(Ebe lune 21. 2 0 0 6 ^lortlanù ÖOhseruer Page B5 R eligion First Woman Leads Episcopal Church Leader became minister in Oregon N evada B ishop K atharine Jefferts Schori becam e the first w om an picked to lead an A nglican province Sunday w hen she w as elected presiding bishop o f the E piscopal C hurch. Standing b efore cheering deleg ates to the E piscopal G eneral C o nvention, Jefferts Schori, w ho becam e a m in is­ ter w hile w orking at O reg o n State U niversity in C orvallis, said she w as “aw ed and hon o red and d eeply p riv i­ leged to be ele c te d .” The a p p o in tm e n t w as a g ro u n d b reak in g and potentially d iv i­ sive step because som e A nglican prov­ inces believe w om en should not even be priests. / O utgoing P residing B ishop Frank G risw o ld w as at Jefferts S c h o ri’s side as she w as intro d u ced after closed- d o o r balloting. “ I will bend o v e r b ack w ard to build relationships w ith people w ho disagree w ith m e,” she pled g ed at a new s c o n ­ fe re n c e . The newly-elected presiding bishop o f the Episcopal Church, Katharine Jefferts Schori, speaks to the House o f Deputies after her confirmation vote Sunday. W hether that will be enough will play out in the m onths ahead. The Rev. C anon C hris Sugden, a leader o f the A nglican M ainstream , a C hurch o f E ngland conservative group, said Jefferts S c h o ri'se le c tio n “show s that the Episcopal leadership isgoing to d o w hat they w ant to do regardless o f w hat it m eans to the rest o f the c o m ­ m union.” G a sp s c o u ld be heard th ro u g h o u t th e v a s t c o n v e n tio n h a ll w h e n J e f f e r ts S c h o r i’s n a m e w as a n ­ n o u n c e d . T h e Rev. Je n n ife r A d am s from W e ste rn M ich ig an , sp e a k in g from the flo o r, c a lle d Je ffe rts Schori “ a w o m an o f in te g rity , c o n siste n c y an d faith. 1 h av e no d o u b t her e le c ­ tion as p re sid in g bish o p w ill be a gift to o u r c h u rc h .” T he new leader will inherit a shrink­ ing and fractured church. M e m b e rs h ip in th e E p isc o p a l C hurch, as in o ther m ainline Protes­ tant groups, has been declining for years and has rem ained predom inantly w hite. M ore than a quarter o f the 2.3 m illion parishioners are age 65 or older. BUSINESS directory D IA N E ’S G EM S dainegems@qwest.net www.dianesgems.com your ideas to Gold - Affordably!’ Diane Livingston, AJI* O pen Tuesday. W ednesday »V ; Friday liiilay Suite 2O3Ba 4134/N Vancouver Avenue »v Portland. O regon 9 7 2 17-2900 S tore (503) 288-4584 - Cell (503) 320-7444 W * o - AFFORDABLE £ JJ % LO CK & KEY FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED 0UT7-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH: HOUSE. OFFICE OR CAR 503.28 4.9582 • O re g o n C ity 5 0 3.65 6.2116 P o r tla n d Serving Portland/Metro area (N, NE, SE, SW & NW) ¿Strop 2 5 e a > ii Here when you need ual Deliverance Campaign Launched W itnesses set co n vention dates Local members of the Jehovah ’ s Witnesses are extending a personal invitation to every­ one in Portland to attend a series of summer “Deliverance at Hand!” district conventions. The first of four three-day weekend events at Memorial Coliseum begins Friday, June 30 at 9:30 a.m. Admission is free and no collec­ tions will be taken. Conventions are also scheduled at the Coliseum on July 21 -23, Aug. 4-6 and Aug. 25-27 Witness congregations around the world have embarked on global efforts to advertise convention programs, believing mankind sorely needs deliverance from the effects of inherited sin and its consequence, death; feeling that only God can bring salvation. Program parts will examine Jesus’ role in delivering mankind and will review various Bible accounts of deli verance. There will also be special focus on passages describing the hope of survival during G od’s fast-approach­ ing day of reckoning. The Witnesses in Portland expect a record turnout for the conventions, which are among over 260 to be presented by Jehovah’s Wit­ nesses throughout the United States. Addi­ tionally, the campaign will advertise interna­ tional conventions in Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland during July and August. For information on the Portland gather­ ings, contact Mel Robertson at 503-330-7996. A .D . W illia m s 2 13 N.E. Hancock Portland, OR 97212 9 am -8 pre Tuaa.-Sat. Shop 503-282-2920 Ceil 503-309-4488 creations HAIR DESIGN FOR MEN & WOMEN 5425 N.E. 30th Ave. 503/281-1185 Kathleen Gooden-Jones Promoting Pdessed Pires fo r Pveryone A uthor describes a w inning form ula to n n t \r« n * Vl»ll U o o ttv * » » v f Voi » t i f i LIVE LIK E W hat does it m ean to h a v e a b le sse d life? A re b lessings reserv ed only f o r th e lu c k y , th e w ealthy, o r the pious? N o, blessings are for e v e ry o n e , w rite s Dr. Suzan Johnson C o o k .a s e n i o r p a s to r a n d DR S U Z A N fo u n d e r o f B e lie v e rs J O H N S O N C ( )K C h ristia n F e llo w sh ip C hurch in H arlem . In her new book, “ L ive Like a d y n a m ic w o m an . H er p e r­ Y o u ’re B lessed: Sim ple Steps so n al jo u rn e y is o n e o f fateful for M aking B alance, Love, E n ­ tw ists an d tu rn s, all o f w hich erg y , Spirit, S uccess, E n co u r­ h av e led h e r c lo s e r to G o d , agem ent and D evotion Part o f in tro d u c e d h e r to the p o w e r o f Y our L ife,” C ook describ es a se rv in g o th e rs , and ta u g h t her w inning form u la for how all to a p p re c ia te the b le ssin g s o f people can, w ith G o d ’s help, fam ily an d c o m m u n ity . She m ake a profound chan g e in the d ra w s fro m h e r life tim e o f w ay they live. e x p e r ie n c e in c r e a tin g th is D e sc rib e d by th e N ew Y ork p ra c tic a l an d re a listic plan fo r T im e s as “ B illy G ra h a m and liv in g life to the fu lle st. O p ra h ro lle d in to o n e ,” Dr. Dr. C o o k illustrates spiritual C o o k is an in sp irin g p a sto r an d con cep ts through storytelling - a / BLESSED L egal N otices • te c h n iq u e she has m a ste re d through her participation w ith o ther A frican A m erican w om en from all w alks o f life in a group nam ed Isis. F ounded in 1998, th e w o m e n o f I s is g a th e r throughout the y e a r to share stories from their lives, e x p e ri­ ence G o d ’s grace, and com e aw ay sp iritually healed. T he e d ito r o f “ S iste r to S iste r" and a u th o r o f “ T o o B lessed to be S tr e s s e d ,” D r. C o o k serv ed as a d o m e stic p o lic y a d v iso r u n d e r P re sid e n t C lin to n . She lives in N ew Y ork C ity w ith h e rh u s b a n d , R onald, and th eir tw o sons. Own Investment Properties with No Money Down! Get 100% financing available for those who qualify Multi-family properties are a great way to start your investment portfolio. 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