lune 14. 2 0 0 6 ü,!‘^Jnrtlanò (S)hsmwr Page B 3 Focus o 5 Oregon Shakespeare Festival* O rganized A shland * bus tours June 9-11 The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare Intimate Apparel by Lynn Nottage Bus Stop by William Inge ($34S/person double occupancy) Sept. 2-3 The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare The Winter’s Tale by William Shakespeare ($275/person double occupancy) Sept. 29 - Oct. 1 Actress Gina Ravera stars as Detective Irene Daniels of the LAPD Priority Homicide Squad on the hit TNT drama Portland Emergency Medical Technicians are portrayed in the new drama ‘Saved’ starring “The Closer." Tracy Vilar (from left). Omari Hardwick and Tom Everett Scott. Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde New Drama ‘Saved’ follows Portland EMTs Diverse cast feeds TNT cable success Portland- based E m ergency M edical T ech ­ nicians are p o rtrayed in a new character- by Lynn Nottage ($345/person double occupancy) T h in g You D o), O m ari H ardw ick (B eauty season on the sam e night. S hop) and T racy V ilar( Full F ro n ta l) follow s a d ed icated gro u p o f ex p erts w ho save lives, "T h e C lo ser" d ep icts the fictio n al Los A n g eles P olice D epartm ent P rio rity H om i­ but may not be able to save th em selv es from cid e D ivision. T he team o f d etec tiv e s e x ­ the p erso n al ch a lle n g es they face. pertly in terro g ates p erp etrato rs o f unusual, brutal and so m etim es quirky m u rd er cases "S av ed ” ( 10p.m . P S T lp re m ie re d o n T u e s- Intimate Apparel driven d ram a on T N T C able, as part o f the n e tw o rk ’s co n tin u in g co n trib u tio n to p ro ­ gram m ing diversity. day on C o m cast cab le ch an n el 54 in P o rt­ w hile battlin g d iv isio n s w ithin the squad. land, follow ing the hit T N T dram a "T he C lo ser” (9 p.m . PST), an o th er show featuring T he resp o n se to T N T ’s p ro g ram m in g has elev ated the n etw o rk to the seco n d highest “ Saved," staring Tom Everett School (That a d iv erse cast w hich retu rn ed for its second A frican A m erican au d ien ce on cable. Tht Troqkol History o f Doctor fa u itu t (100$) Ersem bk intim ate Apparel [jo o b ] Gwendolyn Mulam oa Tiffany Adams Relax and Enjoy! Photos David Cooper and T ( hartes Em mon Round-trip coach trip; dinner with OSF actors; indoor and BOOK NOW! outdoor performances; ( 5 4 1 ) 4 8 2 - 2 I I I , e x t.240 lodging in downtown hotels; shopping and much more! Z^ Martin Luther King Jr. Papers go to Auction Documents may bring $15 million (AP) — For years, S otheby's auction house has tried to sell the papers, m anuscripts and personal library o f the Rev. M artin Luther KingJr. But previous negotiations with various institutions cam e to naught, including a private sale in 2003 that was called off. Now, on June 30, Sotheby’s will auction the King collection, hoping that an institu­ tion will step forward and pay from $15 million to $30 million for the lot o f more than 10,000 items. "It does set a challenge for Ameri­ can institutions to decide whether or not they want to save and pre­ serve the King legacy for poster­ ity," David Redden, S otheby’s vice chairm an, said. “This is a very im ­ portant story that needs a very appropriate conclusion.” The money will go to the finan­ cially strapped King estate. Red­ den said the death o f C oretta Scott King earlier this year helped speed A photo by Sothebys shows a draft reply from Dr. and Mrs. Martin Luther King Jr. to the Lovett School on Feb. 25, 1963 after it rejected their application to enroll young Martin III. graduate student. On the cards, he wrote facts, aphorism s and biblical quotes. The entire collection will be on public view June 21 -29, in antici­ pation o f the sale on June 30. Historians believe it is one o f the greatest A merican archives o f the 20th century in private hands and reveals a fuller portrait o f King, the Nobel Prize w inner who led theCivil R ights m ovem en t, h elp ed d is ­ mantle segregation and w as gunned down in 1968. "K ing was at the center o f one o f Given the historical significance ot the papers. Redden believes a m ajor institution, aided by a donor, will buy the lot. He said the estate d oesn't w ant K ing's work to fall into private hands, "The estate very much wants this to go to an institution," he said. J Boyd Picture Perfect Landscape Maintenance o p e the m ost im p o rtan t p erio d s in A merican history and these docu­ m ents illum inate the era," said S ta n fo rd h is to ry p r o fe s s o r C layborne Carson, who edited the “T he A utobiography o f M artin Luther King, Jr." Carson said one the most m em o­ rable w ritings was a draft o f K ing's Nobel Prize acceptance speech, which he won at age 35. In his address. King said: “ N onviolence is the answ er to the crucial pol itieal and moral questions o f our tim e — the need for man to overcom e o p ­ pression and violence without re­ sorting to violence and oppres­ sion." A good lawn starts with a early prep. Prepare your lawn for spring now! 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Hancock Portland, OR 97212 9 «m-fl pm Tuee.-Set Open M-F 9-5 pm • Saturdays 10-5 pm 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL Wally Tesfa Multi-family properties are a great way to start your investment portfolio. Here when you need usi (503)287-4914 MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE —Clayborne Carson, Stanford history professor Shop 503-282-2920 Cell 503-309-4488 H 223 NE Russell St Portland, Oregon King was at the center o f one of the most important periods in American history and these documents illuminate the era. up the decision to hold an auction. “To be candid," Redden said, "the passing o f Mrs. King did re­ quire that the estate put their affairs in order.” The papers span from 1946 to 1968. the most im portant years of K ing's life. They i nclude 7.000hand­ written items, including his early A labam a serm ons and a draft o f the speech. “I Have a Dream," which he delivered Aug. 2 8 ,1963, at the m as­ sive March on W ashington for Jobs and Freedom. K ing's personal library o f ap­ proxim ately I .(XX) volum es is also part o f the com pendium as well as 8(X) index cards from his days as a P r o j e c t 360-823-1441 1-888-849-0588 t=ï p E rbri I CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (503) 281-3949