lune 28. 2006 il. 1‘^Inrtlanò CObscrnc Page B3 Focus E N H A N C IN G TH E O W N E R S H IP EX PE R IEN C E. z " READY for your OW N Address? - A 3 Cher Supports Better Helmets for Soldiers Doesn’t back down on war opposition hearing in W ashing to n. D .C . on w h ethe r to m o d ify helm ets fo r s o l­ at great NE location to MAX. Bus.i 205, & I 84! $229,000 $239,000 É) Karmen Baricevic csp 503 3803315 S e llin g in y o u r n e ig h b o rh o o d Q karmenbtì johnlscottcom 3otinL$artt www johnlscott com/karmenb REAL ESTA TE them better able to absorb shock ■ fro m a bo m b blast. C h e r te lls C o o p e r she "w a s as­ e ffe c tiv e helm ets fo r LI.S. soldiers is re w a rd in g - and ‘the rig h t thin g to u n d e d at the p ric e that c o u ld to do." " T o be able to use y o u r ce le b rity fo r som ething that you re a lly th in k to be used to - to save so m e o n e ’ s F a cia ls* B rid a l • Facial W axing Beauty C o nsu ltation s • C osm etics 1 b * y a- . P erfectly Shaped Eye B row s diers w ith padded helm ets designed an in te rv ie w June 21 on C N N 's Luxury J skin Care M4- currently offer: M ie rode rm ab rasio n • Peels T he A rm y now equips its* s o l­ 6 0 -y e a r-o ld singer-actress said in K S L save s o m e o n e 's life . ... O r. you k n o w , th a t such a litt le p ric e had life ." is w o rth w h ile is so re w a rd in g ," the V Personal Care Products to be shock absorbent. The M arine A nd erso n C o op er 360. C orps has com m ission ed a study “ It ju s t makes yo u feel lik e this is to de term in e w h ethe r to change its the rig h t th in g to do. T h is is the Hike yourvelj to the next level in beauty Call today! helm ets but has said the ones M a ­ A m e ric a n thin g to d o ," she said. rines use now are e ffe ctive . C h e r says it makes her angry A w eek earlier, she attended a of Parkrose Commons gro u p O p e ra tio n H e lm et, w h ich pays about $ 1 00 to m o d ify the in ­ say s using her c e le b rity to prom ote A n d I re a lly support the troops.” . . donated m ore than S130.000 to the side o l so ld ie rs' helm ets to make ( A P ) — C her, w h o opposes the troops. A n d I 'm not fo r the war. Premium new Community diers in Iraq. The entertainer has w a r in Iraq but supports the troops, "w h e n people say that i f y o u ’ re not fo r the w ar, you d o n 't support the I Beautiful NEW homes. No Common Walls. Garage, Yard, porch <4 patio N E 105 th Ave. /P r e s c o tt !0 Year Tax abatement. 971-227-91144 8 3 3 S E M a in S tre e t, S u ite 108. P o rtla n d . O R 9 7 2 1 4 C h er w on a best-actress Oscar fo rh e rro le in 19 8 7 's “ M o o n stru ck." Cher sits before the House Armed Service Committee on Capitol Hill to promote the distribution o f safer helmets for soldiers that are better able to absorb shock from a bomb blast. (AP photo) She is k n o w n fo r songs in the 1960s w ith Sonny and C h er and m ore re­ ce n tly hits such as "B e lie v e " and “ I f I C o u ld T u rn Back l im e ." Life Story Coming to Film (A P ) — M issy E llio tt w ill star in the big-sereen version o f her life story. U n iversa l Pictures has an­ nounced. The u n title d p ro je ct is in the developm ent phase, stud io spokesw om an Jen nife r C h am b erla in said W ednesday. T he E llio tt b io p ic w ill be produced by R obert De N iro and Jane Rosenthal throu gh th e ir com pany. if. * T ri be ta Film s. E llio tt, 34, began her m usic career w ith the a ll-g irl Mary J. Blige let the music set you free group. Sista. She has w on fou rG ra m m ys, includ in g best rap solo perform ance fo r "G e t U r Freak O n " in 2002. Diva to Perform on Soap Opera (AP) — Though she famously sang about wanting "No More Drama" in her own life, Mary .1. Blige is about to be transplanted into a world o f crime, schem­ ing, back-stabbing and scandal. She’s tap­ ing an appearance on ABC's "One Life to Live.” The 35-year-old R&B diva, whose lat­ est album, "The Breakthrough," has sold more than two m illion copies, w ill perform two hits from that disc lor an episode set to air July 28. "The cast and I, being huge fans o f Mary J. Blige's tremendous talent, are thrilled that she w ill be appearing on ‘O L T L ,’ ” said executive producer Frank Valenti in a recent statement. Erykah Badu and Chris Botti have also performed on the show. " M y music is homegrown from the garden o f New Orleans. Music is everything to me short o f breathing. Music also has a role to lift you up— not to be escapist but to take you out o f m isery." Allen Toussaint She has released six solo album s, in c lu d in g last year s "T h e C o o k b o o k ." H er p ro du ction credits in ­ Rapper Missy Elliott stars in the big-screen version o f her life story. (AP photo) clude tracks to r Janet Jackson, Justin T im b e rla k e and D e stiny 's C h ild . 8 9 .1 Studdard Wins $2 Million Claim (A P ) A m erican Idol EM ager Ronald W . Edwards w in n e r Ruben Studdard and E d w a rd s' p ro m o ­ has been aw arded $2 m il­ tion s com p an y, Sez Inc. lio n in his la w suit against A n A la b a m a ju d g e h i s ex-m anager ft >r in i sap- T h u rs d a y p ro p ria tin g the sin ge r's Studdard $500,(XX)forhis m oney and cre d it cards. actu a l losses and an- Studdard. 26. o f B ir ­ m in gh am , A la . w on the a w a rd e d Ruben Studdard o th e r $ l .5 m illio n in p u ­ n itiv e d a m a g e s. T h e te le visio n talent show in 2003 and ju d g e dism issed E d w a rd s' p ro m o ­ file d suit last year against ex-m a n- tion s com p an y fro m the suit. \ wish changes nothing. A decision changes everything! TYRESE G IB S O N MEAGAN GOOD Jackson Accuser LA R E N Z Charged with Fraud GAME TATE THE WZ. Must pay or stand trial The woman who claimed Michael Jackson molested her son, leading to the sensational trial a year ago at which the singer was acquit­ ted. was ordered Wednesday to stand trial.on a charge o f welfare fraud. The attorney for the 37-year-old woman entered a not guilty plea on her behalf. She did not speak during the arraignment. She is accused o f one charge related to accepting $8,000 in fraudulently obtained as­ sistance and four charges o f committing per­ jury on welfare applications. Prosecutors say she hid the fact that she received a substantial settlement in a lawsuit against J.C. Penney before she filed for wel­ fare. Her lawyer. Patricia Hattersley, said outside court that she hopes the case can be resolved without a trial. "We are open to discussions," she Hattersley. “ Her position is she never misrepresented anything intentionally." The prosecutor's office said the case w ill go to trial unless she makes restitution. The trial is scheduled for Aug. 7. A lter Jackson's trial last year, many jurors said a lack o f credibility on the part o f the woman and her children were major factors in the verdicts. The defense portrayed her as a con artist who schemed to ge, money from celebrities and through fraudulent legal claims. »X I Kimberly Adams, Owner Mortgage Broker rz, DAK H.O .M .E Services Our Home Ownership and Mortgage Experts5"1 will BENEFIT YOU by delivering personalized home loan solutions to fit your needs. Good or bad credit! \Ne're local. We care. Experience the difference! 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