luiys. 2006 alu |Jortkutb ©bseruer Page A 7 Focus_____________ Best Hip-Hop, RstB, Gospel Named Performers honored at BET awards inentscame w hen Mary Mary dedi­ cated the song "Y esterday" to sur­ vivors o f Hurricane Katrina and when Harry Belafonte, 79, accepted a humanitarian award. "T h is award doesn't just touch vanity," Belafonte said. " It is a va li­ dation o f what I stand for. w hat Paul Robeson stood for. Il's a validation ot what W .E.B. Dubois stood for, what M alcolm X and Dr. King stoixl for." (A P ) — M ary J. B lige, Kanye West. Jamie Foxx and Chris Brow n were all double winners at the an­ nual BET Awards in Los Angeles. B lige won female R & B artist during the June 27 ceremony . And in a tie, she. West and Foxx shared the prize fo r v id e o o f the year. B lige won fo r “ Be W ithout Y o u ," w hich features Terrence Howard, who was named best actor. West and Foxx won the video honor fo r “ G old Digger," w hich was also chosen as best collaboration. The megahit also won a G ram m y this year. "L o ve to all black people," a ju ­ bilant Foxx told the Shrine A u d ito ­ rium crowd. “ Y ’ a ll are stepping up black m usic," West said. “ This is the best music right here, and w e've got to keep on givin g it to them like that.” B ro w n to o k home v ie w e r’ s choice, fo r his “ Excuse Me Miss,” and best new artist. Chaka Khan, who was recog­ Damon Wayans hosted Black Entertainment T elevision's perfor­ mance-packed awards program, w hich recognizes the best in hip- hop. R & B . gospel and music v id ­ eos. as w ell as athletes and actors. Star Jones Reynolds ‘The View’ Boots Star Jones N B A star LeBron James and ten­ nis star Venus W illiam s were named best athletes. "H ustle & F lo w " star Taraji P. Henson won best actress, and the best group was Black Eyed Peas. Jamie Foxx (right) and Fantasia perform during the 6th annual BET Awards in Los Angeles. (AP photo) nized fo r lifetim e achievement, ac­ cepted the honor in star-studded style. “ I am so honored to be honored by my people. This means every­ thing to m e." she said as Stevie W onder, Prince. In d ia .A rie and Yolanda Adams jo in e d heron stage fo r a live-song celebration. The 5 3 -y e a r-o ld singer was among a dozen performers, in clu d ­ ing B lige, Foxx, Brown. Beyonce, Busta Rhymes, Gospel duo M ary M ary and rapper T.I. T .l. won the male hip-hop artist trophy and dedicated it to every- one "w h o been told they can't do it." Prince, whoclosed the show w ith his song "3121." won form ale R &B artist. "T h is was unexpected; I appre­ ciate it nonetheless." he said. The night's most touching tno- M issy E llio tt, w ho recently signed on to star in the big-screen version o f her life story, won for female hip-hop artist, and K irk Franklin fo r gospel artist. "S o many people owe B E T a lo t," F ra n k lin said before the show. “ E very A fric a n -A m e ric a n w ho's in music, television o r film , B E T has got us in to this. A nd there's a lo t o f us." Bringing His Funkiness to Town West Coast rapper lays foundation It's called a moment o f clarity. For raunchy rapper Too Short, it came during a solo road trip from I as Vegas to Los Angeles and back. Too Short will perform at the Roseland Theater. That epiphany helped Short turn over a new leaf lo r his upcoming album, due in the fall. "W h a t's M y Favorite W ord?" ( )kav, so maybe Shorty the Pimp hasn’ t gone all "D onahue" on us. but the Oakland rapper, who has made a m ultiplatinum career out o f talking d irty, does feel like he's gone back to his signature formula for the new album. A s yo u lo o k th ro u g h T o o S h o rt's extensive body o f w o rk. Ft is hard to miss the raw sexuality o f m any o f his songs. A nd yes. his sex-raps are what his name is synom ym ous w ith , but there is more to his m usic that sig n ifie s ( AP) — Star Jones Reynolds was txxited from "The V ie w ” last week, one day after surprising A B C and Barbara W alters by sa yin g on the a ir th a t she w o u ld n 't be returning to the day­ time talk show in the fall. A B C had decided against re­ n e w in g R e y n o ld s ’ c o n tra c t months ago and the show was planning to le, Reynolds an­ nounce it, according to Walters. Reynolds could say whatever she wanted to about w hy she was leaving, "and we w ould back her u p ," the lo n g tim e A B C newswoman said. his im portance to hip hop. His tradem ark fu n k sound is too o f­ ten overlooked as laying the fo u n ­ dation fo r the so ca lle d West Coast Sound o f hip hop. Too Short brings his funkiness to dow ntown Portland along w ith Suga Free and M eezilini on Satur­ day. July 8 at 8 p.m. at the Roseland Theater. T ic k e ts are a va ila b le through any TicketsW est location by calling 503-224-8499. Walters d id n 't discuss on the air why Reynolds, an o riginal cast member w ho's been on the show for nine years, w asn't be­ ing asked back. She said earlier that research showed audience members were turned o f f by- Reynolds' dramatic weight loss and glitzy wedding to banker A l Reynolds in 2004. Reynolds later retorted that T V ratings and her book sales indicated this w asn't true. — — ■ ........ State Farm Providing liriu u n ie arxt hitani i i! Services CD is Lifetime ‘Journey’ Singer, producer and s o n g w rite r 1 )onel I Jones returned to the music scene after a three year hiatus w ith the single "B etter Start T a lkin g ," featuring p la ti­ num producer Jermaine Dupri. Now Jones brings us his fourth stu­ dio album "Journey o f a G e m in i" which includes the smash singles " I'm Gonna Be." produced by hit makers, T im and Bob and "P ortrait o f a W om an." w hich he co-produced. "J o u rn e y " has not been an easy voyage. He has overcome several per­ sonal challenges in life w hich have a l­ lowed him to say he is more than a conqueror. One o f those challenges was his battle w ith alcoholism , w hich he dealt w ith fo r quite some time. A fte r months o f fighting his battle. Donell checked h im self into a rehab Juneteenth, the oldest national celebration o f the ending o f slavery in the U.S. In this first biography o f Coretta Scott K ing, w ith a forew ord by M artin Luther K ing HI. the reader meets a determined young g irl w ho grew up in Alabama and worked her way through A ntioch College only to discover that she was not a l­ lowed to leach in the w hite schools in Ohio. She pursued a musical ca­ reer in Boston, where she met M ar­ tin Luther K ing. Jr. First published in 1970 by For­ tress Press, this comm emorative edition has been thoroughly up­ dated. includes a black and white photo gallery, and is fu ll o f warmth I Ernest J. Hill, Jr. c lin ic w ith the help o f friends and fam ily and obtained the necessary care that he needed fo r h im se lf and his four daugh­ ters. Agent 4946 N Vancouvei Averinc Portland OR 9Z?1Z 503286 1103 Fax 503 28b 1146 emit: lull bfxnli'i.statidaim com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service" He said w ould like to serve as an inspiration to others and let them know it's ok to admit that there is a problem and "just listen to your heart and your fam ily." Jones grew up in Chicago. A t the age o f I I . he taught h im self how to play the keyboard, started perform ing in his high school lu n c h ro o m and e v e n tu a lly , jo in e d a singing group, a decision that helped him stay away from the dangers o f C'hi-town tough street life. Years later, Jones got his first real break in the music industry, after meet­ ing Untouchable Entertainment CEO and Founder Eddie F. Through the Eyes of a Friend telling the story Story of Coretta and human interest, o f Coretta Scott King from h e rc h ik lh o o ilto Scott King A new printing o f Coretta: The Story o f Coretta Scott K ing by her life lo n g frie n d Octavia V ivia n com ­ memorates the 140"' a n n iv e rs a ry of Maine Office Bloomington. Illinois 61Z10 her death in February 2006. The book wins en­ d o rs e m e n ts fro m some o f the most re­ spected leaders o f our time. “ C o re tta S c o tt K ing'scom m itm entto justice and just peace was universal. We shall remember her as a great American c iv il rights activist and leader, but equally as one w ho openly and bravely o p ­ posed apartheid at a tim e when it w as neither fashionable nor easy to do so. She occupies a hallowed place in the memory o f freedom loving South Africans and A fr i­ cans at large." said Nelson Mandela. "Coretta Scott King was a lov ing mother, w ife, a reliable sister, friend and a great American. This w ork w ill h elpustoknow more about her resi lienee and her courage, and each o f us can grow stronger from the know ledge," said Maya Angelou. A w ish changes nothing V decision changes everything! R&B Crooner Donnell Jones. F ridays are KIND OF BLUE... ’’Sounds like the blues are composed o f feeling, finesse, and fear.” Billy Gibbons Z Z T op 891 Kimberly Adams, Owner Mortgage Broker Our Home Ownership and Mortgage Experts5"1 will BENEFIT YOU by delivering personalized home loan solutions to fit your needs. Good or bad credit! We’re local. We care. Experience the difference! Call (360) 433-2466 Toll free 1-877-436-2466 apply online at equal housing lender servinq Oregon & Washington 'S