Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 05, 2006, Page 3, Image 3

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    ŒI’r |J o r tla n ô © h s e ru e r
July 5. 2006
Martin Luther King Refocus
I,r P ortiani» (fib s e rïm Established 1970
USPS 959-680 ___ ______________________ _______
4747 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. B M .. Portland. OR 97211
from Front
Pi Hii'iim. Charles H Washington
EDinin: M ichaeI Leighton
D i s i k i h i um M i s a i . i k : Murk W ashington
C n a iii D i k i i mu: Paul N ettfeldt
O m n M i s a i , m: Kaths Linder
P i i o k i i k : Surah Mount
E d i i o k i s -C h i i i .
gtxxJ place to do business.
Mixed Use
PDC w ill prom ote com m ercial,
m ixed-use developm ent on the
street lik e the F rem ont and H e ri­
tage c o m m e rc ia l p ro je cts, the
V an p o rt P roject nearing ground
breaking, and possibly expand­
ing M L K ’ s O regon C onvention
C enter Urban Renewal D is tric t to
in clude sites past the intersec­
tions o f N ortheast A lb e rta and
K illin g s w o rth Streets. A n o th e r
strategy is to prom ote business
land ow nership eith e r through the
co n d o m in iu m m odel being used
at V anport o r a co m m e rcia l land
tru st.
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More Housing
PDC w ill support additional hous­
ing on PDC land sites, including the
Grant Warehouse and Beech prop­
erties, and create “ perm it-ready”
models and zone changes that
w ould make properties more suit­
able fo r housing developers.
To Place Your Classified Advertisement
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com
Transit, Parking
Im prove the function o f M L K
Boulevard fo r pedestrians and tran­
sit. This w ould include a study to
im prove design o f the boulevard,
and especially ways to increase the
parking supply.
The total cost o f the updated
strategy is about $9 m illio n over
and above funds already co m m it­
ted. The urban renewal district is
set to expire in 2013 and has about
$30 m illio n left to spend.
PDC staffer Estee Segal said that
the avenue has seen a lot o f devel­
opment at its north and south ends,
but PDC is concerned about a lack
o f progress near Northeast Fremont
to Alberta streets.
Richard Levy, a member o f urban
renewal comm ittee, said the refo­
cus attempt has a lot o f practical
“ It's a good step in the right
d ire ctio n ," he said.
Regina W illia m s o f Dewangee's
Bargain Place, 4606 N.E. M artin
Luther K ing Jr. Blvd., said people in
O r g an ize d
bus tours
Aug. 31 - Sept. 2
Intimate Apparel
by Lynn Nottage
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
by William Shakespeare
The Importance of Being Earnest
by Oscar Wilde
Hankins True Value Hardware and the construction of the adjacent Heritage office building are
success stories in the revitalization o f Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.
the com m unity are like the victim s
o f Hurricane Katrina and need f i ­
nancial help and affordable hous­
ing. She said an inform al poll o f her
The event w ill o ffe r alternatives to
the four-year col lege track, w ith repre­
sentatives from vocational schools,
jo b corps, the Arm ed Forces and com ­
m unity colleges to address the neces­
sary resources you need to succeed
after high school.
Sept. 2 - 3
custom ersalsoshowedlackofpark-
plary, unique showcase develop-
The Merry Wives of Windsor
ing to be an issue.
ment on M L K that w ould serve as
a magnet fo r people and future de­
by William Shakespeare
The Winter's Tale
P D C C o m m is s io n e r M a rk
Rosenbaum envisioned an exem-
Graduate Help on Future Plans
The first annual Graduating Class
Celebration, held Saturday, July 8 from
noon to 4 p.m. at S e lf Enhancement,
Inc., 3900 N. Kerby, w ill spotlight the
opportunities young people face, in an
e ffo rt to raise awareness o f the ben­
efits o f higher education for 16 to 24-
year olds.
($}45/person double occupancy)
M att Schmoker from Concorde Ca­
reer Institute w ill serve as the event's
keynote speaker, w ith DJ O .G.ONE,
also known as “ Preacher,” providing
live entertainment. More performances
w ill fo llo w , including V ibe magazine
draft pick T J . Hooker, a fashion show
hosted by Itchy Palms Urban Apparel
and a hair show hosted by Beau Monde
College o f H air Design.
The Z 100 Street Team Z -U n it w ill
g ive away prizes, in c lu d in g tickets
to T o o S hort, w ho is set to p e rfo rm
later that evening at the Roseland
Volunteer Meal Drivers Needed
Loaves &
Fishes C enters, the M e a ls-O n -W h e e ls
People is seeking volu n te e r d rive rs toensure hom ebound
seniors in northeast Portland receive n u tritio u s meals
by William Shakespeare
($27S/person double occupancy)
Sept. 29 - Oct. 1
Cyrano de Bergerac
by Edmond Rostand
The Importance of Being Earnest
by Oscar Wilde
and a b it o f com panionship.
“ These volunteers are so in va lu a b le because they not
o n ly help us feed o u r fra il e ld e rly, but they make sure
these seniors see a frie n d ly face at least once a week.
Intimate Apparel
by Lynn Nottage
(Sj45fperson double occupancy)
S om etim es the M e a ls-O n -W h e e ls d riv e r is the o n ly
person these hom ebound seniors see all da y,” said
Relax and Enjoy!
M a rtin L u th e r K in g . Jr. Loaves & Fishes M anager D avid
Round-trip coach trip; dinner
Lom ax.
w ith OSF actors; indoor and
M e a ls-O n-W heels are de live re d M o nday through
outdoor performances,
F riday between 10:30 a.m. and 12 p.m . D rive rs must be
lodging in downtown hotels;
at least 18 years o ld and have a va lid d riv e r's license.
shopping and much more1
rhp tragical H itltn y afO uctot Ftnatut (>0o$l T n w >nble
intim ate AppateHiooG] Gwendolyn Mulan<b.i Hany Adanv
Photos Davie) Cooper and T Chadex Erickson
(541) 482-2111 , ext. 240
amyr<®osfashland org
F or m ore in fo rm a tio n , ca ll Lom ax at 5 0 3 .9 8 8 .5 2 1 1.
Taking Leadershipto Heart Are you a mother with
custody of a daughter
aged 10-14?
front Front
“ It’ s been am azing," said Brand.
Local New Orleans contractors
have also come by w ith their crews
a fte r a fu ll d a y 's w o rk and v o lu n ­
teered their tim e. C ollege students
on sum m er break have jo in e d in
the c lin ic project and members o f
C om m on Ground arc helping w ith
“ T h is is go in g to be the o n ly
free, operational health care fa ­
c ility in that w a rd ,” Brand said.
“ The people in this ward are no,
qu ite p oor enough to get M e d i­
care and M e d ica id , and not rich
enough to a ffo rd priva te health
Her m other, D ebbie Brand said
the project has touched her em o­
tio n a lly .
Are you an African Amercian woman
with a daughter aged 10-14 years old?
We are working on a research project designed to reduce
the rates of adolescent pregnancy and we need your input.
Joe Oshea takes a break from working on the free health clinic.
“ You can't believe the responses.
There's not a finer group o f people
o r place on earth. These are people
who have lost everything. They're
so thankful because there's noth­
ing here. Everybody I look at smiles
back at me. The tears w ell up in
people's eyes. They are the kindest
people I ’ ve ever met,” she said.
The LC 3activists w ill also create
a database o f clinicians who w ill
volunteer at the clinic.
“ We want to he able to continue
assisting," Brand said.
The clin ic is expected to be fin ­
ished later this month.
ouu^uiuc e Î 503-288-(X)33 Out &
Sen C^P
d To:
$ 5 0 f o r y o u r tim e
P articip a te in a 90 m inutes fo c u s g ro u p w ith
o th e r m others. You m ust have sole or jo in t
c u s to d y o f y o u r daughter.
For more information about this research study call:
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I his research is being conducted by the Oregon Center lo r A p p lie d Science. Inc w ith funding
tro in the N ational Institutes ol Health There are no sales or marketing lists involved.