Payton's Place What makes a car HOT? T hai y t is iio n iia s pi a g i i d a i i o - M A K H tS l( ) R M A N Y Y EA R S. One thing is certain, when African- American motorists decide a car is the one, that car sells big. Look at the phe­ nomenal popularity of Chrysler's 300C and you'll immediately sec the fruition of that reality. W hen the 300C went on sale, you saw more blacks driving them initially than anyone else. Soon after, (in predictable fashion) the mainstream cul­ ture jumped on the 300C bandwagon. The car is now a runaway bestseller. Then there’s Lincoln's Navigator, those of us with a long memory can recall when the Navigator was the only Americanmade luxury SUV. And African Americans loved it. You had to have a ‘Gator, if you were any parts of cool. 'Uicn Cadillac’s Escalade dropped, blacks shifted to it and overnight, the ‘Gator was relegated to singing backup. As in language, fashion, art and music, we also dictate the automotive tastes of popular culture in this country. Some car companies try to accelerate this process by engineering the adoption of their vehicle by certain celebrities as a ride of choice. The logic flows that if the public sees so-and-so associated with the car. some of their persona will be trans­ ferred to the car, which will then be seen as ctxfl by association. O ur cover story explores this relation­ ship and examines how the automakers try to convince us their cars are stars by surrounding them with celebri­ ties. 4 > AFRICAN AMERICANS ON WHEEIS By the way, not only do celebrities confer status upon cars, but as our own Warren Brown discovered at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York City, cars can confer celebrity status upon their drivers, too. Two cars certain to confer status upon their drivers are the Mercedes- Benz S550 and the BMW 750i. But which is the best car between the two? O ur editor-in-chief, Lyndon Conrad Bell, and our West Coast contributor, Arv Voss, spent two weeks grappling with that question. You’ll find the results of their excruciatingly demand­ ing trials and tribulations in this issue as well. T hey told me it was very tough duty. I’m not sure I’m buying it. but their resulting report gives you some insight into the personalities of these two highly covetablc cars and the brands from which they are issued. Speaking of issues, this month marks the re-emergence of AA O W ’s sister publication. Latinas On Mu-els. U nder the stewardship of a new edi­ tor, Valerie Menard, the new LOU’ reflects many of the things you've come to appreciate about AAOW. Consumer oriented and lifestyle focused, but still with an eye on the diversity practices of the auto indus­ try, the new Latinos On ll'heeLs is poised for a tremendous ride. You can get a free copy of it at our website, www. By the way—if you haven't done so already—while you’re there, sign up for a subscription to AAOW too. It's a limited time oiler, don’t miss out. R a n d i Payton Publisher WWW ONWHEELSINC COM