Obama: ENERGY SECURITY = NATIONAL SECURITY Ml A s E llE I. 1*1 Ml* PRICES C O N T IN U E I'll RISE, AND TERRORISTS THREA TEN on si ppi . ies . Sen. Barack Obama is joining die chorus of diosc calling lor a more energy independent nation. In fact, in remarks at the National Governor's Association's annual winter meeting, Ohama (D-Ill.) said the United States should appoint a direc­ tor of energy security to oversee efforts to decrease the country's reliance on foreign oil. Such a director would advise the National Security Council and have audiority to coordinate U.S. energy policy across all levels of government. “W hy can’t we make energy security one of our great American projects of the 21st century?" Ohama asketl in his speech. “In this year’s State of the Union address. President Bush told us that it was ‘time to get serious about' America's addiction to foreign oil," he said. ¿lie next day, we found hat his idea didn't sit totRfcli.with the Saudi cord and lifeline of the crusader community.’ These are the words of A1 Qaeda," Obama said, add­ ing that oil fuels 96 percent of this nation's transporta­ tion needs. Because the United States has only 3 percent of the world's oil reserves, the country can­ not produce its way out. A host of legislators also called on President Bush to support bipartisan legislation to increase America's energy independence. I^st fall, they introduced the Vehicle and Fuel Choices for American Security Act, which would mandate 2.5 million barrels in oil savings in 10 years and would encourage the mass-production of hybrid vehicles or those that can bum any combo of gas and alternative fuels. In addition to reducing the amount of oil used in America, the legislators encourage the construction of more gas station alter­ native fuel pumps; seek first-time fuel-efficiency standards for trucks; want standards to ensure fuel- efficient replacement tires for cars and trucks, and call for* tax credits for man ufacturerslo retool facilities for .id v an cco U H B A recent sur that U.S. residents! energy security shodl the top priority of U.S? energy policy, voicing sup­ port for an effort to develop a hydrogen royal family. A few hours later. Energy Secretary (Samuel) Bodnian back­ tracked and assured the world that even though the president said he planned to reduce die amount of oil we import from the Middle East, he actually did not mean that literally. “If there’s a single exam­ ple out there that encapsu­ lates the ability of unstable, undemocratic governments to wield undue influence over America's national security just because of our dependence on oil, dus is it." Citing studies, Obama said petroleum AFRICAN A M ERICA NS N WHEEL i.COM economy. Released last summer by Elizabeth Lowery, General Motors Corp, vice president for environment and energy, at a meeting of the Washington Automotive Press Association, the sur­ vey found that Americans believe Japanese automak­ ers have done more to meet that challenge than have domestic manufacturers. W hen asked what the most important goal of U.S. energy policy should be, 43 percent said “reducing dependence on foreign oil.” Some 20 percent said the focus should be “improving the fuel efficiency of vehi des,” while 19 percent said die United States should concentrate on “reducing pollution and harmful emis­ sions.” Another 15 percent said the nation’s policy should first aim to “keep fuel costs low.” W hen asked the main reason why auto­ makers need to develop alternative technologies, 49 percent cited the need for “energy independence." Said Tommy Victor, Obama's deputy press secretary: "Actually, energy independence is something the senator has been speaking out about pretty much since he got to Washington. H e’s talked about the need to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. anti oil in eneral. O ur energy sccur itv is our ii.iliiin .il set in ilv .” I ■