il!e|Jo rtla n ò © hserucr PageA 2 lu ly 5. 2 0 0 6 Rosa Parks’ Will in Family Dispute Relatives fight over rights to name, image (A P )— Relatives o f Rosa Parks and the people she appointed to handle her affairs have failed to reach an agreem ent in a dispute over her estate. A trial is likely in the legal chal­ lenge to the civil rights icon’s will, said Frederick Toca Jr., a lawyer representing Parks' 13 nieces and nephew s. Parks diedinO ctober at 92.1 he m odest possessions that Parks left are not the real issue. Far more Rosa Parks significant is control over the legal rights to her name, image and other intellectual property. L aw yers for both sides were SAFEWAY The nieces and nephew s — all un ab le to reach an ag reem en t Thursday with a mediator, who then sons and daughters o f P ark s’ decided to step dow n from that brother Sylvester — say the will should be voided because Steele role, T oca said. Both sides had agreed that re­ ex erted undue influence o v er tired 36th D istrict Judge Adam Parks. S te e le ’s law yers have said Shakoor should mediate, an un­ usual decision since he was one of the issue is w h eth er P ark s' w ish tw o people Parks had appointed to that h er legacy be co n tin u ed handle her affairs. The other was through her o rg an izatio n w ill Elaine Steele, a longtime friend o f be honored. The main beneficiary o f the will Parks. S h ak o o r also gave up c o -re p ­ is the Rosa & Raym ond Parks resen tativ e o f P ark s’ estate, T oca Institute for Self Developm ent, a said. T elephone m essages se ek ­ Detroit-based group founded by in g c o m m e n t w e re le ft at Parks to teach young people lead­ S h a k o o r's law o ffice and at the ership and character d ev elo p ­ D etroit o ffice o f S te e le 's a tto r­ ment. Steele is the institute's vice president. ney, G erald F itzg erald Jr. Ingredients for life..- pito i o t o M ark W ashington / T he : P ohti \ n i > O bserver Recently vacated Kenton Elementary In north Portland will become the future home of De La Salle North Catholic High School. selected EXCELLENCE Pork Sirloin Chops C aptain's Choice Raw Shrim p Boneless Pork Loin Sirloin sold whole in the bag ® 1 89 lb. SAVE up to {2 00 lb 511O60-CI OrCoo*ea9l to 110-tl Shrimp $4 99 Ib frozen-tnmd SAVE up to $3 00 lb Ï Trmflt »Wh 1 Mtyl F«** <2^ On the Vine Cluster Tom atoes SAVE up to $2 00 lb r Fresh Strawberries Raspberries or Blueberries 5 to 16-02. container. Club Price: $2 00 ea SAVE up to $2 00 on 2 Get out of the kitchen and into summer. Take home our delicious, ready-to-go entrées and side dishes. F^7 Sizzling Seafood G eneral M ills Cereal Dairy Glen M ilk 1 98 Gallon Whole 2%. I ”;, or Fat Free FVFRYOAY tOW PRICÏ 12 5 tO 14-02 Selected varieties SAVE up Io $3 71 buy one , get one Nabisco Ore0 or TJ U F? 17 Nutter Butter Cookies rlv iL lL EQUAL f. ¿111 5 ■ * * 9 * bonk p»ke $5 99 ea Fetzer. Covey Run or M erid ian Selected varietals SAVE up lo $7 00 75O-ml bottle Weather permitting. SAVE up to $8 00 lb Check out Safeway com for more Great Grilling recipes CLUB PRICE i 11 13 99 Cambria Frei Brothart or l a Crema m iff bonk S«twr.t«s