‘riu $Jort lattò ©bserucr June 28. 2 0 0 6 Page AS i t 5 ôummertime anb the Ç rilling is 'Easy Seafood is an American Tradition A m erica's love affair with seafood is G rilled fresh fish creates a cool, light as authentic as the Declaration of Inde­ meal that’s delicious, healthy and ready pendence and as patriotic as the Fourth in minutes. o f July. Shrim p was the centerpiece of Kick up the flavor: Thom as Jefferson ’ s meal after he signed Add healthy flavor to your grilled the fam ous docum ent that affirm ed sum m er seafood with this light, re­ every A m erican's right to life, liberty freshing marinade: and the pursuit o f happiness. George Mix lemon zest, olive oil, kosher salt, W ashington's wife, Martha, was cel­ crushed garlic and paprika in a favorite ebrated for her crab soup recipe, which white wine and soak your seafood in becam e a favorite o f other renowned the m arinade in the refrigerator for W hite House residents, Franklin D. several hours or overnight. R oosevelt and D w ight Eisenhow er. For even more flavor, place fresh O ne o f Abraham L incoln's favorite rosem ary on the g rill's hot coals - as foods was scalloped oysters. John F. the rosemary cooks, it will impart a rich K ennedy loved New England clam woody flavor. chow der and dined on crab meat im pe­ G rilling fr e s h fis h : rial and stuffed lobster at his inaugura­ The key to successful fish grilling is tion luncheon. Throughout o u rn atio n 's making sure the grill is hot. If it’s not history, seafood has been as American hot enough, the fish might stick. The as apple pie. T hat’s why seafood is the fish should sizzle when you place it on perfect dish as A m ericans prepare for the grill. Ju ly 4 and a g lo rio u s su m m er o f Place the fish on the grill with the barbequing. bone or uneven side down first. These succulent chicken wings are both sweet and tangy. If you place the flat side down first, the fish might crack when you turn it. Fish cooks fast, so keep an eye on it. G x ik it on one side until it's about 60 percent done; then turn it. Remove the fish from the grill before it’s well done, because fish continues to cook as it sits. Tuna is a great grilling fish because its deep red meat cooks like a steak and rarely sticks to the grill. Salmon and grouper also are excellent for grilling. G rilling shrim p: Large shrim pare best for grill­ ing since they can easily be photo « ( hrtksv o r Rn> L obster skew ered. Place them on a skew er one Grilled salmon with Rosemary herbs and citrus brings wonderful flavor without the fat. on top o f the other. W atch G rilling scallops: G rilling clam s, m ussels a n d oysters: them closely, because they will cook Place them on a skew er with the flat These shellfish cook even faster than quickly. Shrimp is done when it ap­ side up. This allows them to pick up fish. Place them on the hottest part of the pears pinkish in color. smoky flavors from the grill. grill. T hey're done when the shells open. Sticky Citrus Chicken Wings (Editor’s note: The following recipe is fo r 12 chicken wings. Just double or triple the recipe fo r your 4"’ o f July pic­ nics or parties.) For the seasoning: • I tsp garlic powder • 1/2 tsp dried thyme • I tsp onion powder • I tsp hot pepper sauce • salt and white pepper For the sauce: • Juice of I grapefruit • Juice of I orange • Juice of I lime • I tbsp while vinegar • 3/4 cup brown sugar • I tsp ground cumin • 1/2 scotch bonnet pepper, de seeded and sliced • I loosely packed tbsp grated orange zest 1. First, prepare thechicken. Wash and pat dry. Season with the garlic, thyme, «»nion and hot sauce, rubbing the spices into the chicken pieces and adding salt and pepper to taste. Cover and refrigerate for an hour to marinate. 2. Meanwhile, strain the fresh juices (should be about I cup in total) intoa non­ stick pan and add all the other ingredients with the exception of the orange zest. Heat until the sauce bubbles and thick­ ens. Phis will lake about 30 minutes. At the very end of cooking, add the zest. 3. Light the barbecue or preheat the grill. Or preheat the oven to 350". 4. Put the chicken pieces on an oiled baking sheet or grill rack and brush with oil if you think it necessary. Cook for 25- 30 minutes, or until the juices run clear when the thickest part is pierced with a line skewer. I Jrain«»11 excessoiI on kitchen paper. 5. Coat the chicken with the sauce and serve immediately. Or put the sauce in a bowl and serve the chicken as a dip. ax. Blueberry Sour Cream Pie • • • • • • • • I cup sour cream • 3/4 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt • I egg, beaten 5 tablespoons all-purpose flour, divided I teaspoon vanilla extract 2 1/2 cups fresh blueberries I (Winch) pie crust, unbaked 2 tablespoons butter, softened .3 tablespoons pecans, chopped Preheat oven to4(X) degrees. Combine sourcream, sugar, salt, 2 tablespcxins flour, vanilla, and egg. Beat 5 minutes at medium speed or until smooth. Fold in blueberries. Pour tilling into pastry shell. Bake tor 25 minutes. Combine remaining ingredi­ ents, stirring well. Sprinkleovertopofpie. Bake 10 additional minutes. Chill before serving. Serves 8. Recipe by Nelson's Blueberry Farm (Parkdale); The Fruit Loop Cookbook: Best of the Best from Oregon Cookbook (Quail Ridge Press) tiili N EW b)kz/ z/z'. f ''*''>'>/>'/'■"1' w e e k e n d to ta s te th e s p le n d o r s o f s u m - m e r. F r o m o u r tr a d itio n a l d e li p o ta to / ’ ’’/ * * * * ///'S ' * t y //////''///^ f s a la d to M rs . P o r te r ’s G e r m a n - s ty le v e r s io n ; fr o m g lu te n - fr e e b e a n s a la d to th e e v e r p o p u la r b a k e d f ' r , i >" ; ' ^ 7'* b e a n s ... w e h a v e o u r p ic n ic fix - in ’s d o w n . W e ’ll a ls o b e s a m p lin g j, J i o u r fa v o r ite p ic n ic s a n d w ic h e s in c lu d - in g : h a m a n d b rie o n o u r o r g a n ic F r e n c h b a g u e tte and th e N ew O r le a n s M u ffu le tta s a n d w ic h . A n d fo r d e s s e r t w e ’ll b e s a m p lin g R e d , W h ite a n d B lu e b e r r y flo a ts , fe a tu r in g lo c a lly m a d e H o t L ip s S o d a . T h e o n ly th in g th a t c o u ld m e s s u p th is p ic n ic is a n ts ! J o in u s S a tu r d a y a n d S u n d a y fr o m 1 1 a m u n til 5 p m n t e r s t a t e A v e & P o r t la n d B lv d P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 1 7 5 0 3 4 6 7 .4 7 7 7 M E 3 3 r d & K il lin g s w o r t h P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 .2 8 8 .3 8 3 8 a r e a lo c a t io n s . V is it u s o n lin e a t w w w . n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t . c o m