Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 28, 2006, Page 3, Image 3

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    lune 28. 2006
d 1,1 ^Jortktnb (Oh sew er
Gentrification in
National Spotlight
fro m Front
There do e sn 't seem to be a way
to stop o r slow the disappearance
o f core black neighborhoods. H igh
housing prices make it tem pting to
sell, and h ig h er end neighborhood
restaurants and shops make it more
d iffic u lt fo r lo w -in c o m e residents
to stay.
R ichard M o r r ill, a dem ographer
and professor em eritus w ith the
U n iv e rs ity o f W ashington, to ld the
Post that Seattle predicts the cre ­
ation o f 50,000 jo b s in the central
c ity o ve r the next tw o decades,
am ounting to nearly a 25 percent
increase in a jo b base that tends to
be high-w age and h ig h ly skille d .
P ortland, too, is g ro w in g , largely
by a ttra ctin g young, w ell-educated
newcomers fro m C a lifo rn ia and the
East Coast.
But as the lib e ra l, green residents
o f both citie s become even more
o v e rw h e lm in g ly w h ite , residents
are rem inded o f a lim e when neither
P ortland nor Seattle was especially
to le ra n t, the Post said.
In the ’ 50s and '60s, when the
black p o p u la tio n was g ro w in g in
the region, re s tric tiv e real estate
covenants and racial pre ju d ice kept
most A fric a n A m ericans in selected
central neighborhoods o f the tw o
N o w , R ice said, the A fric a n
A m e rica n c o m m u n ity is able to
make the same choice about where
i t ’ s go in g to liv e as the w h ite c o m ­
m u n ity.
T hey are choosing to m ove, is
that bad o r not? Stay tuned, the
fo rm e r m ayor to ld the Post.
Page A3
Astronaut Scheduled to Launch
Second African-
American woman
heads into space
N A S A Astronaut Stephanie W ilson w ill
become the second A fric a n -A m e ric a n
woman ever to tly in space when Space
Shuttle D iscovery launches, scheduled tor
Saturday. July I at N A S A 's Kennedy Space
The 12-day mission w ill deliver research
equipment to the International Space Sta­
tion and test new Hight procedures to in ­
crease shuttle safety. W ilson and her six
tellow crew members w ill deliver cargo for
future expansion o f the space station. W il­
son w ill operate robotic arms on the space
shuttle and the space station during vehicle
inspection and provide assistance during
tw o spacewalks.
W ilson began her N A S A career in South­
ern C alifornia at N A S A 's Jet Propulsion
Laboratory. She worked on the G alileo m is­
sion to Jupiter from 1992 to 1996, respon­
sible to r the spacecraft's antenna pointing
A s tro n a u ts L isa N owak (le ft) a n d S te p h a n ie D. W ilson ta ke a b r ie f b re a k from
tra in in g a t NASA s Joh n so n S pace C enter
W ilso n is front Boston, Mass. She re­
ceived a B achelor o l Science degree in
engineering science from H arvard U n i­
ve rsity, C am bridge, Mass., and a M aster
of Science degree in aerospace engineer-
ing from the U n iv e rs ity o f Texas.
The lirst A frican-A m erican woman to
travel in space was Dr. Mae Jemison, who
Hew on the Space Shuttle Endeavor on Sept.
Five Days of Waterfront Blues
The h a rdgrooving P orter, B a tis te a n d S to iz b a n d is o n e o f the
m a n y a c ts fro m N ew O rleans p e rfo rm in g th is w e e ke nd a t th e
S afew ay W a te rfro n t B lu e s Festival.
from Front
sembled what may be the largest
lineup o f Gu If Coast artists this side
o f New Orleans w ith L ittle Feat.
Rebirth Brass Band. Marva W right.
Bo D o llis and W ild M agnolias.
Porter, Batiste and Stoiz, Henry
B u tle r;
Iva n
N e v il le s
Dumpstaphunk, Henry Gray. The
B lu e ru n n e rs and B u c k w h e a t
by hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
The admission o f $8 and two
cans o f food is a benefit fo r the
Oregon Food Bank helping hungry
fam ilies and individuals in Oregon
and Southwest Washington.
W ith more than l(M) musicians
perform ing on four stages, it w ill be
the largest Blues festival west o f
This year’ s firew orks display
the M ississippi and the second- alter the evening's final perfor­
largest Blues festival in the nation. mance on July 4th. presented by
The festival w ill bookend its New D aim ler C hrysler Truck Financial,
Orleans and G u lf Coast theme w ith promises to be the best ever.
Dr. John, also known as "The Night
The firew orks w ill be the largest
R ipper" perform ing on opening July 4th show in Oregon w ith shots
night and Irma Thomas, the "Soul Iron) three barge locations at once.
Queen o f New Orleans" closing the The main body o f the show w ill
festival on July 4.
contain hundreds o f unique effects.
In between, the festival has as­ The grand finale w ill be w ill transi-
The ‘S o u l Q ueen o f New
O rleans ' Irm a Thom as
Dr. John. 'The N ig h t Tripper. '
tion through six. stunning co lo r­
ehanging thundering stages as it
builds and builds to gigantic explo­
sions o f b rillia n t, tra ilin g colors,
strobes and thundering salutes.
I f you watch the firew orks o ff-
site from the festival, you can tune
into K IN K FN 102 to hear a sim u l­
cast o f the sound track.
For more information andalineup
o f e ve n ts, v is it the w e b s ite
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