íhl•'¡L h irtla n h ffib s e r u c r Page B6 P o r t i a n d O b s e rv e r A u to R e v ie w S ports 2006 Toyota Prius Oregon’s All-Star Football Game Les Schwab Bowl Friday at PGE Park N in e fo o tb a ll p la y e rs from th e P o r tla n d I n te r s c h o la s t ic L e a g u e a n d a lin e m a n fro m P o r t l a n d ’s C e n tr a l C a th o lic H ig h S ch o o l fo rm p a rt o f the lin eup fo r th e N o rth a ll-sta r team in F rid a y ’s O re g o n L es S c h w a b B ow l. T h e s ta te ’s p re m ie r su m m e r fo o tb a ll g a m e ta k e s p la c e F ri­ d a y , Ju n e 2 3 at 7 p.m . at P G E Tested Vehicle Information: Price: $24,679 (Base $21.725); Engine: 4 cylinder. 1.5 liter disp, wt, DOHC SEl; Transmission: Automatic variable gear ratio. John Sheffield P ark , d o w n to w n . G a te s o p en w ith a fan festiv al at 4 :3 0 p.m . O n ce the Shrine gam e, this 4A high school gam e pits the best o f graduating seniors from the N orth against the South. M any o f the p layers w ill becom e future c o l­ lege and N FL stars. T e a m s are c h o se n in ea rly spring and spend the w eek prior to the gam e p racticin g and e n jo y ­ ing m any team -b u ild in g events. R e p re se n tin g P o rtla n d h igh sc h o o ls are b ac k s H o sek i K ofe o f J e ffe rs o n ; Jo h n S h e ffie ld o f L in c o ln , A lex G re e n o f B e n so n a n d L a m e t r i u s D a v is o f R o o s e v e lt; lin e b a c k e r M ic h ae l Jo h n s o n o f L in c o ln ; lin e m e n Jo s e B e rn s te in o f G ra n t a n d V in n ie C o la s u rd o o f L in c o ln ; r e c e iv e r s P a tric k L ex o f F ra n k lin a n d C o ry D u n n o f C e n ­ tral C a th o lic . De La Salle North Achieves at Track The De La Salle North Catholic girls track team ended a rew arding season this spring by finishing T hird in state and bringing the record and finished second in the N orthw est C o n fere n ce D istrict phy. The Knights finished the dual track meet, seven points shy o f the meet season with a school best 7 - 1 d is tr ic t c h a m p io n s P o rtla n d school its first w om en’s state tro­ Lutheran. D e L a S a lle ’s4 X 100 relay team ofC'aren Sims, D aedraC arline, T if­ fany Owen and Catherine Sims were state cham pions in that event for the second year in a row. C atherine Sims finished second in both the 4(X) m eters and 200 meters. Tiffany O w en also finished third in the 100 meters. The De La Salle North Catholic girls track team is framed by coach Dennis Carline (left) and coach Dough Strong. Players seated (from left) are Tanika Russell, Tiffany Owen, Daedra Carline, and Morgan Wood. Players stand­ ing (from left) are Leigh-Anna Morgan, Michelle Perea, and Caren Sims. Congratulations Wilson! W ilson High School iscelebrating their first state baseball championship in the south­ w est Portland school’ s 49-year history. W ilson beat W est Salem , 7-0 in the June 4 c la ss4 A title gam e. T heT rojans finished the season with 24 consecutive w ins and a 28-3 record. K athleen C arr T he T oyota Prius is m ore than a car. It’s a phenom enon. It's p ro o f that m ore people than T o y o ta im agined w ant to drive cars with s ig n if ic a n tly im p ro v e d fu e l econom y and radically less en v i­ ro n m en tal im pact. T o y o ta has boosted production to keep up with the dem and, and the 2(X)6 model benefits from the addition o f new advanced airbags and other safety technology plus new co m ­ fort and convenience features. T he Prius is rated 60/51 mpg C ity /H ig h w a y by the fed e ra l governm ent’s Environm ental Pro­ tection A gency, with a C om bined rati ng o f 55 m pg. You ’ re more I i kel y to see less, m aybe 41 to 48 mpg. D on’t blam e the m anufacturer for th e d if f e r e n c e . H y b rid pow erplants do well in EPA test­ ing and your driving style will determ ine your mileage. Standard features include au­ tom atic air conditioning with a m icron filter, fabric upholstery, pow er w indow s, door locks and heated outside m irrors; rem ote keyless entry; cruise control; a tilting steering wheel with redun­ dant clim ate and audio controls; interm ittent front and rear w ipers; and a six-speaker A M /FM /CD ste­ reo. The T oyota Prius is sim plic­ ity. with graceful, fluid lines that make it look futuristic. The pinched- dow n nose is helpful for knifing through the air with little resis­ tance. T he q u arter panels and doors are sleek and clean . The sole character line is a tasteful indenta­ tion in the low er region o f the by Alex Green d o o rs, visu ally co n n ectin g the creases m arking the low er limits o f the w orking area o f the front and rear bumpers. The Prius is surpris­ ingly room y inside. The seats are com fortable for com m utes and short w eekend trips. The cloth up­ holstery looks durable to hold up to the everyday chores o f life. Prius gets its pow er from a gaso­ line engine supplem ented by an electric m otor. In a bit o f hyper­ bole. T oyota calls the com bination the H ybrid Synergy Drive. Hybrid it is, synergistic it isn ’t, not by the strictest definition o f the word, w hich would mean that the total pow er output w ould be more than the sum o f the outputs o f the gas and electric m otors individually. T his is not the case. T he Hybrid Synergy Drive does, how ever, rely on the electric m otor even more than the system in the first-genera­ tion Prius, w hich is how T oyota was able to m ake the Prius larger and more practical w ithout co m ­ prom ising its low em issionsor fuel econom y. The current m odel is 30 percent cleaner than the squeaky- clean first-generation (2002-03) Prius. T oyota claim s the Prius pro­ duces about one-tenth as m uch pollution as the average new car. Som e have described T o y o ta’s hybrid system as an electric m otor with gasoline engine assist, and H onda’s system as a gasoline en ­ gine with electric m otor assist. T he T oyota Prius sets a stan­ dard for environm entally friendly transportation. It also delivers ex ­ trem ely good fuel efficiency for a four-seat car with an autom atic transm ission. W ith the high prices o f gasoline these days you m ight w ant to think hard about the future and the vehicle that you next pur­ chase. State Perm * World Cup on Big Screens Tw o Portland Parks and Recreation community centers are currently offer­ ing big screen telecasts o f all W orld C up soccer m atches with free adm is­ sion through the final match on Sunday, July9. English telecasts are at the Matt D ishm an C om m unity C enter, 77 NE Knott St. Spanish telecasts are at the St.Johns C om m unity Center, 8427 N. C entral St. The Parks Bureau expects th o u ­ sands of fans toenjoy the festive, fun- filled experience in this first-of-a-kind com m unity project. Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61/10 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouvei Avenue Portland, OR 9/?1 7 503 786 U 03 Pax 503 28b 1146 ernie lull 66mti< equal housing lender serving Oregon & Washington