Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 28, 2006, Page 6, Image 6

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    1 ^tlortlanh © bseruer
Page A6
lune 28. 2006
el O bservador
Breaking Barriers to Women's Health
Koman fund
breast cancer
The Susan G. Komen Breast
Cancer Foundation Oregon and
Southwest Washington Affiliate
has announced that Susannah
Maria Gurule Foundation has been
awarded a Komen Community Grant
for$20.000. The community-based
nonprofit is one of 26 programs
selected this year to receive fund­
"We see individuals and com­
munities engaged in the fight
against breast cancer in profoundly
effective and moving ways," said
Christine McDonald, executive di­
rector of the local Komen affiliate.
"The Community grants we fund
are a strong link in efforts to iden­
tify breast cancer and mitigate its
potentially devastating co n se­
This year, the local Komen Af­
filiate is able to provide $649,918 to
26 community and transportation
programs around the state, an in­
crease over last year's grants of
$4.3.3,9(X)and 18 programs. This in­
crease is due to the successful Race
for the Cure, a generous donation
from Safeway and other committed
More than 2 11,(MX) new cases of
breast cancer are diagnosed among
women in the United States each
year, and the Pacific Northwest has
The Race for the Cure and the Koman Foundation is supporting the local Susannah Maria Gurule Foundation and its Heathy Women
program. Pictured from left: Marlen Perez, Promotora de Salud; Susannah Maria Gurule Foundation: Alma Mena Rivera, Promotora
de Salud and Mujer Sana program; Susannah Maria, Gurule Foundation; Christine McDonald, Komen affiliate executive director;
Rebecca Hernandez, executive director of the Susannah Maria Gurule Foundation; and Barbara Gamez, program manager o f the
Susannah Maria Gurule Foundation.
health information and care, out­
reach and education to low-income,
monolingual Latinas will be pro­
vided by trusted community lead­
ers in culturally appropriate and
effective formats.
"We are pleased to have Susan
G. Komen support our work toedu-
cate and connect Latina women
with breast cancer screening re­
sources," said Rebecca Hernandez,
executive director for the Susannah
Maria Gurule Foundation. "We
have expanded our work into new
communities and to more isolated
women who have never had the
opportunity to learn about their
own self care.”
The Komen Community Grants
are made possible by funds raised
locally through the annual Komen
Portland Race for the Cure, annual
giving and other area fundraisers.
Seventy-five percent of dollars
raised in Oregon and Southwest
Washington go to fund commu­
nity grant programs, survivor sup­
port services and vital screening.
The remaining 25 percent funds
research grants on a national level.
the highest rate of breast cancer in
the country. The disease exerts an
enormou s i mpact on famil ies, work­
places and the health care system.
Through its Komen Community
Grant, the Susannah Maria Gurule
Foundation will fund its Mujer Sana
(Healthy Woman) program. The
program provides breast health
education and outreach to Latinas
who are at the highest risk for breast
cancer in the Portland Tri-County
area. To combat the many barriers
Latinas face in accessing breast
fro m
Collegiate Honors
David Diaz Jagucki, a local His­
panic student who attends Port­
land State University, has been
accepted as a member of the Na­
tional Society of Collegiate Schol­
The organization recognizes
outstanding academic achievement
among first and second year col­
lege students and encourages mem­
bers to develop leadership skills
through community service.
David Diaz Jagucki
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Living in America: Bad for Health
(AP) — Millions of Hispanics
come to America looking for jobs
and educations, but remaining here
seems to be bad for their health.
The longer Hispanics are here,
the more likely they are to be­
come obese, to develop diabetes,
high blood pressure and heart
disease. And Hispanics born here
have even higher rates of those
illnesses, a new government re­
port shows.
The analysis of immigrants'
health by the federal Centers for
Disease Control comes on the heels
of a report calling for more educa­
tional programs for Hispanics, who
are expected to increase Io nearly
one-fourth of the country's popu­
lation in coming years.
It found that 22.0 percent of His­
panics who have been in the coun­
try live years or more are obese,
compared to 16.1 percent who have
been here for less than live years.
High blood pressure climbs from
13.4 percent for newer arrivals to
19.8 percent for those here longer.
As they stay longer than five years,
diabetes rates rise from 6.9 percent
to 7.5 percent and heart disease
increases from .3.5 percent to 7.4
And Hispanic immigrants are
among those least likely to have
health insurance.
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Brothers Await Adopted Family
Miguel and Luis
have m ischievous
grins and sparkling
eyes. They need pa­
tience, understand­
ing and sensitivity
for all that they have
been through.
Both brothers
present as shy and
reserved. They even­
tually open up and
become quite engag­ Miguel and Javier “Luis ”, ages 6 and 3
ing. Miguel is soft-
spoken, but has lots of energy. Luis where each child is gifted with large
is a little more outgoing and loves to quantities of love and personal at­
converse with others. They are both tention. They will need structure,
developnientally on target.
gotxl communication and emotional
Miguel is in gixxl medical health, support. They would probably do
but has a cyst on his brain. This best in a family where there are few
cyst requires monitoring with a other younger children.
yearly MRI but does not yet present
For more information on the
any problems. Miguel and l.uis availability of these children or on
participate in regular counseling how to become a foster or adoptive
which is helping them to make parent, contact the Special Needs
Adoption Coalition at503-542-2392
These brothers deserve a family orDHSat I-800-331 -050.3.
calling just got personal
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