'rin 'JjJortíanb Of) h serv er July 5. 2006 IP ©rilanJ Observer A of© R © v iew Page A9 News and reviews on new motor vehicles by K athleen C akr suspension and 17-inch w heels and tires. Leather upholstery, wood grain trim , heated seats, xenon H ID headlamps, a prem ium eight-speaker Bose stereo, and conve­ niences that are optional on the SE are all standard on the SL. Some o f the options offered are D rive r Preferred Package at $ 1,8(X)( Bluetooth Hands Free Phone Sys­ tem, E le ctro n ic outside m irro rs w ith memory. D river seat w ith 2 position memory and power lum bar and heated power tilt/ telescopic steering wheel w /m em ory), Elite Package SI,75()(2-passenger rear seating/ healed rear seals, rear center console w / 12V power point, auto up and down w in ­ dows, and power rear sunshade), Sirius satellite radio, navigation system, and power glass sunroof. The 2(XX, Nissan M axim aoffersdistinc- tive styling, a sophisticated personality, and above-par performance. Straddling the line between m id-size sedan and a near-luxury sport sedan, it ’ s a car de­ signed fo r auto aficionados w ho appreci­ ate something different. The Nissan M axim a features achiseled, muscular body w ith pronounced charac­ terlines. This is especially true at the front end, where a rounded-rectangle texture fills in the tw in nostrils in Nissan's signa­ ture grille, split by a dark chrome medallion at the center, w ith aerodynam ically inte­ grated headlight clusters wrapping over the top and around at the sides. C ruising on the roadways is effortless in the M axim a. The 3 .5 -lite r V 6 develops 265 horsepowerand pulls strongly in pass­ ing situations. The V 6 has such a broad pow er band that the M axim a is happy being either a high-revving hard-charger o r a cruising the c ity streets. The interior o f the M axim a is innovative The Nissan M axim a is luxurious w ith innovative styling and interior features. Its engine is pow erful and its ride is snuxrth and quiet. and comfortable. The seals in the SL look nice and feel supportive and luxurious at the same time. The control switches are easily located, however one might miss the controls fo r the heated seats and sun­ shade hidden on the front side o f the center console. The base SL model ($30,000) comes w ith the five-speed automatic, a softer Tested Vehicle Information: $J6.140 (base$J0,IX)0) price: 21J Cubic Inch V6 Engine; 5-Speed Automatic Transmission. S ports Blazers Wheel and Deal > Kids enjoy a Summer Celebration at Montavilla Park in northeast Portland. Brandon Roy Parks Programs Find Support A Sum m er Playgrounds program , o ffe rin g free a fte r-sch o o l a c tiv itie s fo r lo w -in co m e kid s and the c o n ­ stru ctio n o f a new skatepark at Pier Park in north P ortland are b e n e fit­ ing fro m a generous $250,000 dona­ tio n fro m N ikeG o. N ik e ’ s long-term p u b lic s e rv ic e c a m p a ig n g e ts kid s m o vin g and gives them the Wrestling Club Help means to do it. A lb in a com m unity o l north anti north­ east Portland, has received a $2,5(X) grand from the Fred M eyer Founda­ tion. The amateur wresting program con­ siders wresting as the ultimate chal­ lenge sport that offers the most re­ warding benefits fo r developing self- N orthw est D isciples W res­ tlin g C lub, a group serving disad­ vantaged and at-risk youth in the Experience the master's touch A.J. Davis ~ The Original “ A t a tim e when o besity is iden­ The playgrounds support w ill pay fo r recreation specialists at IO Port­ land parks, many o f them in north and northeast Portland. N ikeG o cards w ill be distributed to about 8(X) kids to pay fo r registration fees fo r after school activities they w ould otherwise be unable to afford. "Master Barber" confidence, personal discipline, strong w ork ethics and personal integrity. The organization expects to produce not only outstanding athletes, but excep­ tional young people and leaders who w ill be future assets to their com m unity. For more inform ation about the club, contact Tom Bispham at 503-659-0225. /E Iclucvei's Ì xirbcrslio| 518 S.E. Morrison St., Portland, OR 97214 tifie d as the most com m on co n trib u ­ to r to diabetes am ong c h ild re n , N ik e 's c o n trib u tio n goes beyond p ro v id in g fun and games fo r kids. It w ill also im p ro ve th e ir health and overall w e ll-b e in g ,” said ZariSanter, d ire c to r o f P ortland Parks and Rec­ reation. Phone: (503)232-3842 Cell: (503)887-5740 www.achieversbarbershop.com • achieversbarbershopb» hotmail.com Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm, Saturday by appointm ent Experienced w ith all types of hair! T heTrail Blazers dealt Telfairand R a tliff and a 2(X)8 pick to Boston in exchange fo r the No. 7 pick, center Raef I aFrentz and Dan I fickau. The C eltics took 6-fiM«-4 Foye out o f V illanova. (A P ) The Portland T rail Blazers were busy in the hours before the N B A D raft last week, p ulling o ff a trio o f trades. In a last-minute stunner, the Blazers traded the No. 4 pick, Tyrus Thomas, to the Chicago Bulls along w ith forward V ik to r K hryapaanda conditional second-round pick lo r the No. 2 overall pick, LaMarcus Aldridge. The B la ze rs also traded aw ay guard Sebastian T e lfa ir and center Theo R a tliff to Boston fo r the No. 7 pick, Randy Foye, then The Blazers finished last season 21-61. the worst record in the N B A . And the team's ow n ­ ership situation is in lim bo, w ith owner Paul A lle n claim ing the franchise is losing trx» much money. swappedhim w ith Minnesota fo r the No. 6 pick, Brandon Roy. A ldridge, a 6-foot-11 pow erforw ard/center who played as a sophomore last season at Texas, is known fo r his defense. He averaged 12.4 points last season and was named the Big 12 defensive player o f the year. Michael E Harper CCI E co -F riendiy P rodiict & S ervices Spring lias Sprung C a ll Jesse Carrel (503)753-4646 503 221 3050 Fax 503 227 8757 michael harper cuik@ statefarm com T o r y o u r f r e e e s tim a te 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) STAIRS (with other service) Each Area $ 3 5 .0 0 $ 1.50 Each A d d itio n a l S e rv ice s • AREA & ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • AUTO / B O A T /R V CLEANING • DEODORIZING A PET ODOR TREA TMENT • SPOT A STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE - SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION 2. Criminal Accusations: • Sex crim es • Drug crim es • All m isdem eanors and felonies r o je e $ 2 5 .0 0 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL Landscape Maintenance • Pruning • Irrigation Repair • Consultations Race, Age, Sex, and Disability 9045 SW Barbur Blvd. Suite 109 Portland. OR 97219 The prep phenom out o f Abraham Lincoln HighSchool in New York was expected to be the face o f the franchise, but struggled last season w ith a thumb injury, and watched as Steve Blake became the team s starter at the point. T e lfa ir averaged 8.1 points and 3.5 assists over tw o seasons w ith the Blazers His shoot­ ing percentage was .395. R esidential & C o m m ercial Service I. Employment Discrimination: Agent Te I fa i r was d ra fled w ith the 13th overal I pick tw o years ago. CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Experienced Attorney over 25 years defending People against Home Office, Bloomington. Illinois 61710 A lle n , nonetheless, participated in the draft, ensconced at the team's practice fa c ility just south o f Portland. M A R T IN CLEANING SERVICE SONA JOINER CALL NOW State Farm* Pruviding Insurance and Financial Services LaMarcus Aldridge Get No. 2 and No. 7 picks; Telfair traded i / w u / o o c6 je t / Specializing in Texiurizers and tailored Cuts for Men & Women Since I9¿8 Sebastian Telfair UPHOLSTERY CLEANING SOFA -- ----------------------------------- $ 6 9 .0 0 LOVESEAT --------------------------- $ 4 9 .0 0 SECTIONAL ---------------------------- $ 9 9 .0 0 CHAIR OR RECLINER _________ $ 3 5 .0 0 THROW PILLOWS ------------------------ $ 5 .0 0 503-241-1113 Free Phone Consultations 22.1 NE Russell St Portland, Oregon (503)287-4914 Open M -F9-5 pm • Saturdays 10-5 pm FURNITURE SALE 50% -70% A ll The Time Help Support The Youth ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS: Are you behind on your house payments? We show Homeowners who are behind on their payments how to Sell in Just 7 Days! Without taking a loss! Call 503 753 66X0 TODAY to find out how! I , COUPON SPECIAL ANY 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL A SOFA OR HALL, LOVESEA T A CHAIR I l _ _________ ~ CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (503) 281-3949