Comm itted to Cultural Diversity www. port landobserver. to m PCC Graduation Marks Milestones M etro Students overcome many challenges ^¡.lortlanh (Jf)h se m e r om m unity a le n d a r W al-M art E yes J a n tzen B each Low-Cost Helmet Sale V ancouver’s Legacy Salm on Creek H ospital, 2211 N.E. 139,h St., will host a low -cost helmet sale on Saturday, June 10 from I0 a .m .to 2 p .m . Bike and multi­ sport helm ets will be $5 each plus free fitting. s,“ nhl Thunderbird ; The Thunderbird Hotel at Jantzen Beach could be tom down to make room for a new Wal-Mart. Kitty Adoption Event The Oregon Humane Society, 1067 N.E. Columbia BI v d , will host a2- day outdoor cat adoption event, Saturday and Sunday, June 10-11, from noon to3 p.m. Vets will be on hand to share tips on care, plus free kitty goodies and adoption starter kit package. M M *. Hawthorne Second Thursday S eattle • * Hawthorne A venue will stay open a little longer on Thursday, June 8, w ith participating businesses hosting open houses, local artists and other special events for Sec­ ond Thursday. For more informa­ tio n v isit w w w .th in k PHOTO BY M ark W ashmgton Z T he P ortland OBSERVER Cycle the Well Field Join the Portland Water Bureau and Columbia Slough Watershed Council for a bike tour through Portland’s Groundwater Protec­ tion Area, Saturday, June 10 from 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Parkrose Transit Center, Northeast Sandy Boulevard and 95th Avenue. To register call Jill Wall at 503-281- 1132. Run/Walk for Arthritis Help The first annual 5K run/walk for the Child Arthritis and Rheuma­ tology Research Alliance will kick off on Sunday, June 11 at 8:30 a.m. at the Main Street Plaza on the Eastbank Esplanade in Portland. To p re -re g iste r visit Sam Adams, believes W al-Mart only brings problem s for Hayden Island. “G etting to and from Hayden Island is not add Wal- M art," Adams posted on his blog last week. W al-M art currently has 12 from Clackamas to Klamath Falls, Adams also posted plans to supercenters and 17 discount and plans fora store in the Sellwood organize a m eeting to fight the stores in Oregon, only one of which District of southeast Portland (also proposal, but it is unclear whether is in Portland city limits, on South­ proposed by Dietrich) are in flux, zoning laws for com m ercial use east 82nd Avenue and Holgate. Five after last year’s heavily publicized protect W al-M art. Oregon stores were opened in 2005, neighborhood rally against it. Concert to Kick Off Safe Summer Campaign I &»— S?’*' A z l / j t ’/ A i ' < ►-» (Y / n i-J B | V I ( ) I ( '\ SI^HI U H » A free community forum hosted by the Providence Center on Ag­ ing addresses the topic of aging and forgetfulness, 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 15 at Providence | C A Y , I'll Il A -ll t il o C A U tll I I C tllll I Sexual health messages will focus on "No Sex” An all-ages concert featuring former B2K member Raz B will bring a positive health message for youth and young adults. .— Multnomah County Health De- partment. the ( begun State Office St. V incent M edical C enter, Souther Auditorium, 9205 S.W. Barnes Rd. .* ’1 ol Health. Planned Parenthood, Brother to Brother. ( ascade A11 )S Pri iject and AI ladat Clothing will sponsor the event on Wednesday, June 14 from 7 Foursquare Houses Expertsexplore the American Four­ square house, a popular and very unsquare turn-of-the-century de­ sign found in every older Portland neighborhood. Pre-register for the event on Saturday, June 17 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Architectural Heritage Center, 701 S.E. Grand Ave. by calling 503-231 -7264 or i p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Wonder Ballroom, 128 N.E. Russell St. The theme of the concert safe i summ er, salet se\ ' V 1 ■ C ’ I h C \ 1 i c, I J , I I I - m . ,. i , \ c .a .. , I., ,n | , H l II II |i,. sponsoring coalition developed the campaign in response to sexu- Vancouver Junior Symphony Tibetan Cultural Festival 2 * ( How’s Your Memory? Support the future o f music in so u th w e st W ash in g to n at a fundraising concert for the Junior Symphony of Vancouver, featur­ ing Bach, Handel and others, Sat­ urday, June 17. Early auction be­ gins at 7 p.m. and concert begins at 7:30 p. m. Tickets are $20, avail­ able at the door. creative way for county and state government and coimnunity oigaiu/ationstoinlormyouthandadults about HIV and other STDs. I I'cconcert will kiekoffasuinmer-longsafersex campaign and south friendly environment /AvlClI C SSI I 1 II The soulful female group Siren s Echo will perform Wednesday, June 14 at Wonder Ballroom, 12 8 N.E. Russell St., in a concert promoting safe sex and a summer safe from violence. & ally transmitted disease (STD) rates that have risen in the Rose City between 2003 and 2004, which is the most current available data. Data shows African Americans and youth ages 15-24 are at highest risk for Chlamydia and Gonor­ rhea, diseases that can cause painful symptoms in males and infertility in females. The concert is a Black Gay Pride ‘06 Tibetans will share their ancient culture on Saturday, June 24 at the 5lh Annual Tibetan Cultural Festi­ val, sponsored by the Northwest Tibetan Cultural Association, at Oaks Amusement Park on the east Hundreds of people are expected to cel­ end of the Sellwood Bridge. The ebrate the 5th Annual Portland Black Pride festival runs from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 2006, Saturday, June 10 through Monday, and admission is free. June 19. Produced by Brother To Brother, a sup­ WellBeing Sunday Brunch Individuals living with HIV/AIDS port and advocacy organization for African- are invited to W ellBeing’s Sun­ American gay and bisexual men, their fami­ day Brunch, open every Sunday lies and friends, the program aims to create from 3 p.m. tobp.m. with free home a voice and outlet for a growing black, gay cooked meals served at 4 p.m. in community in the Northwest. “This event is a great opportunity to the historic Mt. Olivet building, create visibility through unity, because the 1734 N.E. First Ave. activities and topics are relevant to all types of circles regardless of sexual orientation, ethnicity, age orfinancial status," said Darryll L.C. Moch, Brother To Brother executive director. Through a series of events, forums, and concert, Portland Black Pride 2006 will mix Mz. Fontaine music and performance artists such as Adodi Muse, Anthony Antoine, and Mz. Fontaine Fowlkes of the International Federation of with political and community leaders such Black Pritles, and representatives from Na­ as former State Rep. Jo Ann Bowman. Earl tional Black Justice Coalition. community service Events, forums and concert planned Local organizers said attraction of local and national dignitaries shows how much the celebration has grown over the past five years. By expanding its calendar to include more workshops and performances this year. Brother To Brother also hopes to address both the interests and concerns of its part ici - pants ranging from music, film, and poetry to topics of HIV/AIDS. marriage equality, and internalized homophobia. ( )therevents wi II include a barbeque, film festival, and a Pride March. For a more information or a calendar of events, go to or