Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 14, 2006, Image 7

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    Committed Io Cultural Diversity
lune 1 1. 2()()(.
Portland EMTs
on TNT Cable
M etro
tú í t Festivalis
‘Saved’ part of network’s
diversity lineup
îl!l ^ lo rtla ith © b sc i‘Uer
See page B3
Juneteenth Celebration
C elebrate Juneteenth with gtxxJ
food, R& B, hip hop, blues, jazz
and spoken word, raffles, gam es
and jo b inform ation and opportu­
nities from statewide em ployers,
Friday, June 16 through Sunday,
June at Peninsula Park, 7(X) N.
Portland Blvd.
Passportto Africa
Business After Hours
The O regon Association o f M i­
nority E ntrepreneurs B usiness
A lter H ours takes place from 5
p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June
15 at O A ME Cascade Plaza, 4134
N. V ancouver Ave.
How’s Your Memory?
A free com m unity forum hosted
by the Providence C enter on Ag­
ing addresses the topic o f aging
and fo rg e tfu ln e ss, 7 p.m . on
Thursday, June 15 at Providence
St. V in c e n t M ed ical C e n te r,
Souther Auditorium , 9205 S.W.
Barnes Rd.
Foursquare Houses
Experts explore the American Four­
square house, a popular and very
unsquare tum -of-the-century de­
sign found in every older Portland
neighborhtxxl. Pre-register for the
event on Saturday, June 17 from 2
p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Architectural
Heritage C enter, 701 S.E. G rand
Ave. by calling 503-231-7264 or
visitingw w w .V isitA H C.org.
Vancouver Junior Symphony
Support the future o f music in
s o u th w e s t W a s h in g to n at a
fundraising concert for the Junior
Sym phony o f V ancouver, featur­
ing Bach, Handel and others, S at­
urday, June 17. Early auction be­
gins at 7 p.m. and concert begins
at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $20, avail­
able at the door.
Hate Crimes Conference
M any feel pow erless to stop hate
crim es, but there are ways to ef­
fectively com bat this com m unity
problem . Portland C om m unity
College will host the 2006 Oregon
H ateCrimesConference, W ednes­
day through Friday, June 2 1 -23 at
the C ascade C am pus, 705 N.
K illingsw orth St.. To register or
g et m o re in f o rm a tio n , v isit
o r e g o n s ta te .e d u /c o n f e r e n c e s /
hatecrim es2006 or call 503-614-
Summer Hoops Camp
Skills and Drills Sum m er Basket­
ball Cam p, presented by Miss
Oregon Teen USA 2006 Kelci Rae
Flowers and in association with
Portland T railblazer Jerry Moss,
takes place June 24, 8:30 a.m. to
3:30p.m. at Jack, Will & Rob Boys
and Girls Club, Camas, Wash. The
cam p is $20 with lunch provided,
and is open to Boys and Girls Club
members ages six to 16. Free mem­
berships are offered; for more in­
formation call V eronica Alberti at
9 7 1 -409-8687or JoelleCam achoat
M usician C hata A d d y will te a c h African d ru m m in g a t S a tu rd a y 's
D ay o f th e A frican Child fe stiv a l a t th e World F orestry C enter.
Interstate Farmers Market
The Interstate Farm ers Market
features a variety o f fresh local
produce, baked goods, cut flow ­
ers, artisan cheese, meat and fish
each each W ednesday from 3 p.m.
to 7 p.m., next to O verlook Park
across the street from K aiser
Perm anente Interstate Cam pus
•^community service
African drumming, foods, storytelling and
arts and crafts will pull people together for the
good of the global community at the Day of the
African Child festival on Saturday, June 17
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the World Forestry
Center in Washington Park.
The celebration,
co-sponsored by
the Harambee Cen­
tre and the Port­
land Rose Festival,
honors the African
C hild -
present and future
-through entertain­
ment and educa­
tional activities for
families and chil­
dren of all ages.
A variety of
family-friendly activities - both outdoor at the
World Forestry Center Plaza and inside the
Discovery Museum — include musician Chata
Addy and his African drumming and marimba
workshops in the outdoor plaza.
An outside African Market will feature
food by Horn of Africa Restaurant, African
products for purchase and information about
non-profit organizations involved in develop­
ment projects in Africa.
Mirtcan storytelling will take place inside the
Discovery Museum, along with the Harambee
Centre presentation of “Africa is Not a Coun­
try and the summer exhibit “Ebony! Carvings
of the Makonde," a presentation of over 50
hand-carved ebony sculptures by the Makonde
tribe of East Africa.
The festival is de­
signed to prom ote
com m unity aw are­
ness about the plight
of the African child
who often is the first
victim of Africa’s ca­
lam ities like HIV/
A ID S , civil war,
arm ed
c o n flic t,
draught, famine, and
poverty. The gather­
ing will bring attention
to what can be done to improve the welfare of
children in Africa, who make up between 50-60
percent of the population.
Admission to the celebration in the outdoor
plaza is free to the public. Admission to the
Discovery Museum is free forchildren under 18,
adults are $7 and Seniors are $6. The World
Forestry Center is located just off Highway 26
and the MAX light rail line. Visitors are encour­
aged to ride MAX or take Tri Met bus #63.
Top Prep Players in Nation to Battle
Rose City
Showcase to
kick off Friday
The fourth annual Adidas Rose
City showcase presents grassroots
basketball at its finest, along with
courtside entertainment, from Fri­
day, June 16 to Sunday, June 18 at
Kevin Love
Grant High School in northeast Port­ Bill W alker
from Georgia. The Northwest will be
The nation’s top AAU basketball well represented by W ashington’s
teams and some of the best prep Friends of Hoop and Seattle Rotary
players in the country will battle it out Select.
for the Adidas Rose City Showcase
The tournament is one of Ihe most
title. The nationally-ranked teams anticipated basketball events of the year.
include DC Assault from Washing­ It will be the only time you will see the
ton, D.C.; D-l Greyhounds from four of the consensus top five players in
Ohio; Pump N Run All-Stars, SoCal the country in one gymnasium, as well as
All-Stars and Shakur Village, all from other Top 50 prospects.
California; and the Atlanta Celtics
The talent includes No. I ranked O.J.
O.J. M ayo
Mayo, No. 2 Bill Walker, No. 4 Michael
Beasley, No. 5 Kevin Love. No. 11
Austin Freeman, No. 19 Jullian Vaughn,
No. .31 Senario Hillman. No. 39 James
Harden and No. 41 ranked Alex Tyus.
Additionally, some of the nation'stop
rising juniors and sophomores will also
be in the house, including Brandon
Jennings, Harold Thompkins. William
Buford and Renardo Sidney, who is
considered by many to be the best player
in the country in the Class of 2(X)9.
Previous participants have included
the likes of current NBA players
Dwight Howard (Orlando Magic),
Josh Smith (Atlanta Hawks), Marvin
Williams (Atlanta Hawks), Martell
Webster (Portland Trailblazers), and
Gerald Green (Boston C eltics).
Scores of current and future college
stars have also played in this exciting
The action all begins Friday with
opening ceremonies at 4 p.m. at Grant
High School with the First of four
matchups following at 5:30p.m. Tour­
nament games begin at 3:15 p.m. on
both Saturday and Sunday with the
Sunday championship game at 7 p.m.
Divisional tournaments for other
teams, ages 9 to 16. from Portland,
Seattle and across the nation will
take place Saturday and Sunday at
Grant, Benson and Franklin high
Irving Park Summer Fun Coming
Includes basketball, jazz and health fairs
Tibetan Cultural Festival
Tibetans will share their ancient
culture on Saturday, June 24 at the
5lh Annual Tibetan Cultural Festi­
val, sponsored by the Northwest
Tibetan C ultural Association, at
Oaks A m usem ent Park on the east
end o f the Sellwtxxl Bridge. The
festival runs from 11 a.m .to5p.m .
and adm ission is free.
anu r riu a y iron
p.m . to 8 p.m.
A skill devek
ment cam p will l
cus on passing, dr
bling, defense a
offense and scrii
maging, w ithatoi
nament at the end
the summer. Spt
are still available)
filling upquickly.
Family Fun Da
are open to ever
B a s k e tb a ll skill d e v e lo p m e n t c a m p a t Irving Park
one, w ith ajaz/ tes
val from 2 p.m. tc
Hot sum m er days lie ahead, and Portland
p.m. Friday, July 28, featuring youth jazz ai
parks are at their busiest when the rain is arts. Health fairs are Fridays. Aug. 4 and I
gone and school is out.
with a com m unity services day on Frida
Aug. 11.
Irving Park at N ortheast Seventh Avenue
and Fremont Street will be hom e to tw o big
The program 's health days will feati
m onths o f basketball fun, a jazz festival,
full dental screenings, ear and eye ca
health fairs and family fun days for kids and
bltxxl pressure and cholesterol screcnin
The com m unity fair is a free and informât
H osted by the First S teps S ports A cad ­ way forelderly and youth to access a numl
em y, the A ll-A m erican Y outh B asketball
of participants and health providers, w
C lin ic and S um m er Program tak es place
will be on site.
June 26 through A ug. 24, each M onday
T his sum m er program is presented
through T hursday from noon to 3:30 p.m.
First S tep S p o rts A cadem y and cospt
sored by P ortland Parks and R ecreatio n ,
the N o rth ea st C o a litio n o f N eig h b o r­
hoods and Y outh E m ploym ent Institute.
C o ach E.J. Penn o p erates F irst Step
S ports A cadem y as an after-sch o o l sports
program out o f V ernon E lem en tary , and
this will be the fourth y ear o f the sum m er
p rogram . F irst S tep is still seeking v o lu n ­
teers, health care p articip a n ts, local m u si­
cian s and an y o n e in terested in sp o n so r­
ing or d o n atin g to this su m m e r’s day cam p
and fam ily fun days.
To register for the cam p or for more infor­
mation. call M elissa Knight at 503-604-1718.
thro u g h Aug. 1 4 a t Irving Park. N o r th e a s t S e v e n th a n d F rem ont.