Page B5 ilir JJo rtla n b (lObsrrucr lune 07. 2006 BUS IN E R eligion trad »«•« OFF.: ( 5 0 3 )2 8 6 1103 FAX: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 1146 STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Church Celebrates Pastor’s Installation HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. Lettder is advocate for youth, families ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent WE'VE MOVED! 4946 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97217 C alvary C hristian C enter M inis­ tries invites the com m unity to cel­ ebrate with them the Installation S e rv ic e s o f th e ir P a sto r R ev. Frederick W oods on Sunday, June 1 1 at3:3()p.m . at C alvary Christian Center M inistries, 126 N.E. Alberta St., at the co rn er o f N ortheast M allory A venue. The services will be officiated by Bishop A. A. W ells o f the Em m anuel Tem ple Church Rev. W oods is a native O rego­ nian and has worked in various Your Care Our First Priority Dr. Mareelitte Failla Ch i top tactic Physician Wc are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy Bled. ) custody review board capacities o f social services throughout o f O regon Youth Au­ th e m e tr o p o lita n thority and the local ex ­ ecutive board o f Boys area, serving youth Scouts o f America. He and families who are has ta u g h t at N orth struggling with fi­ Portland Bible College nancial challenges, and dem onstrated his addictions, illiteracy love for people beyond and gang affiliation. the com m unity by serv­ He once served as ing in m issionary work clinical case coordi­ in foreign countries. nator for the Center A s a c h ild , R ev. F o r C o m m u n ity W oods attended Mt. M ental Health and is the founder and Rev. Frederick Woods Olivet Baptist Church under the Rev. John form erexecuti ve d i­ rector o f Positive Youth D evelop­ Jackson. He placed his m em ber­ ment, a prevention and interven­ ship with the Church o f God in Christ as a teenager. In 2001, he was tion program. Rev. W oods has served on the appointed by the Presiding Bishop A.R. H opkins Sr. o f the C hurch o f G od In C hrist Jurisdiction I to lead the state’s C O G IC youth d ep art­ ments. Rev. W ixxis has attended Port­ land C om m unity C ollege, Portland State University, the A cadem y o f Theology and M arylhurst U n iv er­ sity. H e’seligible for Level II addic­ tion certification, holds a B achelor’s degree in religion. M aster’s degree in theology and certificate in c lin i­ cal pastoral care. A banquet in honor o f Rev. W oods' installation will be held Saturday, June 10 at 6 p.m. in the com m unity center o f the church. Tickets are $20. For m ore inform a­ tion, call the church at 503-284- 2611. • A u to m o b ile accident injuries • C h ro n ic headache and jo in t pain • W orkers C om pensation inju rie s Call for an appointment! (503) 228-6140 Wally Tesfa Residential and Commercial Broker Oregon/Washington 503-267-7586 cell 503-2491903 office 503-249-6527 fax PROPERTIES. Multi-Million $ Service ENHANCING THE OWNERSHIP EXPERIENCE. OWN A SAVE with a brand new construction condo home in Parkrose A qualifying fo r 10 YEAR TAX abatement NE 105 th Ave. /Prescott OPEN HOUSE: 6 I I I Noon - 3 p.m. Premium new Community Karmen Ba rice vie CSP of Parkrose Commons at great NE location to MAX. Bus,1-205, & 1-84! $ 2 2 9 ,0 0 0 $ 2 3 9 ,0 0 0 £=) karmenb® 3ohnt. Scoff www joh n lscott com karmenb REAL IB T A T T " Monica Beemer, executive director o f Sisters o f the Road, speaks out on the importance o f volunteerism at a celebration in Pioneer Courthouse Square last month for volunteer church ministers who have taken roles in responding to events like the Gulf Coast Katrina hurricane and Indian Ocean tsunami disasters. Also pictured is Mark Stanley, the event's master o f ceremonies from the Church o f Scientology. In Loving Memory 503-380-3315 Selling in your neighborhood □ 21 XX, Volunteer Ministers Celebrated SONA JOINER CALL NOW E xp erien ced A tto rn ey o ver 25 years d efending P eople a g a in st 1. Employment Discrimination: Race, Age, Sex, and Disabi I ity 2. Criminal Accusations: • Sex crimes • Drug crimes • All misdemeanors and felonies 503-241-1113 Free Phone Consultations ,/hayzt CnteVtaiament Ston/i ,Ple4fnti. J a m e f a 1/u tn n LIME & IN CONCERT D eb o rah A nne B radley Deborah Anne Bradley was born Aug. 19, 1954 in Portland, the daughter o f G ene and O livia Bradley. She attended Faubion Elem en­ tary School and graduated from John A dam s High School. D e b o ra h h a d a sw eet, p leasant and friendly personality. She w as lo v e d throughout the co m ­ munity. Her hobbies were m a k in g c a n d le s , handcrafted jew elry and being around people. She had tw o beautiful chil­ dren she adored. They w ere the highlight o f her life. She sup­ ported and was there for them no m atter what. She adored her m other who she called everyday, and her m other dearly loved her. Deborah and her com panion Shelly Fisher had been together for 14 years. They hail an am az­ ing bond that consisted o f laugh­ ter, friendship and love. They did everything together. Preceding her in death was her father; a brother Darryl Bradley; and a sister Cheryl Bradley. She leaves to mourn tw ochildren, Demenica Booker and Demarcus Bradley; her m other: O livia Bradley; a sister Viveca Bradley; a brother Bobby G ates and her com panion Shelly Fisher; five grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephew s and a host o f friends and family. Deborah will be greatly missed by all! Services were held on May 18, 2006 entrusted by Cox & Cox Funeral Chapel. Churches Deal with Racist Past (AP) — The Episcopal C hurch is poised to apologize for failing to oppose slavery in the 17th and 18“’ Centuries. At its national convention begin­ ning June 13, the church is expected to approve a resolution expressing regret for supporting slavery and segregation. T he church is struggling over whether reparations would be a mean- ingful gesture 141 years after the Civil W arended. It em braced a reso­ lution three years ago backing fed­ eral legislation to create a national reparations task force. This year’s resolution is more focused on the church, calling for a study o f how the denom ination benefited econom i­ cal ly from slavery and how that ben­ efit could be shared with black Epis­ copalians, about 5 percent o f the denom ination's 2.2 million members. But it doesn’t give specifics, and both supporters and detractors say reparations could m ean anything from cash paym ents tocollege schol­ arships. O ther denom inations have since apologized for their support o f sla­ very. Earlier this year, the C hurch o f England - the root o f the Anglican C om m union o f w hich the Episcopal Church is a part - voted to acknow l­ edge its com plicity in the global slave trade. In 2001, the Indianapolis- based Christian Church (D isciples o f C hrist) adm itted that its apathy prolonged the suffering o f enslaved blacks. T he Southern Baptists, bom o f the Baptist split o ver slavery, apolo­ gized more than 10 years ago for condoning racism for much o f its history. The P re s b y te r ia n C h u rch (U.S.A.), which divided over slavery in 1861 and reunited only in 1983, has supported the study o f reparations w ithin the church and has backed a federal reparations bill. & J&avidltutnn et/ft/tearing at “Itu. ¿fìtewn SCRAPBOOKING J a /u t/to p , f f u n e 10 th , 2 0 0 6 6 : 0 0 f tttt Women’s Revival2006 “A Call To Work!” J e lM a n d , G J Ì À 3 /te c ia i { f u e tti: C he te n {f e n e tä tie n & fK ettht itle e ie T ic k e t s : VIP T it T icke k it s $20 ahi WORKSHOP G uest R evivalist : THEME: Evangelist Melanie Pichon-Smith, New Orleans, IA Celebrating Father's A n d m any o u tsta n d in g Call to reserve your seat. Space is limited. «-99 A vaii M atthews 20:16 9R 1 0 3 3 //. J u n tn e i J C ie e t g Presents: ( £ nt n u t n u e 1 J e m ft fa (2h u le k V M issionary B aptist C hurch i r s avait abi e o n i ine at wom en fr o m the P o rtla n d area. Bring a few of your favorite photos. We’ll provide supplies & refreshments. BM C at t June 14-16 2006 Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church 4(X)9 North Missouri Av., Portland, OR 97227 7:00 pm Nightly W W W . PR A Y Z E G O S P FI .C O M F or mori info or “So, the last shall he first and the first shall he last many are called hut a few are chosen. ” r i c K i r delivery 5 0 3 . 7 5 4 . 1 6 0 0 or im a ii us AT E V I N T S (U P R A Y Z F G O S P E I . C O M Dr. Johnny Pack IV and Lady PackO Host Pastor: Dr. Johnny Pack IV