Page B2 lune 21. 2006 í,|e'JJortlanh © hseruer H airsp ray — Broadw ay’s new musical com edy phenom enon Hairspray plays the Keller Auditorium ( Southwest 3"1 and Clay ) through Sunday, June 25. Tickets are $25 to $75, and can be purchased through Ticketm aster at 503-790 A RTS or the Port­ land Opera Box O ftice at 503-241 - 1802. Tibetan C u ltu ra l Festival —Tibetans will share their ancient culture on Saturday June 24 at the 5'h Annual Tibetan Cultural Festival, sponsored by the N orthw est T ibetan Cultural Association, at O aks A m usem ent Park on the east end o f the Sellwood Bridge. The festival runs from 11 i m i n n sm > F em a le O d d C o u p le - - Integrity Produc­ tion presents a fem ale version o f the be­ loved Neil Simon classic “The Odd Couple" at 8 p.m. T hursdays, Fridays and S atur­ days and 4 p.m. on Sundays through June atT heater/T healer!,3430S.E . Belmont St. Tickets are $15. GUIDE a.m. to 5 p.m. and adm ission is free. For more information, contact the NW TCA at 503-222-7172. Safew ay W a te rfro n t Blues — Celebrate Blues and great food on the banks o f the W illam ette River at the Safeway W ater­ front Blues Festival, Friday, June 30 to T uesday, July 4. This year’s event will focus on New O rleans and G u lf Coast artists. A dm ission is $8 plus tw o cans o f non-perishable food per day. A five-day pass is available in advance for $25 plus fee. S tudio 20 E ntertainment P resents SPOTLIGHT K w ik I YR IC S by T o n is K w ik /V K tJ S IC BY BY S p a n k H o p k in s R ic k D a n c e T o m s Thom as the Tank Engine chugs into Hood River Sat­ urday, June 24, through July Sunday. July 2. Preschoolers and their fam ilies have the opportunity to take a 30 minute ride with the classic storybook steam locom o­ tive. Tickets are available by calling the Mt. Hood Railroad at 1-866- 4 6 8 -7630or visiting C em etery L o v e C lu h a t D unes - Portland duo Cem etery Love C lub plays at Dunes, 1909 N.E. M LK B lv d ..a t9 p .m . W ednes­ day, June 28. T ouring act Fall o f Snow will join the fun. plus DJ sets by Tigerstripes. K wik J ones M C 2 N o rm a n S y lv ester B and - The Norman Sylvester Band plays the G ood in the Hood Festival, Sunday, June 25 and the Safew ay W aterfront Blues Festi­ val, Friday June 30, and a Ray C harles tribute at the festival on Saturday, July 1 at 4:45 p.m. For more inform ation, visit or call the 24-hour Boogie Cat Hotline at 503- 281-5989. ? J WS»' r { n in o usical J une 3 0 . 2006 d u i turai d enter 5340 N. I nterstate A venue . P o r tlan d . O R TICKET INFORMATION C O N IA C I (503) 4 /3 6649 $15.00 PER PI RSON Mi dia S ponsor M \ W ■ >•’ T im e to J a m - Jam Night, Portland’sever- popular com edy and v a rie ty sh o w is at Christian Performing A rtsC enter, 8 13 1 N. D enver Ave. Show s continue every Fri­ day night starting at 9 p.m. with dinner by M ondem aj C atering next door to the show at 6:30 and 7:30p.m . H ip -h o p D ance C lasses - Vancouver- Clark Parks and Recreation is hosting fam ­ ily friendly hip-hop dance classes forages 5 to 18. V arious lessons teach rhythm . hands-on look at how biology and engineering are com ing together to close the gap betw een technical real­ ity and science fiction fantasy. The hands-on exhibit “Robots and Us" features com ponents and com puter interactives at the Oregon M useum o f O m si R o b o t Science and Industry (OM SI). technique, coordination, agility, com bi­ C all to A rtists - Local artists are encour­ nations and team w ork through urban dance moves. For more inform ation, call aged to show o ff their talent by becom ing 360-696-8236. a Portland O pen Studios Artist. Each year. 1 96 art i sts are chosen from the m etro area to open their studios and become part o f an e x c itin g re g io n a l a rt e v e n t. V isit p o rtla n d o p en stu d io s.c o m for more information. ^JJartlanb (¡PbsrrUrr r — B elly D an ce C la sses - - Caravan Studios of­ fers classes in belly dance, African dance an d m o re . V isit ‘‘R ob otsan d U s” a tO M S I --G et a fun, I n tersi afe F irehouse FOR Portland on W ednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover. 31 N.W. First Ave. T h om as the l a n k E ngine - EVERYBODY WANTS T O BE A “ STARA” B ook The O dd Couple. state R are E b on y S cu lp tu res - M aster carvers from the T an z an ia tribe M akonde have been carving ebony for centuries, and now the public can see som e o f the m ost valuable w ood on the globe at the W orld Forestry C enter. G eneral adm ission is $7 for adults, $6 for se­ niors, $5 for children, and m em bers are free. T r ip p in ' th rou gh T ow n - T ake a trip through tim e to find the hottest p ix try . hip- hop and soul influencing L ive M u sic E very N ig h t — Kick o ff your week with live jazz every Sunday at 9 p.m. at The Blue M onk (3341 SE Belmont). Participate in am ixed-m ediaopen mic night each M onday at the Back to Back Café (614 East Burnside). The T horn City Improv, featuring members o f Oldominion, Quivah, The Chosen and The Black Notes, perform at C onan’s(3862S.E . Hawthorne) every Tuesday at 10p.m . C elebrate Hump Day at The Red Sea(381 S. W. 3rd Ave) after work on W ednesdays, from 5 to 9 p.m. Inch tow ard the w eekend at the C andle­ light Room (2032 SW 5th Ave) with the Black Notes, perform ing each Thursday. C elebrate Friday with Mel Brown, who playsjazzat Salty’son theC olum biaevery Friday and Saturday, and Jim m y M ak ’ s on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Round o ff your week with live Reggae on Fridays and Saturdays at M ontego Bay. (1239 S.W. Jefferson). Book Talkst0 Fathers A tribute to dad’s love, devotion BOBBY CALDWELL* PONCHO SANCHEZ • NILS • TOM GRANT • MINDI ABAIR • PATRICK LAMB • CRAIG CHAQUICO • N' TOUCH Sunday, July 23rd • PGE PARK Gates epen a t Neen • 1st act en a t 1 T he unconditional love and d e­ votion fathers have extended to their fam ilies over the years is told by Dr. Larry C. Harris, a pediatrician w ho resides in Fayetteville, N.C., in his classic parenting book, “ It All Starts at H om e.” Harris tells a heart-w renching story about a family enduring the trials o f life with a father and his unflinching dedication to his nine children. The b o o k 's foreword is by H arris’ college buddy. Dr. Ben C arson, the renow ned surgeon. In 1951, Fred Harris II, Dr. Harris’ father, was a platoon sergeant at Fort Bragg, N.C. For most dads one jo b w ould seem ingly be enough. But Sergeant had to provide for his family. So he alsoeamedextra money sew ing chevrons on his troops fa­ tigues. Sergeant Harris was alsoa barber, a cab driver, a bouncer at the local Veterans o f Foreign Wars Club, and he worked at the bowling alley. And in doing all these things he always made time for his family, spending quality-time with his children. “ W hat I rem em ber about my up­ bringing is that my mom and my dad d id n 't just talk to us about life, they lived the life they talked about," Dr. Harris said. “ Because dad put family first, he never considered doing anything It A ll S t a r t s at HOME IS »o Family F u ti too lowly or dem eaning. Extra work meant that he could provide better for the fam ily— my father set the exam ple; it w asn 't hard for me to follow ," he said. “ It All Starts At Home: 15 W ays to Put Family First," by Dr. Larry C. Harris with Cecil M urphey, retails for $12.99 and is available at Bor­ d e rs, B a rn e s an d N o b le s and