(The Page B2 lune 28. 2006 ^Jnrtíanh ODbseruer LARGEST BLUES FESTIVAL WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI: OVER 150 SHOWS. FOUR STAGES. BLUES CRUISES. JULY UH FIREWORKS L ive M u.sk E very N ight a Kick o ff your week with live jazz every Sunday at 9 p.m. at The Blue M onk (3 3 4 1 SE Belmont). Participate in a m ixed-m edia open mic night each M onday at the Back to Back Cafe (614 East Burnside). The Thorn City Im prov, featuring members o f Oldom inion, Q uivah. T he Chosen and The Black Notes, perform at C o n an ’s (3862 S.E. Hawthorne (every Tuesday at 10 p.m. C elebrate Hump Day at The Red Sea (3 8 1 S.W. 3rd Ave) after work on W ednesdays, from 5 to 9 p.m. Inch tow ard the weekend at the Candlelight Rtxim (2032 SW 5,h Ave) wi(h the Black Notes, performing each Thursday. C elebrate Friday with Mel Brown, w ho plays jazz at S alty 's on the C olum bia every Friday and Saturday, and Jim my M ak’so n Tuesdays and Thursdays. Round off your week with live Reggae on Fridays and Saturdays at M ontego Bay, (1239 S.W. Jefferson). an featuring a cast o f nine and smooth |.izz performances, from - « June 30 through July 15. Show sare _ U’-’' Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m., at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate. Tickets are $15/ adults and $l2/children. L F .T l (Ill C e m e tery Love C lu b a t D unes -- Portland duoC em - etery Love Club plays at Dunes, I909N.E. MLK Blvd., at 9 p.m. W ednesday, June 28. Touring act Fall of Snow will join the fun, plus DJ sets by Tigerstripes. B r in g in g A n c ie n t G re ec e to Life - State- of-the-art technology tra n sp o rts au d ien c es back to the daw n of d e m o c ra c y an d th e birthplace o f W estern Civilization in the new IM A X a d v e n tu re “G reece: Secrets o f the P a s t” . P o r tla n d ’s O m ni max Theater i s lo­ cated at the Oregon Mu­ seum o f Science and I n- dustry, 1945 SE W ater Ave. For tickets and show timescall 503-797- 4640 or v isit w w w .o m s i.e d u / visit/omnimax. C’i R F . O r r UTNTOGN F IH > S T JONE 30 b M JliL i 4« • PÜfilLAhß, O R MON 7/3 LITTLE FEAT. GREYBOY ALLSTARS RTlS SALGADO. IMtt THACKERY K HEBA RUSSELL ROOMFUL OF BLUES LARRY MCOIA» IB . JOHN JOHN HIATT & THE NORTH TOMMY CAS1R0 MHO MISSISSIPPI ALLSTARS W/LLOYOJOMtS REBIRTH BRASS BAND. THE BLUERUHNERS. BIG CHIEF 80 QOLLlSi MARRA WIGHT M i o i M M N U t i A T THE KILO MAGNALA' NN TRIBUTE TO RAT CHARLES W IE PAUL CELA» SANO Bl'HOP. DELAY. HORNBUCKLE KiTH DUFFY BISHOP U M L STOKES JOHNNY BAKES, KEITH F I M I IS O L E H M ECO. M E L O SHAMP ROMP; HACIENDA 8R0THERS »EITH FRANK. CURLEY TAYLOR WES 7/4 BUCKWHEATZYDEC1 ERIT/RICINONO TRiBUTE KITHGEOff MULOAUSsIMKKESKIN WATERFRONT GOSPEL: ’ HE SOUL STIRRERS INE LEE IOW SACRED STEEL HENRY GRAY * THE CATS N /L 'IL BUCKSINEGAL . . OREGON FUUÜ B e Nk SUGGESTED Or.ILl QUN e .T UN: $8 e .NO 2 C e , NS Uf f 300 WWW.WATERFRONTBLUESFEST.COM BLUES HOTLINE: 503-973-FEST FedEx SAFEWAY A. iilttixhll firs t IfiHAJHDHAS I— — SOUL OUEEN OF NEN ORLEANS' PORTER-BATISTE-STOLTZ. PAPA MALI HENRY BUTLER KIRI JOSEPH MONT! AMONOSON. BOYD SMAIL HFNRYC30PER. MARCHF9URTHMARCHINE BAND HARMONICA BLOK-Off . JOHN "JUKE" LOGAN, PAUL DELAY. BILL RHOADES FIREWORKS! w strio i» swttumu inn nmcm 0 tech .• n . ( M HSBC CD ) O®imlerChry>l«r Truck Fmanctol SOW'N.SPXAO’PÍUlírtCÍ.PtlMSKW.ÍÍARmil.’íR»* tAWMt SUMCJFFttFF’-JL-.Sw.í' ktlflrSKÏOtXCiHÈ^’i.frlU H ;« .!» SfcIBM.»t J»LOtWF WCtMa A’ iMyt*IM.SttliCtklEliSMPCS*i|.aL3«t jNÎ’-.tlj U M ID A ¿»miiEtóstPJKTbKÍIMtAt’ MA'lEIYÜCRiMLftEH’ ltfELIYtlíVtt WTELL:;uRUt:A::X.»t.APJ11tfcA::Jl.C,;Glit/tóLIA;iX. Thom as the Tank E ngine — Thom as th e T an k E n g in e chugs th ro u g h Hood Riverthrough S u n d a y , Ju ly 2. P re sc h o o le rs and their families have the opportunity to take a 30-minute ride with the classic storybook steam locomotive. Tickets are available by calling the Mt. Hood Railroad at l-866-468-7630orvisitingw w w .m thoodrr.com . “ R o b o tsa n d U s” a t()M S I — Get a fun, hands-on look at how biology and engineering are com ing together to close the gap between technical reality and science fiction fantasy. The hands-on exhibit "R obots and Us" features com ponents and com puter interactives at the Oregon M useum o f Science and Industry (OMSI). www.kijz.com J a zz M u sical ‘S p o tlig h t’ - Local director, Je ffe rso n g ra d u a te an d playwright Kwik Jones brings his first musical to the stage with “ S p o tlig h t” , Norm an Sylvester Band — The N orm an Sylvester Band plays the Safeway W aterfront Blues Festival, Friday June 30, and a Ray Charles tribute at the festival on Saturday, July 1 a t4:45 p.m. For more inform ation, visit www.norm ansylvester.com or call the 24-hour Boogie C at Hotlineat 503-281-5989. Call to A rtists — Local artists N orm an S ylve ste r are encouraged to show o ff their talent by becom ing a Portland O pen Studios Artist. Each year, 96 artists are chosen from the m etro area to open their studios and becom e part o f an e x c itin g r e g io n a l a rt e v e n t. V is it portlandopenstudios.com for more inform ation. R a re E bony S c u lp tu re s - M aster carvers from the T anzania tribe M akonde have been carving ebony for centuries, and now the public can see som e o f the most valuable wood on the globe at the W orld For­ estry Center. General adm ission is $7 for adults, $6 for seniors, $5 for children, and m em bers are free. T rippin' through Town — Take a trip through time to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover. 31 N.W. First Ave. Belly D ance C lasses - Caravan Studios offers classes in belly dance, A frican dance and m ore. V isit w w w .gypsycaravan.us. T im e to Jam -Jam N ight, P o rtlan d ’sev er-p o p u lar com ed y and variety show is at C h ristian P erfo rm ­ ing A rts C en ter, 8131 N. D enver A ve. S how s c o n ­ tin u e ev e ry F rid ay night starting at 9 p.m. w ith d in n e r by M ondem aj C aterin g next door to the show at 6 :3 0 an d 7 :3 0 p .m . lip - h o p D ance ’lasses-- Vancouver- Clark Parksand Recre­ ation is hosting family f rie n d ly h ip -h o p dance classes for ages 5 to 18. V arious les­ sons teach rhythm , technique, coordina­ O m si R obot tion, agility, com bina­ tions and team w ork through urban dance m oves. For more information, call 360-696-8236. Special Evening ot Acoustic Power Stellar guitarist to perform locally flb BOBBY CALDWELL • PONCHO SANCHEZ • NILS Singer, songw riter and guitar phenom enon Janet Robin will be appearing at M ississippi Studios, 3939 N. M ississip p i A ve., on W ednesday July 5 at 8 p.m. for a special evening o f acoustic pow er pop. Robin is touring in support o f herrelease “A fterT he F lo o d .. ."o n Little Sister Records and introduc- • TOM GRANT • MINDI ABAIR • PATRICK LAMB • CRAIG CHAQUICO • N' TOUCH Sunday, July 23rd • PGE PARK Ja n e t Robin ing new material to her fans. She has been described as one o f the country’s best guitarists since here days as a featured m em ber o f the L in d se y B u c k in g h a m B an d (Fleetwood Mac). Last year she performed with the likes of Meredith Brtxiks and M ichelle Shocked. “The thing I appreciate best rfv & tU C about ( A f te r The F lo o d ...) is the tender heart inside the tough gal,” Shocked said. “It really takes a lot o f cour­ age to express the hon­ esty you share through­ out the m aterial. The gui­ tar playing is, as usual, stellar and you have cre­ ated quite a voice for yourself.” Robin will be going into the studio w ithin the next month to start re­ cording her latest album w ith p ro d u ce rs D avid Bianco (Tom Petty,Teen­ a g e F a n c lu b , R h e tt M ille r) an d S te v e Baughman (Eminem. 50C ent)at the helm. She has been writing songs with the likes o f M arcy Levy (Eric Clapton. Shakespeare's Sister) and Maia Shaip (Dixie C hicks. Bonnie Raitt). She will he performing a num­ ber of these new songs during her show. Tickets arc $8.