www. port landobserver. coni Committed to Cultural Diversity July 5. 20 0 6 M etro ibl ^ Jo rtlan h (Observer ommit nity ei I e n d ei r C World Cup Broadcasts Fountains Beat the Summer Heat Catch the final games of the World Cup at the St. Johns Community Center, 8427 N. Central, and Matt Dishman Community Center, 77 N.E. Knott, through Sunday, July 9. Games are broadcast live at 6 а. m., 9 a m. and noon, with lots of giveaways and prizes, and free Starbucks coffee on select days. The broadcasts are free. Music at the Parks Enjoy free sum m er concerts throughout Portland parks, includ­ ing Dawson Park, North Stanton and Vancouver; Peninsula Park, North Portland Boulevard and Albina; and Femhill Park, North­ east 37,h and Ainsworth. Other concerts are happening through­ out the city, each beginning at 6:30 p.m. For information on per­ formers and dates, visit http:// www.portlandonline.com/parks/. ■ ■ Teen Summit at IFCC Every other Saturday this month, the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center will host Teen Summit, a live television show by and for African American teens. To be a member of the studio audience, call 9 7 1-235-5197. Neal Bryan finds the water ju st right on a hot day at the foun­ tain in the Rose Quarter Com­ mons area, in front o f the Rose Garden Arena. photo bi I saiah B oi nJ Tilt P ortland O bserver ‘Cirkus’ Author Reading In Other Words bookstore, 8b N.E. Killingsworth St., presents Patti Frazee, au th o r o f the novel “Cirkus” at 7:30on Thursday, July б. Vividly drawn characters in a devastating work of heartbreak­ ing loveliness populate Frazee’s lyrically graceful novel. Al-Anon Meeting “Solutions and Serenity” for any­ one affected by another person's drinking. Every Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, 147 N.W. 19‘" at Everett. Enter through the courtyard for this free event. For more information, call Julianna Tassone at 503-367-6115. Bradley-Angie House The Bradley-Angle House needs volunteers to help its outreach ag ain st d o m estic v io len ce. Women of color and bilingual women are encouraged tocall. For more information, call 503-282- 9940. Cleanup a Cause to Celebrate Neglected intersections will get some TLC If y o u 'v e ev er im agined the potential o f a rundow n corner lot y o u ’ve passed a dozen tim es before, Saturday, July 8 is a special day to help revive som e neglected corners o f o u r com m unity in a “ Day o f R e-tilling the S oil” . T h e n ew ly o rg a n iz e d n o n -p ro fit People o f Purpose and Portland resi­ d ent Larry C ollins are asking residents to com e to g ether in three specific loca­ tions, to stop pointing a finger and start lending a hand. Larry Collins O rganized v o lu n te e rc le an -u p groups will m eet b eforehand at different loca­ tions. T he the group targeting N ortheast Failing and M artin L uther King Jr. B ou­ levard w ill m eet at H ughes M em orial C hurch, I 1 I N .E. Failing St.; those cleaning the intersection o f N orth A lbina A v e n u e and K illin g sw o rth S tre e t w ill m eet at Je ffe rso n H igh S ch o o l g y m ­ n a siu m , 5 2 1 0 N. K erb y ; and v o lu n ­ te e rs w h o w ill ta rg e t N o rth e a st 15"' A v en u e and K illin g sw o rth w ill m eet at C o rn e rs to n e C h u rc h , 2 2 1 6 N .E . K illin g sw o rth St. A celebration will follow the hard w ork, from noon t o 6 p.m . at Irving Park at N o rth east S e v e n th and F rem ont. P articipants will be treated to free hot dogs and ham burgers, ice cream , soda and o ther snacks, and a fam ily fun area will fcaturechild-friendly activities. Look for lots o f giveaw ays, including a bike courtesy o f G .I. J o e ’s. T he célébrât io n 's m usical acts include L inda H ornbuckle. K urt G reen, A ndy Stokes, T he Jefferson G ospel C hoir and "T he L ight” from B ethel T em ple o f E ugene. T his com m unity celebration is m ade possible by partnerships w ith Positive Y o u th D e v e lo p m e n t, SOLV, A lb e rtso n 's. P rovidence H ospital and T he Portland O bserver. T he event begins w ith registration and breakfast at all three locations from 8:15 a.m. to 8 :4 5 a .m „ follow ing w ith clean up at 9 a.m . F or m ore inform ation, call Larry C ollins at 50.3-752-8.356. Interstate Farmers Market The Interstate Farmers Market features a variety of fresh local produce, baked goods, cut flow­ ers, artisan cheese, meat and fish each each Wednesday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., next to O verlœ k Park across the street from Kaiser Permanente Interstate Campus. Homebuying Classes Portland Community Land Trust helps first time and low-income homebuyers purchase homes at below market price. Attend a free, one-hour class to learn more about the p ro g ram . C o n tact Kelly@pclt.org or call 503-493- 0293 to sign up and ask questions, or visit www.pclt.org. Write Around Volunteers Are you interested in becoming a facilitato r for W rite A round Portland's volunteer-run ten-week workshop? The workshop is for low-income adults, homeless or mentally disabled people or oth­ ers who face barriers to writing workshops. Contact Jill Tuleya at 503-796-9224. Creative Space For Dance Aurora Dance Studio, 5433 N.E. 30th. offers an array o f classes for children, teens and adults at all levelsof ability. Call 503-249-0201 or v isit o n lin e at www.hevanet.com/auroradance for more information. community service « Natural Area Begins Summer Tours Wildlife abundant minutes from city center N orth P o rtla n d 's Sm ith and Bybee N atural A rea has opened its sum m er schedule o f tours, w alks and paddle trips. At nearly 2,000 acres, the open space is the largest protected w etlands w ithin an A m erican city. B ecau se the b e a u tifu l n atu ral area is su rro u n d e d by port te rm in a ls, w a re ­ h o u se s an d o th e r c o m m e rc ia l d e v e l­ o p m e n ts, m ost v isito rs are su rp rise d to fin d b e a v e r, riv e r o tte r, b la c k ­ ta ile d d e e r, o sp re y , bald e a g le s and w e ste rn p a in te d tu rtle s liv in g only m in u te s fro m d o w n to w n P o rtlan d . On Saturday, July 15, tw o free guided tours are scheduled, including a painted turtle w alk and sum m er bird w atching. O re g o n ’s turtles arc rare, but the N atu­ ral A rea is hom e to one o f the largest p opulations o f W estern painted turtles in the northw est. A lso, expect to see young birds that have left the nest and fam ily activities such as feeding and flocking. T w ilig h t T u e sd a y w alk s are held th ro u g h A u g u st. M e tro n a tu ra lis t Ja m e s D av is te a c h e s the b a sic te c h ­ n iq u es o f w ild life w a tc h in g and id e n ­ tific a tio n . A ll a g e s are w e lc o m e , but p a rtic ip a n ts m u st be q u ie t, sneaky an d p a tie n t. Metro Naturalist James Davis and a Smith and Bybee Natural Area visitor view wildlife along the universally accessible paved Interlakes Trail. T raveling by canoe or kayak is the best way to ex p lo re the w etlands. A d­ vance registration is required for paddle trips on Saturday, July 8 by calling Em ily Roth at 503-235-6272 o r Saturday, Aug. 12 by calling D ale Svart at 503-285- 3084. Sm ith and B ybee W etlands N atural A rea is located on N orth M arine D rive betw een the E xpo C e n te r and K elley Point Park. T he area is free and open to the public every day from sunrise to sunset. P a rk in g , re stro o m , p a th s and the Interlakes T rail are w heelchair a c ces­ sible. For m ore inform ation, call M etro Parks and G reenspaces at 5 0 3 -7 9 7 -1850 o r visit m etro-reg io n .o rg .