Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 31, 2006, Page 7, Image 7

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    Jlu IJortlanb (fib sem er
May 31. 2006
Page A 7
IP o rfl a n J O b s e r v e r A n i© R e v ie w
2006 Nissan
frontier 4X4
Tested Vehicle Information:
Price: $27,345; Engine:
4.0L D0JCV6;
Transmission: Five Speed
C arr
by K athleen
This newest Frontier go, its
exterior styling straight from its
new big brother, the Titan pickup
that was introduced in m id-2003
as N issan’s first entry in the full-
size truck market. The Frontier
o f fe rs
N ism o
(N is s a n
M otorsports) m odel, with special
shock absorbers and tires, under­
body com ponent-protecting skid
plates and an active traction sys­
tem with technologies such as hill
A sk Deannal
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Experienced Attorney over 25 years
defending People against
News and reviews on new motor vehicles
for notable torque response.
A ttached to the powerful 4.0-
liter engine is a 5-speed automatic
transm ission, standard with the
N ISM O equipped 4X4 pickup
A lso unique to this trim level are a
few off-roading accessories, such
as locking rear differentials, skid
plates, a roof rack with cross bars.
P 265/75R 16 B FG oodrich rugged
trail tires with 16-inch alloy wheels
and N ISM O -spec Bilstein high
perform ance off-road shocks. The
base price o f this vehicle $25,050.
Extras that can be added to the
descent control and hill start assist. torque, making it the most powerful Frontier are XM Satellite Radio
With the bed loaded with gear, V6 not only in its class, but on the ($350), Audio package ($550), and
and the cabin tilled with people, the light truck market today. The new High Utility Bed Package ($700).
Frontier has quite a bi, o f get-up- engine is based on the aw ard-w in­ w hich includes a utili-track chan­
and-go pow er due to its increased ning VQ engine series that powers nel system with 4 tie downs, fac­
engine size. W ith a new V Q 40DE, everything from the Altima sedan tory applied spray-on bedliner, and
4.0L, 24-valve, IX )H C V6 engine to Infiniti’s M35 sport sedan, al­ bed rail caps. Nissan Frontier has
under the hixid, it produces 265- though it was specifically modified a rugged exterior.the roomy feel­
horsepower at 5,600rpm and 2841b- to meet the dem ands o f truck use ing o f its interior makes it com fort­
t, o f torque at 4,000 rpm, an i ncrease with a longer stroke, reinforced able for larger individuals, and it is
o f 85-horsepow er and 82 Ib-ft of block and revised cam shaft profile loaded with power.
1. Employment Discrimination:
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Wally Tesfa
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kiiinvn for
r e a lity h a se il
Dear Deanna!
A t w hat point do you give up on a
spouse that c a n ’t get up and m ake
things happen. I’ve sacrificed so m any
ot m y dream s and goals to support my
husband. I’ve had jo b offers in other
sta te s, b u sin e ss o p p o rtu n itie s and
more. I felt sorry for being a high achiever
so I alw ays stayed at a certain level so
he w ould shine. The years have gone hy
and h e ’s burned out but my opportu­
nities are still available. Is it a problem
it I go tor it? --A n o n ym o u s; S h revep o rt,
Dear Anonymous:
If the shoe w ere on the other foot, he
w ould leave you in the dust and hope
to m eet you at the finish line. Y ou’re a
team and all rew ards should be shared
so it d o e sn 't m atter w ho has the title o f
superstar. If your husband h asn’t c o m ­
plained, this is a reflection o f your
feelings that are way o ff base. Unless
you w ant to be dusty looking in a m irror
o f failure, you have the answ er and
should take the leap and keep it moving.
Dear Deanna!
I ant confused. A lady at church told me
that it was not spiritual to spank achild.
She said that children could be d isci­
plined with love, exam ples and by tak ­
ing things aw ay. I challenged her to
show m e a biblical principle to support
her view s. O f course, this turned into a
heated argum ent especially w hen I
Church Lights Way in HIV Education
Faith leaders encourage people to get tested
T h e se v e n th a n n u a l “O u r
Church Lights The Way: The Black
Church HIV Testing Cam paign” is
a p a rtn e rs h ip b etw een b lack
churches,The Balm InG ilead.and
the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, to get tested for
HIV and to know your status for
carrying the disease.
The cam paign runs the entire
month of June and culm inates June
27 with National HI V Testing Day.
The goal is to get every African
American tested for HIV and to
help black churches becom e com ­
munity centers for HI V/AIDS edu­
cation and information.
“T he quest to save A frican
Am ericans from HIV /A ID S is the
civil rights fight for to d ay ," says
P e rn e ssa S e e le , fo u n d e r and
c h ie f execu tiv e o ffic er o f T he
Balm In G ilead. “ W e need the
A fric an A m eric an ch u rc h to
once again m o b ilize and engage
the entire black co m m u n ity in
Stoppi ng the spread o f HI V/ A IDS
am ong o u r m en, w om en and c h il­
dren. T he strong voice o f the
black pulpit m ust speak loud on
HIV p rev en tio n , w hich includes
in fo rm in g A fric a n A m eric an s
about the im portance o f HIV te st­
ing and co u n selin g .”
O f the estim ated40,000 new HI V
infections each year, more than 50
p e rc e n t o c c u r am o n g A frican
Americans. AIDS is the number
one cause o f death for black adults
aged 25 to 44, before heart disease,
cancer and homicide.
T he Balm In G ile a d ’s oth er
M issionary B aptist C hurch
groundbreaking work in the A fri­
can A m erican faith com m unity in ­
cludes the African A merican D e­
nom inational L eadership Health
Initiative, a historic partnership with
three black religious denominations
- The African M ethodist E pisco­
pal Church, the African M ethodist
Episcopal Zion Church and the
C h ristian M eth o d ist E p isco p al
To learn more about HIV testing
program s and how your church
can,’’callThe Balm In Gilead at 888-
225-6243 or log on at ww w.balm in
Women’s Revival2006
"A Call To Work!”
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G uest R evivalist :
Evangelist Melanie
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Orleans, !A
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hut a few are chosen. ”
A nd many outstanding
women from the
P ortlan d area.
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Dear Madeline:
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anxiety and unhappiness.This is th e road to a
b e tte r life w ith few er problem s.
You w ere tw o shakes from a beat dow n
it you talked about the w o m a n 's c h il­
dren to her face. The W ord has been the
business but a spanking in certain cases
Multi-Million $ Service
- Pernessa Seele, The Balm in Gilead
a better and happier life.
can prevent future headaches and heart­
We need the African American
church to once again mobilize and
engage the entire black community
in stopping the spread o f HIV/AIDS.
pointed out the fact her kids act like
rebels w ith no hom e training. Is there a
spiritual m andate on this? -M a d elin e;
sam e in Proverbs 13:24 w hen trans­
lated says “Spare the Rod, Spoil the
Child." M ost parents have enough sense
to know the difference betw een d isci­
pline and abuse. On the o ther hand,
how parents raise their kids is their
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Dear Deanna!
My husband and I have had agreem ents
over the activities o f our son. My
husband d o e sn ’t m ind that he sits and
plays video gam es in all his spare tim e
and w eekends. I have a problem be­
cause I w ant him to read, play with
friends and ride his bike. T his is our
only child and w e ’ve spoiled him and I
d o n 't know how to find m iddle ground
on this issue. His dad gives him his way
and I’m alw ays overruled. W hat do I
d o ? - S h a n n o n ; B irm in g h a m , A la.
Dear Shannon:
¿ fu n e 10 th , 2 0 0 6
0 :0 0 / t m
L ike A ny J ourney
ê m m a n u e i d r m / i ù (d h u ïc h
This one requires planning
1 0 3 2 il. S u n i n e ï i f t ï w t
Making advance arrangements for your own funeral may not be something you want to think about But when you choose to
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You argum ent is valid because your son
is on the path to being a slave to video
gam es. The end result will be a lazy
child with lim ited social skills. Take
drastic m easures by rem oving the gam e
and take control. You and your hus­
band should explore activities for your
son that ’ II stim ulate his m ind, body and
creativity. Reintroduce the gam es at a
stable point so this will be ju st another
activity and a special treat.
Through our afTil lation with the Dignity Memorial network, we can offer these exclusive family support services and benefits:
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeannal @ yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite I28J
Beverly Hills, CA 902H. Website:
4733 NE Thompson St. • Portland, OR 97213
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