Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 21, 2006, Page 12, Image 12

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    œi’1 ^¡Jortlanù QDbsvruer
Page B4
C lassifieds
/ B ids
Assistant Child Care
lune 21. 2 0 0 6
For contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business w ith the
City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page:
www.portlandonllnv.com /om f/purchasing
C ity
o f P o r tla n d
B u re a u o f P u rc h a s e s
1120 SW Firth Ave. Room 750, Portland OR 97204
Memorial Union
(Sheriff's Technology
Analyst & Developer)
$4,544 - $ 5 ,5 2 3 / month
Closes June 30, 2006
$2,913 - $ 3 ,5 4 3 / month
Closes June 30, 2006
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for inform ation or see
our website: www.co.Washington
.or.us. County application and
supplem ental application form s
required. Women, minorities, and
p e o p le w ith d is a b ilitie s a re
encouraged to apply.
W ashington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Promotional M aterials Coordinator.
M ultnomah County, Oregon
Bid No. B06-8981 Bid Title: Multnomah County Pavement Overlay
(06-1) - Various Locations in M ultnom ah County
Closing Date: July. 2006 Est Range: $ 182,000-223,000
Pre-Bid Conference: None
Pre-Qualification Required In class(es) of: ACP - Asphalt Concrete
Pavingand Oiling
Sealed bids will be received until, but not after, 2:00 PM on the
closing date, by M ultnom ah County Central Procurem ent and
Contract Adm inistration (CPCA), 5 0 1 SE Hawthrone Blvd., Suite
400, Portland, OR 97214. Bids will be opened and read after2:15
PM the sam e day.
Plans and Specifications are filed with CPCA and copies may be
obtained from the above address for $10.00 non-refundalbe fee
by CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY Plans and Specifications WILL NOT
BE MAILED within the Metropolitan, Tri-county or Clark County areas. Go
to the CPCA web address at http://w w w .m ultcopurch.org for
additional inform ation and any available dow nloads.
PRE_QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDER may be required pursuant to
the M ultnom ah County Public Contract Review Board Rule 49-
0 2 2 0 . S ee S p e cifica tio n s fo r p roje ct cla sse s o f w ork. P re­
qualification applications shall be subm itted through CPCA, 501
SE Hawthrone Blvd., Suite 400, Portland, Oregon 97214, (503)
988-5111. Applications may be obtained at our office or can be
dow nloaded from our w ebsite at http://w w w .m ultcopurch.org.
Pre-qualifications m ust be received by, or postm arked to, CPCA
no later thpin 10 days prior to the bid closing date.
All-bidders must com ply with requirem ents of the prevailing wage
law in ORS 279C 800-870, or the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S. C.
276(a)) if applicable. Details of Com pliance are available from
CPCA, 501 SE Hawthrone Blvd., Suite 400, Portland, OR 97214,
(503) 988-5111.
No bid will be considered unless bidder is registered with the
Construction Board as required by ORS 701.055 or licensed by
the State Landscape Contractors Board as required by ORS
No bid will be considered unless accom panied by a surety bond,
certified check, o ra cashiers check payable to Multnomah County
for the am ount equal to ten percent! 10%) of the aggregate bid.
M ultnomah County reserves the right to reject any bid not in
com pliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and
requirem ents, and to reject any or all bids or to cancel the
solicitation if Multnomah County finds it is in the public interest to
do so.
Gail Rubin, Manager
M ultnom ah County Central Procurem ent and Contract
501 SE hawthrone Blvd, Suite 400
Portland, OR 97214
P o rtla n d
C e n te r
fo r th e
Perform ing Arts $15.10 $16.65/
hour, PT. D e a d lin e : 6 /2 9 /0 6 .
M aintains web site and provides
g ra p h ic design se rvice s. This
o p p o rtu n ity is o p e n to F irs t
Opportunity Target Area residents
(C o lu m b ia B o u le v a rd on th e
north; 42nd Avenue on the east;
th e B a n fie ld F re e w a y on th e
south, and N orth C h a utauq ua
Boulevard on the w est), whose
to ta l annua l incom e d oes not
exceed $25,000 as an individual,
o r $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 fo r an e n tire
h o u s e h o ld , fo r th e p a s t 12
To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b
a n n o u n c e m e n t and re q u ire d
ap p lica tion m aterials, visit our
website at www.metro-region.org/
jobs or pick up a com plete packet
at M etro Human Resources, 600
NE Grand Avenue, Portland.
AA/EEO Em ployer
“Did you w itness the arrest of a
22 y e a r old A fric a n -A m e ric a n
male who had an altercation with
police after the “Cinco de Mayo
B o m b " c o n c e rt a t th e R o se
Garden on May 4,2 0 06 , at 11:55
PM, at the Rose Quarter/Holiday
Street Max Station Platform ? If
you have any inform ation, please
call attorney Ron Hoevet at (503)
The Erb M em orial Union at the
University of Oregon is seeking an
e x p e rie n c e d
c h ild
c a re
a d m in is tra to r.
id e a l
candidate will have a successful
tra c k re c o rd in c h ild c a re
a d m in is tra tio n , o p e ra tio n s ,
s u p e rv is io n , te a c h in g a nd
k n o w le d g e o f c h ild c a re
re g u la tio n s . R e q u ire m e n ts :
B achelors D egree and 3 years
work experience in childhood care
and education or an Associate
D e g re e in E a rly C h ild h o o d
Education or a related field and 5
y e a rs re la te d
e x p e rie n c e .
D em onstrated experience with
the elem ents of quality childhood
care and education and child care
program operations. Supervisory
o r le a d w o rk e x p e rie n c e is
re q u ire d .
K n o w le d g e
a p p lic a b le s ta te c h ild c a re
regulations, USDA Child Nutrition
Program, or experience working
with sim ilar regulatory standards
is n e e d e d . C a n d id a te s w ith
experience serving the needs of
diverse populations are strongly
desired. Experience supervising
staff w orking with children and
experience with University Human
R e s o u rc e s
p o lic ie s
procedures or sim ilar standards
p re fe rre d .
C o m p le te
announcem ent and application
inform ation available at Human
Resources, 5210 U niversity of
Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-5210
Eugene; (541) 3 46 -31 5 9, T T Y
(5 4 1 ) 3 4 6 -0 8 5 2 ; on th e w eb
July 1 2 ,2 0 0 6 - 6 : 3 0 p . m .
Sixth floor Hearing Room, Public Service Center
1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver
Clark County is updating its Equal Employment
Opportunity Plan. Please join us and share your ideas
about the plan. To receive a draft copy, call Human
Resources at (360) 397-2456 or visit www.clark.wa.gov/
Deadline for comments is 5 p . m . on July 19. Fax
(360) 397-2457, e-mail hradmin@clark.wa.gov, or mail
to Human Resources, P.O. Box 5000, Vancouver, WA
I f yo u need auxiliary aids to attend thisJorum,
please contaet the Clark County A D A Compliance
Office. V (360) 397-2025; T T Y (360) 397-2445;
e-mail ADA@ dark.wa.gov.
Proposals for Construction M anager General Contractor (CM GC)
services for the Shattuck Hall Seism ic and HVAC Upgrade Project
will be received at Portland State University, University Services
Building, 617 S.W. M ontgom ery, 2nd floor, Portland, Oregon, until
3:00 p.m. local tim e, July 18, 2006. A m andatory walk-through
m eeting will be conducted at PSU Facilities and Planning office,
617 SW M ontgom ery, Suite 202, Portland, Oregon., at 10:00 AM
local tim e on Thursday, June 29, 2006. Additional information is
available from Francis McBride. 503-725-8944 and fax 725-4329.
Oregon State University Kerr Adm inistration
Building G enerator Housing
Bid Due: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 - 1:00 p.m.
Greenberry Construction LLC
Salary range $33,000 $36,000
b a s e d on q u a lific a tio n s and
e x p e rie n c e
p lu s
h ig h ly
com petitive benefit package. For
full consideration all application
m aterials m ust be received by
5:00 p.m. July 10,2006. Position
will remain open until filled. AA/
EO/ADA institution committed to
cultural diversity.
Im m e d ia t e
f u ll
p a r t- t im e
o p e n in g s . S e e k in g d e p e n d a b le ,
w ell-groom ed, positive individuals.
$ 8 .5 0 + starting wage
O vertim e/ advancement potential
M edical & Dental. 4 0 1 k avail.
D ru g te s t/ Background check
Apply 1 2 :00- 1:00P M ,
M on,W ed,Thurs&Fri;
3 :0 0 4 :0 0 P M Tues.
City Center Parking,
1 30 SW Stark, Portland.
Phone: 5 4 1 .2 3 0 .0 4 5 6 (c e ll) * 5 4 1 .7 5 2 .0 3 8 1 x 3 0 2 (o ffice)
FAX 5 4 1 .7 5 2 .0 4 7 2 • FAX 5 4 1 .7 5 2 .0 8 5 4 • C C B # 1 6 6 6 1 2
Contact: M ike Anderson
We are an equal opportunity employer & request bids from all interested firms including
disadvantaged, minority, women, emerging small businesses & veteran owned businesses.
Scope: Excavation, Concrete, Masonry, Steel
Executive Assistant to the Director of
Communications and Marketing
Ready to take The Next Step in
yo u r c a re e r? C la rk C o lle g e is
seekingan Executive Assistant for
its Communication and Marketing
departm ent. You’ll work in a high-
energy, fast-paced environm ent.
Starting salary range is $36,000 -
$39.000 per year. Closing date is
Ju n e 22, 2 006. For co m p le te
p o s itio n
d e s c rip tio n
re qu irem en ts, and a p p lica tio n
process, access our web site at
www.clark.edu ; or contact Clark
College Human Resources, 1800
E. M cLoughlin Blvd., Vancouver,
W A 9 8 6 6 3 , (3 6 0 ) 9 9 2 -2 1 0 5
[H e a rin g im p a ire d (3 6 0 ) 992 -
2317]; JOBLINE (360) 992-2836.
AA/EEO employer.
C la rk C o lle g e is a c c e p tin g
a p p lic a tio n s fo r a fu ll-tim e ,
perm anent Program Coordinator
in S tu d e n t R e cru itm e n t. T h is
position perform s technical work
in support of Student Recruitment.
Salary is $2,358/m o (effective 7/
1/06). Closing date is 5 p.m., July
5,2 0 06 . For position description,
re q u ire m e n ts , a n d to a p p ly,
w e b s ite
w w w .clark.edu. Jobs at Clark or
c o n ta c t C la rk C o lle g e H um an
Resources, 1800 E. M cLoughlin
B lvd ., V a n c o u v e r, W A 9 8 6 6 3
(360) 992-2105 [JOBLINE (360)
9 9 2 -2 8 3 6 . H e a rin g im p a ire d
(3 6 0 ) 9 9 2 -2 3 1 7 ] .A A / E E O
• Transportation Analyst
Salary: $ 2.922 $4.183/m onth
Announcement A0CDT6387 Portland
• ITS Technician 2
Salary: $ 2 ,9 2 2 $ 4,183/m onth
Announcement A0CDT6303 Portland
• Wireless Communications Technician
Information Systems Specialist 5
House Manager, Portland Centerfor
the P e rfo rm in g A rts, $16.47 -
$18.17/hr, PT. Deadline: 6/30/
06. Onsite coordinator for events;
serves as liaison to prom oters,
entertainers, the public and facility
p erso n n el. This o p p o rtu n ity is
open to First Opportunity Target
A re a
re s id e n ts (C o lu m b ia
B oulevard on th e north; 42nd
Avenue on the east; the Banfield
Freeway on the south, and North
C h a utauq ua B oulevard on th e
west), whose total annual income
does not exceed $25,000 as an
in d ivid u a l, or $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 fo r an
entire household, for the past 12
To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b
a n n o u n c e m e n t and re q u ire d
ap p lica tion m aterials, visit our
website at www.metro-region.org/
jobs or pick up a com plete packet
at Metro Human Resources, 600
N E G ra n d A v e n u e , P o rtla n d .
Resum es are not accepted.
AA/EEO Em ployer
Salary. $3.478 $ 4,797/m onth
Announcement F0CDT6004A Salem
• Senior Application Developer
These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon.
A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job
information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or
b) the Oregon Jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon offers
employees competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits that includes employer
paid health Insurance: paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal
leave: membership in the Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan
(OPSRP); and opportunities to participate in the Oregon Savings .’ • ' h / . a C
Growth Plans. The State of Oregon and all its divisions are proud to *
be equal opportunity employers.
Salary $4,119 - $5,6 8 0 /m o n th
Announcement A0CDT6429 Salem
• Review Appraiser
Salary $ 3 ,5 5 6 - $5,O 91/m onth
Announcement »0CDT6294A Statewide
• Geo Hydro Manager
Salary: $4,181 • $ 6,169/m onth
Announcement #0C DT6456 Portland
• Right of Way Agent
Salary: $ 3 ,0 6 3 $ 4.396/m onth
Announcement JT0CDT6455 Salem
• Public Health Educator 2
Immunization Health Educator
OOOT People drive Oregon s Department o f
Transportation. If great benefits, a professional
work environment, job innovation, and career
growth opportunity drive >ou. then come to OOOT.
Announcement »LEHS6513 Portland
Salary: $3.121 - $4,350/m onth
Close Date: June 22. 2 0 0 6
• Principal Executlve/Manager C
Program Support Manager
Announcement HLEHS6451A Portland
Salary: $ 3,287 - $4,84O /m onth
Close Date: June 26. 2 0 0 6
• Public Health Educator 2
WIC Health Educator
Announcement KLEHS6515 Portland
Salary: $3,121 - $4.3 5 0 /m o n th
Close Date: June 29, 2 0 0 6
• Research Analyst 3
Announcement KLEHS6516 Portland
Salary: $3.121 $ 4,350/m onth
Close Date: June 29, 20 0 6
• Public Health Nurse
EMSC - Program Coordinator
Announcement »LEHS6227 Portland
Salary: $3.772 $ 5.260/m onth
Position is Open Until Filled
w . 0
• Highway Finance Office Manager
• Geometronics Unit Support Specialist
Salary: $ 2 ,0 6 9
$2.8 4 6 /m o n th
• Administrative Program Support
Salary: $ 2 ,0 6 9 $2.8 4 6 /m o n th
Announcement AOC0T6301A Salem
• Motor Carrier Auditor
Salary: $ 2.984 $4,146/m onth
Announcement »0C 0T6431 Eugene
• Pavement Design Engineer
$6,5O 9/m onth
Announcement »OCDT6300 Salem
• Quality Control Compliance Specialist
Salary; $ 2 ,9 2 2 - $ 4.183/m onth
Announcement #0C0T6376A Salem
e g o
• Governmental Liaison
Salary $4,114 $5,8 8 8 /m o n th
Announcement »0CDT6457 Portland
• External Audit Manager
Salary $50,172 $74.028/year
Announcement »0C DT6432 Salem
Announcement »0C DT6306 Salem
Salary: $ 4 ,5 4 4
Salary $ 6 4 ,0 0 8 $ 9 4 ,2 8 4 /
Annualized Equivalent
Announcement »0C 0T6305 Salem
• Electrician 2
Salary: $3,121 $ 4 ,3 5 0 /m o n th
Announcement »0CDT6081 Salem
Building Careen. Bridging the Future.
D e ta ile d
jo b
a n n o u n c e m e n ts
Inclu d e
qualifications, requirements, and instructions
on how to apply for these jo b s
Go to
www odot.state or us/jobs for a complete copy
or call 503 -98 6-40 30 (TTY 503-986-3 8 5 4 | to
request by mail OOOT is proud to operate as an
equal opportunity, affinnative action employer
A n nouncem ents w ill be m ade available in
alternate format upon request: (5 0 3 )3 7 8 6 2 0 2 ,
TTY 1 8 0 0 9 9 3 6 8 9 8
b s
. o