Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 14, 2006, Page 2, Image 2

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Page A2
lune 14. 2006
Berg: No Good in Al-Zarqawi’s Death
who believe in
is believed to
have beheaded
two American
c iv ilia n s in
(A P)— The father of Nicho­
2004: Nicholas
las Berg, a U.S. contractor be­
lieved to have been beheaded
old business­
by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in
man from West
Iraq, said al-Zarqawi’s killing Michael Berg
will only perpetuate the cycle of C h e ste r, Pa., and E ugene
Armstrong, a 52-year-old contrac­
violence in the Middle East.
“ I think al-Zarqawi’s death is a tor from Hillsdale, Mich. Jack
double tragedy," Michael Berg said Hensley, a 48-year-old engineer
Thursday, after learning a U.S. from Marietta, Ga„ was abducted at
airstrike had killed the leader of al- the same time as Armstrong and
Qaida in Iraq. “Hisdeath will incite also killed.
Michael Berg, a pacifist who is
a new wave of revenge. George
Bush and al-Zarqawi are two men running for D e la w a re ’s lone
Sees perpetual
cycle of
House seat on the Green Party
ticket, said al-Z arqaw i'sdeath is
likely to foster anti-American
re se n tm e n t am ong a l-Q a id a
members who feel they have
nothing left to lose.
Berg said the blame for most
deaths in Iraq should be placed on
President Bush, who he said is
"more of a terrorist than Zarqawi.”
“Zarqawi felt my son’s breath
on his hand as he held the knife
against his throat. Zarqawi had to
look in his eyes when he did it,”
Berg added, pausing to collect
himself. "George Bush sits there
glassy-eyed in his office with
pieces of paper and condemns
people to death. That to me is a real
James Cameron at the Black Holocaust Museum in 2003.
Black Leader Dies at 92
Founded Black Holocaust Museum
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^ e g rjh
(AP) — James Cameron, who
survived an attempted lynching by
a white mob and went on to found
America’s Black Holocaust Mu­
seum, died Sunday at the age of 92.
In l930,in Marion. Ind.Cameron
and two friends were arrested and
accused of killing a white man dur­
ing a robbery and raping the man’s
A mob broke them out of the
local jail and hanged Cameron's
two friends, then placed a rope
around his neck.
"They began to chant for me like
a fo o tb all p la y e r, ‘W e w ant
Cameron! We want Cameron!,” he
recalled in a 2003 interview. “I could
lcan C hild • June 17
year when the U.S. Senate issued
an apology for not stan d in g
against the lynching violence
that killed more than 4,700 people
from 1882 to 1968, three-fourths
o f them black.
“I was saved by a miracle,”
Cameron said at the time. “They
were going to lynch me between my
two buddies,” he said, with thou­
sands of people "hollering tor my
blood when a voice said, ‘Take this
boy back.’”
Cameron was convicted of be­
ing an accessory before the fact to
voluntary manslaughter and spent
four years in prison, but was granted
a pardon in 1993. He said he had
been beaten into signing a false
feel the blood in my body just freez­
ing up.”
The 16-year-old shoeshine boy
was spared when a man in the crowd
proclaimed his innocence.
The museum explores the his­
tory ofthestrugglesof black Ameri­
cans from slavery to the modem
day and was considered one of the
first of its kind in the country.
“It’s the most important thing in
the world to me to carry on this
fight, to explain the history that's
been hidden... from black people,”
he told The Associated Press in
Cameron counted one o f his
defining moments in June last
Juneteenth Calendar
Special activities for Juneteenth, to Martin Luther King Jr BI vd. then
the African-American freedom cel­ south to Fremont, turning west to
ebration, take place Friday, Satur­ Albina then north to the Portland
day and Sunday, June 16-18 at Pen­ Community College Cascade cam­
insula Park, 700 N. Portland Blvd. pus.
All vehicles are allowed to park
Friday, June 16
at PCC Cascade and people can
5:30 p.m. - Opening Prayer, Black
walk from PCC to Peninsula Park.
National Anthem and introduc­
Suggested donations of $5 for
tion by Rochelle Pack
adults and $3 for children will sup­
6 p.m. - Free Ice Cream Social
port the Juneteenth Emancipation
Introductions by Mayor Tom
Awareness Foundation, the Port­
Potter and Sen. Avel Gordly
land Parks & Recreation and the
7 p.m. - Entertainment
Youth Cadre Teen Council.
Saturday, June 17
11 a.m. - Opening Prayer and
Black National Anthem sung by
Nemo. Presentation of What is
Juneteenth? by Mrs. Rochelle
Pack. Buffalo Soldiers with Bruce
12 p.m. - In Black and White
(R&B, Funk and Soul)
1:05 p.m. - Dustla and Issy L
(Positive rap and Hip-Hop)
followed by an introduction by
Sen. Avel Gordly and remarks by
Gov. Ted Kulongoski.
2p.m. - Cool Breeze (Hard Soul)
2:45 p.m. - Lloyd Allen (Blues)
3:45 p.m. - N em o/3G ’s Dancers,
followed by an introduction by
Bruce Broussard and remarks by
Ron Saxton, candidate for
5:05 p.m. - Kirk Green (Soft
sensual soul)
6 p.m. - Moments Notice
7 p.m. - Pla-House featuring
Woody Broadnax
8:30 p.m. - Closing Prayer
Freedom Trail Parade
The parade assembles at 11 a.m.
Saturday and leaves at n«>n from
Bethel AME Church located on
Northeast 9th Avenue & Jarrett
The route begins north on Jarrett
Sunday, June 18
1 p.m. - Opening Prayer/Black
National Anthem and “What is
1:30 p.m. - Pastor Pratt and
Nation of Islam Minister Rashann
2 p.m. -T -R ex (gospel rap)
2:30 p.m. - Church of the Living
God CWFF with Pastor Roy
3 p.m. - House of Prayer with
Bishop Frank Martin
3:30 p.m. - Gospel songs by Leo
4 p.m. - New Jerusalem Baptist
Church with Pastor Brown
4:30 p.m. - ASA (gospel rap)
5 p.m. - Philadelphia Baptist
Church with Pastor Clay
5:30 p.m. - Concrete Evangelist
6 p.m. Church of the Living God
-P G T 111 with PastorTaylor
6:30 p.m. - The Light
7 p.m. - St. Jude Church with
OverseerSR Daily
7:30 p.m. -T ruevine Baptist
Church with Pastor Edwards
8 p.m. ■ Closing Prayer and Alter
5 p.m. - Juneteenth Community
Unity Classic Basketball Game at
Peninsula Park: Portland Ob­
server vs. 1222
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