Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 31, 2006, Page 3, Image 3

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    îl!‘'Portland (íDbscruer
May 31. 2 0 0 6
P age A 3
PSU ‘Roots’ Festival Celebrates Diversity
Friday event
open to the
c o m m u n ity are
encouraged to en ­
jo y th e ir o w n
r o o ts a n d ta k e
delight in the cu l­
tu r e s an d c u s ­
C oncerns about diver­
tom s o f their fel­
sity aw areness on cam pus
low students and
and a desire to celebrate
com m unity m em ­
m ulticultural roots bring
together student organiza­
A p an e l d is ­
tions for the first ever Roots
cussion on the im ­
Festival, adaylong celebra­
portance o f diver­
tion o f diversity on the Port- Turiya Autry
sity in higher ed u ­
land State University campus.
cation begins at 10a.m. w ithT uriya
The event on Friday, June 2, will Autry, Jack Straton, Peggy Ross
take place in the PSU M ulticultural and Jaye Sablan. A presentation by
C enter and adjacent park blocks. the Illumination Project, an interac­
Students and the greater Portland tive theater troupe, will happen at
TriMet Fares to Increase
TriM et has proposed a five-cent
fare increase to help cover the cost
o f inflation. If approved by the
TriM et Board o f Directors at its
June 28th m eeting, the increase
would take effect in September.
T w o Z one fares w ould go up 5
cen ts to $1.70; A ll-Z one fares
w ould increase 5 cen ts to $2; and
11 a.m. L ater at 1 p in. artists, ven­
dors and m usic will fill the park
M u sical g u e s ts in c lu d e the
groups K eegan Sm ith, Solidity,
L um inous Fog and March Fourth.
“ I think this is the type o f event
that can foster discussions about
diversity and its role in our com m u­
nity,” said Rudy Soto, coordinator
o f the United Indian Students in
H igher Education.
F or y ears, m u lticu ltu ral stu ­
d en ts at PSU have talked about
the p o ssib ility o f pu ttin g to g eth er
a jo in t ev en t that w o u ld include a
v ariety o f stu d en t g ro u p s. P o rt­
land S tate has the larg est p o p u la­
tion o f stu d en ts than any o th er
u n iv ersity in O reg o n w ith 25,000
S tu d e n ts.
“ We need to reflect the diversity
that is so abundant on this cam pus
an d in o u r c o m m u n ity ,” said
M u ltic u ltu ra l A ffa irs D irec to r
M ayela H errera, "It is an important
issue for the developm ent o f our
cam pus.”
ln 9 re d ¡ents f o r life .
Free Fishing Clinic for Kids
Y o u n g sters 14 and u n d er can
celebrate N ational F ishing W eek
by learning to fish w ith ex p erts
at a Ju n io r F ish in g clin ic sp o n ­
so red by the C lack am as R iv er
R an g er D istrict, M t. H ood N a­
tional Forest, U S F ish and W ild-
lifc/E agle C reek H atchery, O r­
egon D ep artm en t o f Fish and
W ildlife and P ortland G en eral
E lectric.
T he ev en t tak es p lace S atu r­
d ay , Ju n e 10 fro m 10 a.m . to 3
p.m . w ith the h elp o f e x p e ri­
en ced an g lers an d fish eries ex-
p erts at S m all Fry P ond in P ro m ­
o n to ry Park, a p p ro x im ate ly 7
m iles so u th east o f E sta ca d a o ff
H ig h w ay 224.
T h ere is n o reg istra tio n re­
q u ire d an d n o fee to atten d .
C h ild re n sh o u ld b rin g w arm
c lo th in g ( if a p p ro p ria te ) an d
basic fish in g eq u ip m en t. S o m e
b asic fishing e q u ip m e n t w ill be
av ailab le for use.
m onthly passes w ould go up by
T he proposal does not address
the transit agency’s latest $4.3 m il­
lion deficit caused by record high
diesel prices. Officials said it is likely
that an additional nickel will be pro­
posed later for a total o f a 10-cent
fare increase in Septem ber.
NASA Adopts Vernon School
V ernon Elem entary School in
northeast Portland has been se­
lected to participate in a N ASA
program that provides student and
teacher resources and support in
the fields o f science, technology,
engineering and mathem atics.
The school is one o f 26 nam ed as
a N A SA Explorer School nation­
w ide and one o f 16 in the western
United States to partner with NAS A
A m es Research Center at Moffett
Field, Calif. The program begins in
the fall.
N A S A ’s goal with the Explorer
School program is to attract and
retain students in science and tech­
nical fields through a progression
o f educational opportunities for
them and their teachers and adm in­
Selected schools are eligible to
receive up to $ 17,500 during the
three-year partnership to develop
their Explorer School program and
a c q u ire te c h n o lo g y , in c lu d in g
equipm ent for the program ’s Digi­
tal Learning Network. The program
also provides educators and stu­
dents with content-specific activi­
ties that augm ent their existing sci­
ence and math education.
Vernon has 380 pre-kindergar­
ten through sixth-grade students.
O ver the next tw o years, the school
will add seventh and eighth grades.
Washington Park Roses Prized
P ortland’s aw ard winning Inter­ United States w inners this year.
national Rose Test Garden in W ash­
“This is a very big coup,” said Dr.
ington Park has received another Charold Baer, Pacific Northwest Di­
prestigious, w orld-w ide prize: The rector o f the American Rose Society,
G arden o f Excellence Award pre­ who nominated W ashington Park
sented by the W orld Federation o f for the award. “No U.S. rose garden
Rose Societies, one o f only two even won the award until 2003.”
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