í,!l’^llortlauh (ßbserUCr lune28. 2006 PageB5 B U S IN E S S ,. directory D IA N E 'S G EM S dianegems@qwest.net www dianesgems.com Your Ideas to Gold - Affordably!' D iane I.K in g sto n , AJI* Open Tuesday. Wednesday A I ridas «as?'-.. . % f Suite 2O3B 4 134 N Vancouver Avenue Portland. Oregon 97217-2900 Store (503) 288-4584 C ell(503)320-7444 WB** • * *'* AFFORDABLE « JJ FULL LOCKSMITH LOCK & KEY SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT? WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH: HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Portland 503.284.9582 • Oregon City 503.656.2116 Serving Portland/Metro area (N, NE, SE, SW & NW) ÎZ Ù e a z x i . B a t / r e T Clean Air Plan Adopted Dr. Algie Gatewood, president of Portland Community College, Cascade Campus and member of the Oregon Solutions Project, opens a news conference June 20 to announce a voluntary plan to reduce diesel emissions to improve local air quality, helping people suffering from asthma and other health related problems. The effort, led H ere w h en yo u n e e d usl A.D. Williams by Gov. Ted Kulongoski, got agreements from private and public entities to reduce diesel emissions from heavy on­ road, rail and marine traffic as well as from off road construction equipment. It includes the use of cleaner fuels and add on control devices and idle reduction strategies. 2 1 3 N .E . H a n c o c k P ortland, O R 8 7 2 1 2 9 arrvö p m T u es.-S at. S ho p 5 0 3 2 8 2 2 9 2 0 C ell 5 0 3 -3 0 9 -4 4 8 8 creations Cool Down Tips to Survive Hot Weather Eldery, disabled m ost at risk As temperatures rise above 90 degrees, older adults and persons with disabilities are par­ ticularly at risk for heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Symptoms may range from generalized weakness and fatigue to dizzi­ ness, rapid heartbeat, diarrhea, nausea, shortness of breath, mental confusion, throbbing head ach es, v o m itin g , and cramping. Hot weather can place a dan­ gerous strain on the heart, and can exacerbate other medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and circulatory and respiratory problems. O ffic ia ls at M ultnom ah County’s Aging and Disability Services Division urge family m em bers and neighbors to check on their elderly or dis­ abled friends and relatives dur­ ing the hot weather. According to Aging and Dis­ a b ility S e r v ic e s ’ Paul larrobino, “People affected by the heat may not recognize they have a problem. Many senior and disabled folks live alone, may not get out much, and so it is critical that some­ one check on them .” Some tips for combating the heat include keeping aircircu- lating with fans; taking cool sponge baths; going to an air conditioned building whenever possible; older adults can visit their local senior center, the library, or take a trip to the mall. W ear loose-fitting, light­ weight clothing; if going out, wear a hat, drink water often, don't wait to get "thirsty.” Avoid coffee, tea, and alcohol. Avoid hot food and heavy meals and limit physical activity and direct exposure to the sun. Check with your health care provider about how the warm weather may affect your pre­ scription drugs. Contact your health provider if you experi­ ence prolonged heat-related symptoms, or if those symp­ toms significantly affect the ability to care for yourself. HAIR DESIG N FOR M EN & W O M EN 5 4 2 5 N E 30th Ave Kathleen Gooden-Jones 503/281-1185 503/419 7311 Top 2% in P o r t l a n d M e t r o KELLER WILLIAMS Tony and Libby Kelly MB V M E d, Brokers, CRS, ABR, SRKS »™vSellingPortlandRealKstiite.lo 303-330-5488 17/00 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd Portland, ( )R NMMHMHNMNMMMNEV Ask Deanna\ Real People, Real Advice A lt advice cal 11 in 11 know n fo r reality based subjects! Dear Deanna! on his rela tio n sh ip ? —M ichael; D enver Dear Michael: Yes blood is thicker than w ater but bliss som etim es is better than broth­ erhood. Let your brother sow his wild oats in peace. If you were the one in a relationship you would understand the happiness during the honeym oon phase o f dating. Support your brother and get to know his girlfriend because if their love grows, sh e’ll be your new sis­ ter-in-law and you' II never win this battle or any others. I n other words, if h e 's not being m istreated, mind your business. I lost w eight and now I have a new attitude, a new hairstyle and new outlook on life. All o f my friends w ho should be happy for me are jealous, treating me bad and talking about me behind my back. I noticed they never had a problem when I was the fat chick in the group but Dear Deanna: now that I’m sm aller than they are. I w an, to respond to the advice you it’s a problem . I d id n 't have a boy­ gave A nonym ous in Seattle whose friend. never sm iled or was happy sister lets her children listen to rap but now I feel good and want my music. I think it was wrong for you friends to be the same. -N ew S kinny to call her ignorant. That was very rude and insensitive. Rap music is G irl; Las Vegas. Nev. fine for all ages and children should Dear Skinny; be able ,0 listen to it as long as the Plain and sim ple your friends are curse w ords are edited. I le, my jealous because y ou’re getting the children listen to all kinds o f music attention. Your w eight loss has re­ including hardcore rap and we vealed them as the insecure skinny h a v e n 't had any problem s. biddies th ey 'v e alw ays been. You A lthea; Colum bia, S.C. never saw this side o f them be­ cause they were com fortable with Dear Althea: you as the fatty so you were not You fell and bumped your head and any competition to them. Enjoy your new life and if your friends can 't see that y o u 're the same person then it’s their loss and you need to keep sm iling and keep it moving. Dear Deanna! I’m com plaining about my brother I 'v e lost due to a relationship. H e 's been datin g this girl for a few m onths and she pulls him by the nose. He does ev ery th in g she says, ignores the fam ily and tries to be som ething h e 's not in order to p lease her. I t's annoying b e ­ cause if I w ant him to hang out. he says it cau ses arg u m en ts w ith his girlfriend. How do I let my brother know that blood is th ick er than w ater and he needs to loosen up SWDELPHM I hope you had a nice trip. O f course hardcore rap music is okay if you want your children to grow up im­ pressed by women dropping it like it's hot or guys being gang bangers. Your children apparently are still young and haven't had the opportu­ nity to become destructive but if they ever do. they'll have grxxJ old mom to thank as you cry your eyes out and pull your hair from the roots. AvA D eanna is written by D eanna M. Write Ask D eanna! Em ail: askdeanna / (¿'yahoo.coin o r 264 S. LaC ienega Blvd. Suite 128J Beverly Hills. CA 40211. Website: w w w .askdeanna.eont «TAVI H I M MtUltNd V..... Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper Agent 9045 SW Barbur Blvd. Suite 109 Portland. OR 97219 503 221 3050 Fax 503 2 2 /8 7 5 7 Own Investment Properties with No Money Down! Get 100% financing available michael harper cuik@ s,a,efarm com Your Care Our First Priority Dr. M arcelitte Failla C h iro p ra t tic Physician for those who qualify We are located at Multi-family properties are a great way to start your investment portfolio. 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