www.portlandobserver.corti lune 21. 2 0 0 6 M rrt/ of the fa/t M etro IMAX brings Ancient Greece to life See story, page B3 íe ^lortlan h CObscruer SECTION zo o m im i nity C a le n d a r B Free Gun Locks A firearm safety education and I free gun lock giveaw ay happens W ednesday, June 2 1 through Fri­ day, June 23 from noon to 6 p.m. at PortlandG.I.Joe's. II40N .H ayden | M eadow s Dr. Hate Crimes Conference M any feel pow erless to stop I hate crim es, but there are w ays to effec tiv e ly com bat this c o m ­ m unity p roblem . P ortland C o m ­ munity C ollege w ill host the 2(X)6 | O regon Hate Crim es Conference, W e d n e s d a y th ro u g h F rid a y . I Ju n e 21-23 at the C ascad e C a m ­ pus, 705 N. K illingsw orth St. For m ore inform ation, call 5 0 3 -6 1 4 -1 7621. Safe, Healthy Kids Day M etro’s Safe and Healthy Kids I Day on Saturday, June 24 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. means fire engines, horses and free bike helm ets at Blue Lake Regional Park. A tten­ dance is free with park vehicle entry fee, or ride T riM et’s Blue Lake shuttle for free entry. For more information visit www. metro- region.org/bluelake or call 5 0 3 - 1 665-4995. Summer Hoops Camp Skills and Drills Sum m er B asket-I hall Cam p, presented by Miss Oregon Teen USA2(X)6KelciRae Flow ers and in association with Portland T railblazer Jerry Moss, takes place Saturday, June 24,8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Jack, Will & Rob Boys and G irls Club, Cam as, W ash. The cam p is $20 with lunch provided, and isopen to Boys and Girls Club members ages six to 16. For more information call Veronica Alberti at 9 7 1 -409-8687 or Joelle | Cam acho at 360-817-9966. Tibetan Cultural Festival T ibetans will share their ancient I culture on Saturday, June 2 4 atth e 5th A nnual Tibetan Cultural Festi­ val, sponsored by the Northwest T ibetan Cultural A ssociation, at O aks A m usem ent Park on the east end o f the Sellw ood Bridge. The festival runs from 11 a.m .to 5 p .m . and adm ission is free. The cast of Kwik Jones'jazz musical ‘Spotlight’ takes the stage at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center. Local Playwright Casts First musical for Jefferson graduate Local director and playwright Kwik Jones brings his first musical to the stage with ’’Spotlight,” featuring a east of nine players and smooth jazz performed in the theater lobby before the curtain calls. This isjones’ sixth original piece and his ninth directing credit, Last fall, the Jefferson High School gradu- ate won local acclaim for a prison drama production of "Voices" based on the writingsofSoledadBrotherGeorge Jack- son. "Spotlight” is set in the windy city of Chicago at the end World War II. Inspired by the use of women during and after war, the Jazz musical follows two brothers as they struggle at keeping their personal life from affecting their failing record company. Frank, a gambling junkie, decides to use the company as collateral for a "sure ‘Spotlight’ thing." But hiding the bad news from his newlywed brother Floyd doesn’t last long. To keep their company out of the hands of a knife-carrying mobster, they come up with a plan of deception to make a backwoods country gal whose voice could shatter dreams into a “Stara” by having her lip sync a famous drunken blues singer song. Will their plan work or will the light shed on the truth? The play stars Onnie Irby, Popcorn, Ken Dembo, Dan Scott, Andre Barnes, Brittany Harold- Golden, Stella Richter. Racefor Justice Outdoor Tea and Talk Delta Sigm a T heta Sorority Arts and Letters C om m ittee w elcom es special guest Perri G affney, au­ thor or The Resurrection o f Alice, for an O utdoor T ea and Talk on T uesday, June 27 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the North Portland Library, 512 N. Killingsworth. Helping low- income families with legal services Drumming, Dance Camp Children ages six to 10 can join I host Chata A ddy for drum m ing, dancing and the sounds o f G hana. W est A frica from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on M onday, July 10 to F ri­ day, July 14. Cost is$80 w ith lunch and snacks provided. Hand drum ­ ming class for adults and teens alsooffered. For more information | visit w w w .chataaddy.com , email chata@ pacifter.com or call 5 0 3 - 1 632-0411. Health Clinic Celebration Join a com m unity celebration for I the opening o f the Nurse Practi- tionerC om m unity Health C linic’s new faci I i ty at 27 N.E. K i 11 i ng worth S t.. T hursday, J une 29 from 4 p. m . | to 7 p.m. In Other Words Events In O ther W ords bookstore, 8B I N.E. K illingsw orth. hosts weekly events through July, including C hildren’s Story Hour, Art, M edi­ tation, Hatha Yoga, Spoken Mie and Luna Music Series. For dates and tim e s , v isit w w w .inotherwords.org or cal15 0 3 -1 232-6003. years« •^community service Portia Elise and Josie Seid Sponsored by the Portland O b­ server, the Studio 20 Entertainment production opens Friday, June 30 at 8 p.m. at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave. Repeat performances are each Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. through July 15. General admission is $ 15 with tick­ ets for children at $12. For reserva­ tions call 503-473-6649. 81 Bikes for 81 Kids David Yandell supervises the donation o f 81 new bikes for children, including five-year old Anthony Salazar-Jackson and 11-year old Anayeli Nievez Alvez at Beach Elementary School in north Portland. Portland Police officers were also on hand to distribute the bikes and fit the young cyclists, with helmets. Yandell, with financial help from developer Marty Kehoe and Radio Cab Foundation and others, has coordinated gifts o f more than 500 bikes over the past three years. St. Andrew Legal Clinic on Northeast Alberta Street will hold its 6th Annual ‘Race for Justice,' Saturday. June 24 at 10 a.m ., starting at M cM enam ins Kennedy School, 5736 N.E. 33rd Ave. Walkers and runners will have the choice between a 6K course and a I OK course. A post-event party will immedi­ ately follow in the Kennedy gymnasium and courtyard, where participants will enjoy free pizza, beverages, live music, a raffle and awards. St. Andrew I .egal Clinic is a nonprofit organization that has been providing in­ dividuals and families with legal repre­ sentation since 1979. Branch offices are located in Washington and Clackamas counties. The 2006 ‘Race for Justice’ is sup­ ported by 15 local law firms and compa­ nies. including Adidas and Standard In­ surance. The goal is to raise $ I (X).(XJO, which will all go directly toward giving low-income families the legal assistance they desperately need. To participate, there is a registration fee of $35. but the fee is waived for those who raise $100 or more in pledges. On-site registration also will be available for $40. For more information, call 503-281- 1500, e x te n sio n 24, or go to www.salcgroup.org.