Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 28, 2006, Page 2, Image 2

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    œi’c'¡¡Jnrtlanh (Dbseruer
PageA 2
lune 28. 2006
After School for Low Income Program Cut
W ith a slush o f the budget at a
June 22 hearing, the M ultnomah
County Board o f C om m issioners
cut $1.7 million from Schools Unit­
ing Neighbors or SUN, a popular
after-school program that serves
low-inconie and minority ehiIdren.
Chairw om an Diane Linn, along
with Commissioner Lonnie Roberts.
failed to win a majority vote against
the trio o f county com m issioners
proposing the cuts - Serena Cruz
W alsh. Lisa Naito and Maria Rojo
de Steffey.
The three com m issioners issued
a press release earlier this month,
stating that the proposed cuts may
require each SUN coordinator to
July 4th Party
adm inister tw o schools instead of
The cuts com e in the wake of
national honors bestowed upon the
program, and after a publicized de­
bate between Linn and the majority
com missioners.
Cruz W alsh said the issue is not
about L inn’s status as a lame duck,
F ort V a n c o u v e r N atio n al H isto ric S ite.
T h e te le v ise d e v e n t is best e x p e rie n c e d
in p e rso n at th e p ark , as th e e x p lo sio n s
a c tu a lly sh a k e o n lo o k e rs w h en the b ril­
liant c o lo rs fill th e e n tire sk y , b u t the
d isp la y w ill be c le a rly v isib le fo r m iles
from e ith e r sid e o f th e C o lu m b ia R iver.
T h e b ig g e st fire w o rk s d is p la y s w est
o f the M ississip p i R iv er ta k e s p la ce this
F o u rth o f Ju ly in V a n c o u v e r at T he
but about the budget.
“W e all value ed u catio n and
the S ch o o ls U niting N eig h b o r­
hoods program , but not at the
ex p en se o f co re serv ices the
co unty is d u ty -b o u n d to p ro ­
v id e,” she w rote in an O re g o ­
nian article the day o f the b u d ­
get hearing.
L iv e m u sic a l e n te r ta in m e n t fo r th e
F o u rth o f J u ly e v e n t b e g in s T u e s d a y
m o rn in g an d e n d s at 10:10 p.m . w ith the
fire w o rk s sh o w .
F o r a c o m p le te s c h e d u le , v is it
o ffic ia l4 th o tju ly .o rg /a p p o r c a ll 3 6 0 - 8 16-
Old Murder Case Cracked
P o rtla n d
C o ld
C ase Squad d e te c ­
tiv e s h av e fin a lly
made arrests in the
1998 m urder o f 19-
y ear-o ld R ahshann
Stone. Indicted last
week by a Multnomah
County G rand Jury
were Jason D. Benton,
31, and D eandre D.
Moreland, 30.
Stone was gunned Rahshann Stone
down while clutching
a picture o f his infant son near ward with
N o rth e a s t 14,h A v e n u e an d his death.
A lbertaonFeb.7,1998.
D e te c tiv e s b e lie v e
Stone had gang affili­
ations, hut was trying
to d istan ce h im self
from those associates.
H e’d found full-time
em ploym ent and was
a new father.
Cold C ase Squad
in v e s tig a to rs sp en t
m onths trying to con­
vince reluctant w it­
nesses to com e for-
inform ation regarding
Measles Warning Issued
SAFEWAY O Ingredients for life..
This 4th o f July we are your Great Grilling Center
A case o f m easles has promoted
health officials to urge vaccinations
for people who might have been
Health officials said a patient
with a suspected case of measles
visited K aiser Perm anente medical
offices in V ancouver and Portland
three tim es during the past week.
He also visited tw o V ancouver
businesses on June 26, O scar's at
4901 N .E . St. Jo h n s Rd. and
W algreens, 3200 N.E. 52nd.
People should confirm whether
or not they are already im m une to
m easles and if they are not immune
should receive m easles vaccina­
tion with three days o f their expo­
sure, health officials said. Anyone
w ho develops any o f the early
sym ptom s o f m easles should con­
tact his or her doctor or a local
health department for advice im m e­
‘I’m HIV positive’
co n tin u ed
ease Prevention and Treatment Pro­
gram. “W e're hoping more people
will receive notification they might
have beenexposed to HIV or other
STD s.”
Laws require doctors or labs to
report certain infections, including
many STDs, to public health agen­
cies. Health w orkers urge willing
patients to tell old llam es about
their illness. But many people are
reluctant. So public health workers
will call or visit the ex-partners in­
s te a d , w ith o u t r e v e a lin g th e
patient’s name, which is legally
protected. But e-mail has proven to
be a popular alternative.
Deb Levine, founder of the non­
profit Internet Sexuality Inform a­
tion Services Inc., which developed
inSPO T with S aa Francisco health
officials said it is popular for a num ­
ber o f reasons.
Rancher's Reserve Angus:
Beef Ribeye Steak
B o n e le s s S k in le s s
C h ic k e n B re a s t
Butcher’s Cut Grade A.
Bone-in. Or Boneless Top
SAVE up to $1.70 lb.
Sirloin Steak
SAVE up to $2.52 lb.
ClUi m icr
Picnic Perfect
Beef Patties
□ □
Sold in 5 lb. Box Frozen
lor $4 95 eo
SAVE up lo $4 M ei
fr o m F ro n t
Fresh Silverbrite
Salmon Fillets
Weather permitting.
SAVE up to $2 00 lb
Patientscan use the system with­
out the health d ep artm en t’s in­
volvem ent and it records no infor­
mation about users or card recipi­
ents. And people can reach part­
ners w ho them may only known
through online contact.
San F ran cisco 'h ealth w orkers
learned that e-m ail was an essential
tool several years ago as they battled
an alarm ing rise in syphilis among
gay and bisexual men, many of
whom met online
“ W e fe lt th a t, b e c a u s e the
Internet was where the men were
m eeting, we should use the Internet
as an intervention," Levine said.
Senders log on to the site and
pick a card design, select their STD
from a menu and type in p eo p le's e-
mail addresses. They can e-mail
anonym ously — about four-fifths
do — or they can use their own
address. The m ajority o f users add
a personal message.
United We Funk All-Stars
* Large Sw eet
* Cantaloupes
(VYONf.berrmr Fresh Express
FREE Salad Blends
Club Price: 33t lb.
SAVE up to $1.38 on 3 lbs
hiwm I’
5 to 7 o z package
Selected varieties
SAVE up lo S3 29 on 2
Bonus Buck
24-Pack Budweiser.
Miller or Coors
12-oz. cans or 30 pack
Miller Light
Selected varieties
Plus deposit in Oregon
SAVE up to $5 50
Purchase four (4) Coca-Cola
12-Packs and get a $10
mail-in rebate at checkout.
Lay's or Wavy Lay's
Potato Chips
Safeway SELECT
Refreshe W ater
11 to 11.5-oz.
Selected varieties
SAVE up to $2 99 on 2
16.9-oz bottles
SAVE up to $1 50
Barkays, Confunkshun & I)au. Band
When: Saturday. July 29th 2(X)6
W here: N ewm ark Theatre
11 I I SW Broadway
Portland. Oregon 97205
Cost: $45.00
Fridge Packs
1 1 O i l i n
Selected varieties
Club Prue $2 50 e»
Limit I pet h, - iw-n. I.)
SAVE up to $9 % on 4
your hoal Coil
Nabisco Snack
Kendall Jackson or
Chateau St Jean
7 to 10-oz
Selected varieties
Club Price: $1 66 ea.
SAVE up to 14 59 on 3
750-ml bottle
Selected varietals
SAVE up Ip (5 50
8-Pack, 20-oz bottles
Selected varieties
SAVE up Io $7.35 on 3
25 & O ld e r A ffa ir*
D ress to Im p re ss
D oors O p en a t 8 :00pm
Purchase Tickets @: Ticket Master. Terrell Brandon Barbershop
1330 NE Alberta and Performing Arts Center I 11 I SW Broadway
Cl!r |(JortIanb (Observer Established 1970
Purchase four (4) Pepsi
12-Packs and get a $10
mail-in rebate at checkout.
Offer valid
W ednesday,
June 28 thru
Tuesday, July 4
USPS 959-680 _________________________________
4747 NE Martin Luther Bing. Jr. Blvd.. Portland. OR 97211
E ditor - in -C hife , P ublisher : Charles H. Washington
E ditor . M ic h a e l
L e ig h to n
D istribution M anaoer : M a rk W a s h in g to n
12 Pack
Pepsi Fridge
12 oi
SeWr ted w n e tm
Club Puce 12 W ea
lim it 1 per household
U V E up to $9 W o n 4
C reative D irector : P a u l N e u J e ld t
O eeice M anager : K a th y L in d e r
R eporter : Sarah Blount
The P o rtlan d O b se rve r w e lco m e s free lance su b m issio n s M a n u scrip ts and p h o tograph s
sh ou ld be c le a rly la bele d and w ill be re tu rn e d i f a ccom pan ied by a se lf addressed enve lope.
used in o th e r p u b lic a tio n s o r personal usage w ith o u t the w ritte n consent o f the general
Selerted varetes
m anager, unless the c lie n t has purchased the c o m p o s itio n o f such ad. ©
limit 6 with Card and Coupon
P O R T L A N D O B S E R V E R . A L L R IG H T S R E S E R V E D . R I P R í ) I) lJ C T IO N IN W H O L E
A ll created d esign d is p la y ads becom e the sole p ro p e rty o f the new spaper and cann ot be
1996 T H E
T h e P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r--O re g o n 's O ld e st M u ltic u ltu ra l P u b lic a tio n - is a m e m b e r o f the
N a tio n a l N e w spap er A s s o c ia tio n --P o u n d e d in
1883. and T he N a tio n a l A d v e rtis in g
R epre sentative A m a lg a m a te d P u blishers. Inc. N ew Y o rk . N Y . and T h e W est C oast B la ck
P u blishers A s s o c ia tio n
CAWNOT m oouu . ec
00 0 0 0 8 8 8 6 "" .
P ostmaster :
Send address changes to Portland Observer.
S h o p a t H o m e . W e D e liv e r.
s a few a y.c o m
ton»’ 4 prices in tlm ad ire available at vour focal Safnray More« No sales to tlealer*. restaurants nr institutmns. Sales in retail quantities only Quantities ol some items may be limned and sublet 1 ro availability Not responsible for tvpojtfapb-
x«tl or pKtonal errors We reserve the right to comet all pnnted errors ()n Bus One. Get One Free f BOGO’ i orters, customer must purchase the first item to reserve the second item free BOGO offers are not 1/2 pose sales If only a single
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