Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 21, 2006, Page 8, Image 8

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Page A8
lune 21, 2006
Art That’s Accessible to All
for Summer
Higher use
expected this year
from Front
narrow casting standards.
After graduation he did social
work, lived in New York C ity, and
spent time as an a rtist's assistant
before he was introduced to mixed
ability dance. Two years ago he
took a leap o f faith, became a
teach er, and sta rte d o fferin g
w orkshops.
“ I want to provide a space for
people to be genuine,” he says,
“ How do you ch o reo g rap h a
dancer who can only move their
fingers and head and keep it
subtle enough to let the beauty
show through?”
T h at’s precisely the kind of
challenge W alker thrives on. Pro­
viding access to the arts is what
Impetus Arts is all about. His
company is made up o f people
ranging in age from 24-74 and
speaks to a vast range o f identity
groups. They offer 3-4 perfor­
mances per year and are not afraid
to exam ine them es such as race,
gender, age, and ability.
Recently Impetus Arts has been
collaborating with W atoto Wa
Dunia, an organization based out
of Portland and Kenya. Both groups
provide opportunities for people to
express themselves and plans are
being made for autumn events.
In what could be a record-
breaking year in attendance,
seven outdoor and six indoor
pools opened Monday for this
summer’s swim season by the
Portland Parks and Recreation
With the price of gasoline at
record highs, more Portlanders
are expected to take advantage
o f neighborhrxxl pools close to
“There is every indication that
our pools will be more popular
than ever this summer,” said
Nancy Roth, the department's
aquatics program director. “And
we’re thrilled that Buckman Pool
will re-open after being closed
last year.”
The repairs and refurbishing
of Buckman Pool is expected to
be completed around the July 4,h
The outdoor pools, heated to
85 degrees, are open through Sept.
1, also offer swim lessons, water
exercises and dine-in movies.
Contact your local pool for
details. For information visit
www.portlandparks.org or call
Yulia Arakelyn's performance is the sort o f subtle beauty choreographer Curtis Walker captures through his company, Impetus Arts.
“ It’s so exciting to finally be
doing what I want to be doing with
my life,” says Walker with a wide
smile. His dedication and compas­
sion has developed a community
which wasn’t there before, a com ­
munity rooted in the arts— regard­
less of where you sit.
On Saturday, June 24"1 at 6:30
PM Impetus Arts will present, "Pri­
vate Dances...Public Works,” a
night of original dance, music, and 67"’ Ave., and will feature eight
writing exploring pathways, bal­ pieces by 13 of the group’s mem­
ance, inclusion, and exclusion.
For more information, call (503)
The show will be held at Perfor­
mance Works Northwest, 4625 S.E. 493-9090.
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Oregon Humane Society Director Sharon Harmon thanks Tho­
mas IV. Holman Sr. for his support to help finance the construc­
tion o f a teaching animal hospital at the northeast Portland
mark best friend
Constructions Begins for
amanda best stories
rosie best advice
Humane Society Hospital
rentOHSbuilding, which was con­
structed in 2000.
When the new facility opens,
anim als that have been abused,
abandoned and neglected w on't
The Oregon Humane Society need to be shuttled around the
hosted a groundbreaking celebra­ city for veterinary care. Addition­
tion on its Northeast Columbia ally, veterinary students will re­
Boulevard site last week for its new ceive valuable hands-on, live
Animal Medical and learning Cen­ animal training. Dormitory rooms,
ter, a first of its kind in the nation. offices and a kitchen will be avail
The teaching hospital will be able for the students to use while
named after Thomas W. Holman engaged in training.
Care will be provided in two ex­
Sr. and his late wife, Mary D.
rooms, three surgery
Holman. Mr. Holman gave $ I mil­
lion to the Oregon Humane Soci­
ety forthe new facility, which will
provide on-site animal care pro­
vided by a staff veterinarian, fac­
ulty and students from the O r­ will be possible with these ameni­
egon State University College of ties. as well as access to the re­
sources of O SU 's veterinary stu­
Veterinary Medicine.
“Mr Holman'sexcecdinglygen­ dents.
Holman. 92, said he was inspired
erous gift got our campaign off to a
great start and gave it legitimacy,” by the television show “Animal
said Sharon Harmon, OHS execu­ Planet" when he saw examples of
tive director. "Along with a number shelters that provided on-site vet­
of other large donations and hun­ erinary care. His family owned
dreds of smaller gifts, we were able Holman Fuel Co., which in its early
to raise the entire $6.4 million with­ days delivered wixxl and coal by
horse and wagon.
out a single taxpayer dollar.”
He had a long career with Union
The 22,(MX) square foot center
will be completed in early 2007, Pacific Railroad and now enjoys
adjoining the west end of the cur- spending time with family.
sue best alibi
nick best potential
Scheduled to
open in 2007
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