illf glorila uh ffibseruer Page A2 Tainted Heroin Warning (A P) — H eroin users should avoid the drug be­ cause some supplies have been tainted with a powerful painkiller blamed for hun­ dreds of deaths nationwide since mid-April, law enforce­ ment officials urged on Tues- day. Heroin shipments in ma­ jo r U.S. cities have been found to contain fentanyl, a prescription narcotic 40 to 100 times more powerful than morphine. Fentanyl is prescribed by physicians for anesthesia and pain con­ trol. Authorities have been re­ porting fentanyl/heroin-re- lated deaths for some months, but officials said there was a spike in overdoses in recent weeks, sparking the latest warnings. Drug users are attracted to fentanyl-laced heroin or cocaine because of the extra high that it promises them, said Lynne Abraham, Phila­ delphia District Attorney, at a news conference. “This is just an extra jolt for people who have become accus­ tomed to heroin,” she said. Abraham said officials had co n sid ered w hether holding the news confer­ ence to draw attention to the danger of fentanyl risked encouraging drug users to try tainted heroin, but they decided that the danger to the public justified it. lune 21. 2006 Youth Confronted Outside Bowling Alley Summer vacation starts with near riot Police officials are consider­ ing a curfew crackdown in or­ der to keep large crowds of youths from forming over the summer vacation after a near riot Monday night outside of Hollywood Bowl. The first weeknight of the summer break saw dozens of police officers, some in riot gear, confronting teens outside the landmark at Northeast 41s* and Halsey Street. A 17-year-old determined to be the ringleader has been PHOTo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver charged with rioting, according The streets outside of the Hollywood Bowl at Northeast 41s’ and Halsey Street was the location o f a to Det. Paul Dolbey of the Port- disturbance Monday night. land Police Bureau. Another person was charged for dis­ charging a pellet gun within city limits. Nineteen youths were ar­ rested for curfew violations. No one was seriously injured. Authorities said the inci­ dent started when about 20 people refused to leave the Hollywood Bowl and a small fight broke out. An estimated 150 to 300young people, both white and black, ended up filtering onto the street. Police think a discount night at the bowling alley attracted the large number of young people. Tuesday, bowling al­ ley management was consid­ ering a change in policies to prevent such disturbances in the future. Missing Soldiers Found Tortured and Killed One of the dead was from Oregon (A P) — U.S. forces on Tuesday recovered the bodies o f tw o A m eri­ can soldiers reported captured by insurgents near Baghdad, Iraq last week. O ne o f those killed was an Oregon servicem an. An Iraqi defense m inistry offi­ cial said the men w ere tortured and “killed in a barbaric way.” Al-Qaida in Iraq claim ed responsibility for killing the soldiers, and said the successo r to te rro r leader Abu M usab al-Zarqaw i had “slaugh­ tered" them. T he claim was m ade in a W eb statem ent that could not be au­ thenticated. The language in the statem ent suggested the men were beheaded. U.S. Maj. Gen. W illiam Caldwell Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker said the rem ains were believed to be those o f Pfc. Kristian M enchaca, 23, o f Houston, and Pfc. T hom as L. Tucker, 25, o f M adras, Ore. He said U.S. troops - part o f a search involving some 8,(XX) Ameri­ can and Iraqi forces - found the b o d ie s la te M onday neai Y oussifiyah, w here they d isa p ­ peared Friday. Troops did not recover the bod­ ies until T uesday because they hat to wait until daylight to cordon ofl the area for an ordnance team foi fear it was booby-trapped, Caldwel said. The checkpoint attacked Friday was in the Sunni Arab region knowr as the “Triangle o f D eath" because o f frequent am bushes there o f U.S soldiers and Iraqi troops. The two bodies will be taker back to the United States for DNA tests to co n firm the id en tities Caldwell said. The tw o soldiers disappearec after an insurgent attack Friday at £ checkpoint by a Euphrates Rivet canal, 12 miles south o f Baghdad Spc.DavidJ. Babineau, 25, of Spring field. M ass., was killed. New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin holds Monalisa Hunter's hand during a news conference Monday. Hunter lost two sons, Arsenio, 16, and Marquis, 19, in a shooting over the weekend. (AP photo) put National Guard to Patrol New Orleans been used for law enforcem ent in the U.S. since the im m ediate after- math o f H urricane Katrina late last summer. New O rleans Police Superinten­ dent W arren J. Riley said M onday (A P) — A convoy o f National he had asked in M arch to have the G uard troops rolled into the city troops sent in this sum m er, when Tuesday in 75 H um vees and other the population is expected to ju m p m ilitary vehicles to begin patrol at because FEM A assistance to dis­ placed h urricane refugees ends the m ayor’s request. The presence of about I (X)Guard June 30. N o d ea d lin e has been set for m em bers patrolling th e city 's hurri­ the N atio n al G u a rd ’s m issio n , cane-devastated and largely d e­ w hich d id not req u ire a special serted neighborhoods will free as o rd e r b ecau se L o u isian a is still many as 300 police officers to co n ­ u n d er a state o f em erg en cy 10 centrate on crim e in more heavily m onths after K atrina. B lanco said populated areas, officials said. rein fo rcem en ts w ould cy cle in- M ayor Ray Nagin called for the an d -o u t o f the city . N ational G uard and state police on Frustration over a rise in crim e M o n d a y , s a y in g “ w e ’ve h ad enough" after five teenagers were reached a tipping point on Satur­ gunned down together Saturday day when five teenagers in an SUV and another man was stabbed to were shot and killed in the city 's deadliest attack in at least 11 years. death Sunday. “The situation is urgent,” Gov. Police said the attack was appar­ Kathleen Blanco said in respond­ ently m otivated by drugs or re­ ing to the request. "Things like this venge. Also, a man was stabbed to should never happen, and I am death Sunday night in an argum ent over beer. going to do all I can to stop it." The killings brought this y ea r's In addition to the 100 National G uard m em bers with law enforce­ m urder toll to 53, raising fears that ment experience. 60 state police violence was back on the rise in a officers are expected to be sent to city that was plagued by violent the city, Blanco’s office said. It crim e before Katrina drove out half marked the first tim e soldiers had the city ’s population o f 465,(XX). Mayor gets help after 6 killed over weekend Life comes with standard safety features They’re all around you Gambling can have its own safety features When you gamble Set a budget. Set a time limit. Play safe. c Subscribe! u u I 503-288-0033! F ill O u t & Send To: ^ P o r tla n ò (Obstruer I I I Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 | J s u b s c r ip t io n s a re j u st $ 6 0 p e r y e a r (please include check w ith this subscription fo rm ) | h a N ame : — — _ _ _ — — O R EG O N LOTTERY T elephone : _ — frfkrrffi — — « ... J _ A ddress : _ _ _ _ | _________________________________ I or 1 subscriptions @ I I