. T he ladies o f B ethesda
C hristian C hurch are scheduled to a p ­
pear on the AM N orthw est television
program to prom ote the W om en W ith
H attitude Tea.
P r o je c t
...c h a lle n g in g
th e s tig m a ...
' Cfapd of U m Ros« P
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Ernest J. Hill, Jr.
Portland Boxing
Legend Dies at 63
Halim Rahsaan, formerly known as W illiam
Earl Cross, was born on May 12, 1943 to the
Union o f W i 11 ¡am Cross and Harrie Belle Thurman
Cross Paris. Rahsaan passed away on July 7,
Rahsaan’s primary education began at Elliott
Elem entary School, continued at Benson Poly­
technic High School, and he graduated from
Jefferson High School in 1961. Immediately
following high school, he enlisted in the U.S.
A rm y. F ollow ing his h o n o rab le d isch arg e,
Rahsaan attended Southern Illinois University
and Lewis and Clark College, where he received
num erous c e rtifi­
cates and honors.
R ahsaan boxed
out o f the K nott
Street Com m unity
Center, where his
team won three na­
tional titles, and in
2005 the b o x in g
team was inducted
in to the O re g o n
S p o rts H all o f
Halim Rahsaan
Rahsaan was in­
volved in many com m unity organizations, a few
o f which were Black United Front, Coalition o f
Black Men, CM ac, the TriM et Rider Advocates,
Crisis Team and the Youth G ang O utreach
Program .
Rahsaan was preceded in death by his parents
W illiam Cross and Harrie Belle Cross (Paris);
brother Chuckie Casson, and grandson Isaac
Jam es W est. He leaves to m ourn his w ife,
Frances Rahsaan, brothers Jeffrey Casson and
Todd C ross; children Stevie M ays, Pam ela
Rahsaan-M iles, A nthony Rahsaan, K im berly
G ivens-Rahsaan, Erica Rahsaan-W est, Michael
Rahsaan, TonjaG reen, Khaleelah Rahsaan; Karim
Rahsaan; 18 grandchildren; three great grand­
children, and a host o f aunts, nieces, nephew s
and many friends.
Charlene Stewart
C h a r le n e
C a sh
‘M a m a ’ S te w a rt w as
born June 21, 1922 in
G reenw ood M ississippi
to the late Robert Cash
and Violet Garner. She
peacefully passed aw ay
at her hom e in Portland,
Oregon on May 13,2006.
A m em orial service was
held May 19. 2006 at
C a ld w e l l’s C o lo n ia l
C hapel C harlene w as
raise d by h er g ra n d ­
m other the late Nancy
G arner in M emphis, T ennessee. She ac­
cepted Jesus Christ at early age. In 1944.
she m arried the late Robert L. Stew art Sr.,
and m oved to the N orthw est area in 1945.
She becam e a hom em aker and worked part
tim e as a seam stress in a Port­
land dress shop. After surviv­
ing the Vanport Flood o f 1948,
she moved with her spouse to
Portland, Oregon w here she
rem ained until her departure
from his life. She becam e the
m other o f 5 children. She was
the first African-A m erica wid­
ow ed parent on Drum mond
A venue to own her home. She
displayed unconditional love
to everyone she met. Because
o f her warm and loving per­
sonality. Mama Stewart b e­
cam e the ‘unofficial’ adoptive m other to
hundreds o f children as well as adults. She
was a very popular cook and cashier at
F ranklin’s Ready Ribs in Northeast Portland
from I9 7 6 u n tilh e rretirem e n tin 1988.
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A w ish changes nothing. A decision changes everything!
to bring to the body o f Christ his m inistry of
On M ay 16.1928 inO berlin,O hio, Aaron
reconciliation. He also gave to o th er groups,
M cQueen Hamlin was born to Irene and organizationsandchurches, large and small,
Aaron Ruben Hamlin. He was the third o f across the country and in other parts o f the
four children blessed to this union. He world. A gentle man with a true servant
attended elem entary and high school in heart, he had the gift o f encouragem ent and
O berlin. At an early age, he confessed his exhortation.
faith in Christ.
A m ong his pastorates were a Christian
Aaron served in the arm y for tw o years. & M issionary A lliance church in Pasadena,
In those early years, he had a love for the Calif, and Piedmont Friends Church in Port­
gam e o f football and actually aspired to be la n d , b e fo re ta k in g the p a s to ra te o f
a professional football player until the Lord P o rtla n d 's M allo ry A v en u e C h ristian
called him into full-tim e ministry. He at­ C hurch, where he served until retiring d u r­
tended Nyack College, in Nyack. New York.
ing the sum m er o f 2(X)5. He instituted many
A aron w as a founding organizer o f the program s there to benefit the people and
NBEA in 1963, which he served faithfully the com m unity. Aaron was a recipient of
and enthusiastically, in such capacities as many honors. O ne for which he was particu­
Field Director. Executive Director and Presi­ larly proud was a few years ago. having his
dent. His work was so valuable to NBEA
alm a m ater N yack C ollege award him an
that he w as even nicknam ed “ Mr. N BEA ." honorary doctoral degree in recognition of
He served on the Boards and/or as an his great service to the body o f Christ and
addition to a num ber o f organizations, in­ to society at large.
c lu d in g th e N atio n al A sso c ia tio n o f
"Then I heard a voice from heaven say­
Evangelicals, the Friends Church, W orld
ing to me. "Write Blessed are the dead who
Relief, W orld Vision. V oice o f Calvary. die in the Lord from n o w o n .’ ‘Y es,’ says the
M ission A m erica and North Portland Bible Spirit, ‘that they may rest from their labors,
College. O ne o f his m ajor m otivations was and their works follow them .” Rev. 14 : 13.
Day sessions begin at 10 a.m.,
evening sessions begin at 7 p.m., and
the Sunday, July 23 sessions begins
at 2 p.m. Celebrations happen at the
following locations: St. Luke M em o­
rial, 2700 Northeast Fremont. W alker
Temple. 5023 N. Michigan Ave. Solid
Rock. 1705 Northeast D ekum . and
E m m anuel T em p le Full G o sp el
Church. 1032 N. Sumner.
No registration is required and
offerings will be taken. For inform a­
tion call Dee W alker at 503-288-0379
or Solid Rock Church of God In Christ.
Female Choir Sings Praises
Fem ale voices from the Port­
land area are invited to jo in the
choir for “ Her Cry - Her Prayer- Her
Praise," a free spiritual com m unity
event from 5 to 9 p.m. Saturday,
Sept. 2, at the Em bassy Suites H o­
tel, 7900 NE 82™' Ave, near the
Portland International Airport.
The event is part o f the "W om en
Em pow ering W om en” conference
being presented by “W om en With
a V ision." a com m unity organiza­
tion featuring local wom en. The
g r a s s r o o ts n o n - p ro f it g ro u p .
founded by executive director
Kim Green, is dedicated to help­
ing diverse groups o f people in
various capacities. The group
believes in the im portance o f
giving back to the com m unity
and pulling together people
without the barriers o f race,
background or denom ination.
W om en interested in jo in ­
ing the choir should contact
choir director Paula Brew er at
9 7 1 - 5 3 3 -9 1 7 5 . A lso see
wwav2(X)6 .mollyguard.com.
How Would You Perfect the Rose City?
St. with a free show at 7:30 p.m. on St.; and on Friday. Ju ly 28 at the
W ednesday, Ju ly 12.
Portland C om m unity C ollege C a s­
m usicians. The com ic cabaret por­
P a id - a d m is s io n e v e n ts a re cade C am p u s M o irarity A rts and
trays the fam iliar but eccen tric planned at 8 p.m . on F riday and H u m a n itie s C e n te r , 7 0 5 N
ch a racters o f O z: A m anda C arey S atu rd ay . July 14 and 15 at T he K illin g sw o rth A ve.; an d at 8 p.m.
plays a feisty and funny D or­ NW C ultural C enter. L o w erG reat o n S a t u r d a y , J u ly
2 9 at
othy; A lexandra B radbury plays Room, 18 19 N.W . Everett St. T ick ­ C a rp e n te r's U nion H all. 2215 N.
the Tin Punk; D arryl! M och e m ­ ets are $16 in ad v an ce o r $20 at Lombard.
bodies the Scaredy " W h e re 's the the door.
M ore paid ad m issio n p erfo r­
duet ta p e? " C row ; Jan R osenthal
A dditional free ad m issio n p e r­ m ances are sch ed u led at 8 p.m ..
is N oel C o w a rd ly L y in ': and form an ces take p lace at 7 p.m .. Friday, A ug 4 and 5 at C o H o
M ollie H art plays the G ood/B ad T u esd ay , July 18 at St. F ran cis T h eatre, 2257 N.W . R aleigh.
W itch G lin d a Lola W itchita.
Park. 330 S.E. 11"1 A v e.; an d at 7
R e s e r v a tio n s a r e r e c o m ­
Perform ances begin at TheC’ity p.m .. T h u rsd ay , Ju ly 20 at the m ended for all sh o w s by callin g
Repair Project. 2 122 S.E. D ivision Friendly H ouse. 2 7 12 N. W. Savier 503-288-5181.
24 Hour Good Neighbor Service®
Aaron McQueen Hamlin
62nd Annual Holy Convocation
C elebrate with the Church o f God
in Christ during the 62nd Annual
Holy C onvocation o f Oregon First
Jurisdiction, M onday July 17 through
23. BishopA.R. Hopkins will preside,
with Mrs. Charlotte M. Brandon as
Supervisor o f the W om en's Team.
The w eeklong celebration begins
Friday. July 14, at 7 p.m. with a Pre-
C onvocation Musical at Solid Rock
COGIC, 1705 Northeast Dekum, fea­
turing local church choirs directed
by P asto r L onnie L. H osley o f
Heaven Bound Deliverance Center.
4946 N Vancouvei Avenue Portland. OR 97217
503 286 1103 Fax 503 28b 1146
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