Page B2 lune 14. 2006 il?f ^lînrtlanh © bseruer RSL Luxury skin Care H a irsp ra y - Broadw ay’snew musical com edy phenom enon Hairspray com es to the Keller A uditorium (S W 3rtandC lay) June 20-25. Tick­ ets are $25 to $75, and can be M4- currently offer: M icroderm abrasion (Special $50 till 6/17) Peels • Facials • Bridal • Facial Waxing Beauty Consultations • Cosm etics Perfectly Shaped Eye Brows Personal Care Products purchased CLIDE artists. A dm ission is $8 plus tw o cans o f non- perishable food p erday. A five-day pass is avail­ able in advance for $25 plus fee. through Ticketmaster at 503-790 ARTS or the Portland O pera Box O f­ fice at 503-241-1802. Take you rself to the next level in beauty Call today! 971-227-9044 833 SE Main Street, Suite 108, Portland. OR 97214 A wish changes nothing. A decision changes everything! Fem ale ( )dd C ouple Integ­ rity Production presents a fe­ male version o f the beloved Neil Sim on classic “The Odd C ouple” at 8 p in . Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and 4 p.m. on Sundays through June at Theater/Theater!, 343OS.E. The O dd C ouple Belmont St. Tickets are $ 15. S u p e rG ro v e r! Ready fo r A ction —Calling all superheroes! D iscover what it takes to get your inner hero ready for action with Sesame Street Live “SuperGrover! Ready For Action ¡’’Thurs­ day, June 15 through Sunday, June I Sat M em o­ rial Coliseum . Tickets are $ 12 to $20. A m erican Idols at th e Rose G a rd e n - - The top 12 finalists o f the fifth season o f Am erican Idol will appear on the 2006 tour at the Rose G arden Friday, Sept. I a t7 p .m . Tickets are $38.50 to $68.50 at the Rose Q uarter box office, Safew ay outlets, RoseQ or I -877- 789-ROSE. 3 L eg T o rso — The daring, m odern, world chaniber/pop group 3 Leg Torso kicks o ff a sum m er o f perform ances Saturday, June 17 at the Blue Monk, 3341 S.E. Belmont, beginning at 9 p.m. Admission is $ 10 for patrons 2 1 and older. L ive M usic E very N ig h t - Kick o ff your week with livejazz every Sunday at 9 p.m. at The Blue Monk (3 3 4 1 SE Belmont (.Participate in a mixed- m edia open mic night each Monday at the Back to Back Café (614 East Burnside). The Thorn City Improv, featuring mem bers ofO ldom inion, Q uivah, The Chosen and The Black Notes, perform at C o n an 's (3862 S.E. H aw thorne) ev ­ ery Tuesday at 10 p.m. C elebrate H um p Day at The Red Sea (381 S.W . 3"1 Ave) after work on W ednesdays, from 5 to 9 p.m. Inch tow ard the weekend at the Candlelight Room ( 2032 SW 5lh Ave) with the Black Notes, perform ing each Thursday. C elebrate Friday with Mel Brown, who plays jazz at Salty’s on the C olum bia every Friday and Saturday, and Jim my M ak’s on T uesday s and Thursdays. Round o ff your week with live Reggae on Fridays and Saturdays at M ontego Bay, ( 1239 S.W. Jefferson). C h o ru s “ R azzle D azzle” - The Portland Gay M en’s Chorus presents a fully staged Broad­ way review o f “Razzle Dazzle” featuring “All That Jazz”, “C abaret” and the title song, Satur­ day, June 17 at 8 p.m. at the N ewm ark Theatre, 1111 S.W. Broadway. Our Home Ownership and Mortgage Expertssm will BENEFIT YOU by delivering personalized home loan solutions to fit your needs. Good or bad credit! We’re local. We care. Experience the difference! Call (360) 433-2466 Toll free 1-877-436-2466 apply online at T ib etan C u ltu ra l Festival - Tibetans will share their ancient culture on Saturday, June 24 at the 5lh A nnual Tibetan Cultural Festival, spon­ sored by the N orthw est Tibetan Cultural A sso­ ciation, at Oaks A m usem ent Park on the east end o f the Sellw ood Bridge. The festival runs from 11 a. m. to 5 p.m. and adm ission is free. For more inform ation, contact the N W TC A at 503- 222-7172. N o rm a n S y lv e ste r B a n d — The N orm an Sylvester Band plays the Safew ay W aterfront Blues Festival, Friday June 30 at 3:45 p.m. and a Ray Charles tribute at the festival on Satur­ day,July I at 4:45 p.m. For more inform ation on the festival, visit w w w .w aterfront , and for more infor­ mation about Norman Sylvester, visit w w w .norm or call the 24-hour Boogie C at Hotline at 503-281-5989. S afew ay W a te rfro n t Blues -C elebrate Blues and great food on the banks of the W illamette River at the Safeway W aterfront Blues Festival, Friday, June 30 to Tuesday, July 4. This year’s event will focus on New O rleans and G ulf Coast tSt equal housing lender serving Oregon & Washington Seattle/Portland Chapter What Happened When KATRINA Struck? A First Hand Perspective From A Utility CEO The Seattle/Portland Chapter of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF BLACKS IN ENERGY® Cemetery IxiveC luba, D unes - Portland duo Cem etery Love Club plays at Dunes, 1909 N.E. MLK Blvd., at 9 p.m. W ednesday, June 28. Touring act Fall o f Snow will join the fun, plus DJ sets by Tigerstripes. ( )n the Radio - - G roove to soul and hip-hop w ith Kevin Berry from 7 to 9 p.m. M ondays at 90.7 FM /KBOO. Check out the C om m unity P ot­ pourri talk show from 7 to 8 a.m. M ondays, W ednesday and Fridays at 1480 AM /KBM S. C ount your blessings with M elodies from Heaven from 6 to 10 p.m. M ondays through Fridays at 1290 A M /K K SL. Tune in to African A m erican Health Radio W ednesday nights on 1290 AM/KKSL. “ Robots and Us” at O M S I - G et a fun, hands- on look at how biology and engineering are com ing together to close the gap between technical reality and science fiction fantasy. The hands-on exhibit "R obots and U s” fea­ tu res c o m p o n e n ts and c o m p u te r interactives at the Oregon M useum of Science and Industry (OM SI). 3-Leg Torso Kimberly Adams, Owner Mortgage Broker o f technology. For more inform ation, visit N orm an S y lv e s te r Innovation Station - Kids will have a ball at O M S l’s new Innovation Station by exploring the human side AFFORDABLE « JJ FULL LOCKSMITH O m si R o b o t C all to A rtists - Local artists are encouraged to show off their talent by becom ing a Portland O pen Studios Artist. Each year, 96 artists are chosen from the metro area to open their stu­ dios and becom e part o f an exciting regional art event. Visit for more information. R a re E bony S cu lp tu re s - M aster carvers from the T anzania tribe M akonde have been carving ebony for centuries, and now the public can see som e o f the m ost valuable w ood on the globe at the W orld Forestry Center. G eneral adm is­ sion is $7 for adults, $6 for seniors, $5 for children, and m em bers are free. T rip p in ’ th ro u g h Tow n - Take a trip through tim e to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover. 31 N.W . First Ave. Belly D ance C lasses - Caravan Studios offers classes in belly dance, African dance and more. V isit w w w S esam e S tre e t In te ra c tio n — The Portland C hildren’s M useum presents "C an You Tell Me How to G et T o Sesam e Street,” using television’s chrom a-key technology so local kids can see them selves on TV alongside their favorite Muppet characters. For inform ation, c a ll 5 0 3 - 2 2 3 -6 5 0 0 or v is it w w w .portlandchildrensm useum .org. H ip -h o p D ance C lasses - V ancouver-Clark Parks and Recreation is hosting fam ily friendly hip-hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. Various lessons teach rhythm , technique, coordina­ tion, ag ility , co m b in atio n s and team w ork through urban dance moves. For more inform a­ tion, call 360-696-8236. & LOCK & KEY SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT? WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH: HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Portland 503.284.9582 • Oregon City 503.656.2116 Serving Portland/Metro area (N, NE, SE, SW & NW) State Farnr* Providing Insurance and Financial Services IM t V H M C I Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61ZIU Ernest J. Hill, Jr. is proud to present Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland, OR 9/217 503 786 1,03 Fax 503 386 1146 etrue lull liSmbVistatefarra com B u d d y W aiter Tours with Bob Marley’s sons 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® Daniel F. Packer President and C EO Entergy N ew Orleans Are you and your utility prepared for a major disaster? Learn what happened in New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina struck. HearfromtheCEOwho remained behindto manage hiseleetrie utility through the storm and its aftermath. Friday, June 2 3 ,2(X)6 Bonneville Power A dm inistration - East Side Com plex General Services A dm inistration A uditorium 9 1 1 NE 11"’Avenue Portland. Oregon 97232 (Picture II) is required for adm ission to the facility) Time: Admission: Contact Information: Reggae Legend Hooking Up 1:0()p.m. to 3:00p.m . (reception to follow) No charge Jean N orw ood, President, A A BE” Seattle/Portland Chapter (503)226-4211 x.3411 or 1 -800-422-4012x3411 jan@ nw I " M y music is homegrown from the garden o f New Orleans. Music is everything to me short o f breathing. Music also has a role to lift you up—not to be escapist but to take you out o f m isery." Allen Toussaint ■ - ‘%/S let the music set you free 8 9 .1 I ( A P)— Bunny Wailer, the reggae legend w ho was one o f the original W aiters along with Bob Marley and Peter Tosh, will tour for the firs, tim e with a new generation of M arleys. W a ile r w ill p lay a lo n g sid e M arley’s sons, Stephen and Ziggy, on the Roots, Rock, Reggae Festi­ val, a m onth-long tour that opens Aug. 6 in Redway, Calif. The 59-year-old W ailer, whose real nam e is N ev ille O 'R ile y Livingston, said in a phone inter­ view from Jam aica that he consid­ ers it his “responsibility and duty” to tour with the M arley family. “ I'm the foundation o f all o f this stuff,” he said. "And I remain; some­ way, som ehow I’ve been sustained to be here. And th ere’s a new gen­ eration that’s now beingestabl ished musically th a t's com ing from the W aiters’ family." Stephen M arley, 34. will head­ line the tour. Ziggy M arley, 37, will also perform , as will the group Ozomatli. I