Œlu |Jo rtla n ò ODbseruer M ay 31. 2 0 0 6 PageA5 people places . OPEN Local residents bring their demands for fair and affordable housing to City Hall. photo by I saiah B ouie /T he P or i land O bserver Affordable Housing Injustice Protesters say ‘Enough is enough’ for renters in the nation. O ne in four Oregon renters pay more than h alf o f their total incom e in rent each month. serving the lowest incom e seniors and people with disabilities. Years o f cuts to crucial housing program s the president have m ade cuts to the Section X In M ultnom ah, C lackam as and W ashington counties, there are nearly I 8.(XX) incom e-quali­ fied households on w aitlists o f at least three and the dism antling o f the n ation's affordable housing assistance program , slashed the C o m ­ m unity D evelopm ent Block G rant and HOM E years for the Section 8 housing assistance program. i T h e B ush A d m in is tra tio n ’s p ro p o se d fiscal year 2(X)7 budget proposes a 26 percent housing infrastructure has galvanized doz­ ens o f local organizations to dem and housing justice. “Enough is enough,” said Mary Latourette, board president o f the Com m unity A lliance of Tenants. "O regon sim ply cannot afford cut­ backs that underm ine the stability o f our fam i­ lies, seniors and people with disabilities.” Latourette helped organize aT hursday rally in front o f PortlandC ity H all,co-sponsored by A ffordable H ousing N O W !, Elders in Action, Portland G rey Panthers and several other o r­ ganizations. Y et over the past four years. C ongress and Why is the Bush Administration cutting housing programs for the most vulnerable people in the country? - Steve Weiss, Community Alliance cut to the Section 202 housing program for the elderly, and a 50 percent cut to the Section 8 1 1 program for people with disabilities. “Why is the Bush A dm inistration cutting housing program s for the m ost vulnerable people in the country? Because it’s the most convenient way for them to fund the president’s tax cuts for his rich friends and to bankroll an ofTenants board member increasingly unpopular w ar,” said Steve W eiss, a founding Board m em ber o f the Com m unity According to an A merican Com m unity Sur­ vey, low incom es and high housing costs program s, and restructured D epartm ent o f A lliance o fT en an ts. "D oing this sort o f thing H ousing and Urban D evelopm ent (H U D ) rules make O regon the second least affordable state to reduce funds to public housing program s at the expense o f the poor is a hallm ark o f this adm inistration." Portland State University President Daniel Bernstine (right) congratulates Sam Brooks on his PSU Vanport Legacy honor for lifetime achievement in advancing business and indi­ vidual success. Advocating for Minority Business co n tin u ed fr o m M etro capability with opportunity, ad- m inistrati ve services, inform ation and netw orking program s and new businesses incubation, in part through a partnership with the Business O utreach Program at Portland State, w hich has an office at the O A M EC ascade Plaza facility, 4134 N. V ancouver Ave. The School o f Extended Stud­ ies serves and em pow ers lifelong learners by delivering programs that are flexible, responsive, and innovative. Distinguished Service Award co n tin u ed fr o m M etro nated free flights to Cham berlain and her team to the G ulf Coast, and Bridgestone Tires, which do­ nated an 18-wheel truck and driver, Chamberlain ’ s dream was fulfilled. “Every child got w hatever they asked for or som ething like it,” said C ham berlain. “W e saw many tears from the children and their parents. I also cried a lot.” ‘Your best buy is at Timberline or III eat my hat.” -Art Laws, Founder Timberïïne GOTAJOB? $ Drive 125 Home Today! DOWN DELIVERS NO APPLICATION REFUSED K B A D C R ED IT K 1 ST T IM E BUYER K ’SLOW PAY P R E P O S S E S S IO N » ^B A N K R U P T C Y * ^ G 0 0 D C R ED IT LOAN BY PHONE CALL FORA 5 M IN APPROVAL All loan offers are subject to lender guldlines & OAC. Ask For Jeff Grant or Andrew Timberline 'n norm« Jeep NE 2 4 th & Sandy. Portland Ph. 5 0 3 -2 3 4 -0 7 7 1 • 8 0 0 8 8 8 6 2 4 1 w ww.tlm berlinedealershlps.com C ongratulations ! Edie and Ronald Bryant Gambling can have its own safety features When you gamble Set a budget. Set a time limit. Play safe. OREGON LOTTERY (plOLl/tJUTlP