Jïnrtlanb ©bscruvr Page A2 I Á f ) creations Car Bombings Relentless in Iraq HAIR DESIGN FOR MEN S WOMEN V _ Latest carnage hits outdoor market y 5425 N E. 30th Ave 503/281-1185 Kathleen Gooden-Jones (A P) — C ar bom bs targeting Shiite areas devastated a bustling outdoor market and an auto dealer­ ship Tuesday, part o f a relentless onslaught that killed 54 people and prom pted the United States to de- Get experience. Get connected. Get started on your college teaching career. This program pairs aspiring instructors with experienced college faculty in their field o f expertise for a year-long experi­ ence in the teaching profession. O u r goal is to further diversify the ranks o f college faculty by introducing the profession to people with diverse m ulticul­ tural and ethnic backgrounds, along with a desire to be excel­ lent com m unity college faculty, counselors or librarians. How to Apply Portland Community College May 31. 2006 We're all about your future. Go to www.pcc.edu/interns or call 503-978-5841. For best consideration apply by June 16, 2006. P uttana Commue ty C ollege fc en «qua.-opoonunity attn mauve a c to r (netmxxjn ploy m ore troops to com bat insur­ gents in w estern Iraq. The bom bs also w ounded 120 people, officials said. The death toll m ade T uesday one o f the bloodiest days in Iraq this month, and law ­ m akers still had not agreed on who should lead the nation’s army and police forces. A uthorities also captured a sus­ pected terrorist w ho allegedly co n ­ fessed to beheading hundreds o f people. The operation by Iraqi forces also netted docum ents, cell phones and com puters containing infor­ mation on other w anted terrorists and Islam ic extrem ist groups. The w orst bom bing hit the o ut­ door m arket as Iraqis were doing th e ir e v e n in g s h o p p in g in H usseiniyah, about 60 m iles north o f Baghdad. At least 25 people were killed and 65 were w ounded. Inte­ rior M inistry spokesm an Lt. Col. Falah A l-M oham edaw i said. Hours earlier, a car packed with explosives blew up at a dealership in the largely Shiite city o f Hillah, about 60 m iles south o f Baghdad, killing at least 12 people and wound- An Iraqi woman and children are pushed in a wooden cart down a street in the Old City area o f Najaf, Iraq Tuesday, as driving in the neighborhood is forbidden in an attempt to prevent car bomb attacks. ing 32, Capt. M ulhana Khalid said. A bomb hidden in a plastic bag also detonated outside a bakery in a religiously mixed neighborhood in eastern Baghdad, killing at least nine people and injuring 10, police Lt. Col. Falah al-M ohammedawi said. Separately, m ortar rounds fired by rem ote control from a car hit the third floor o f the heavily guarded Interior M inistry and a nearby park, killing tw o governm ent em ployees and wounding three other people. A day earlier, 40 people were killed in various attacks, including ac ar bombing in Baghdad that killed tw o CBS N ew s crew m en and seri­ o u sly w ounded netw ork co rre ­ spondent K im berly Dozier. She underw ent tw o em ergency surger­ ies and was transferred to a U.S. military hospital in Germany, where she was reported to be i n critical but stable condition. Press Informed Bush of Deaths (A P) — P resident Bush learned o f reports that U.S. M arines killed tw o dozen u narm ed Iraqi c iv il­ ians o nly afte r rep o rters began a s k in g q u e s tio n s , th e W h ite H ouse said T uesday. A sked w hen Bush w as first b riefed ab o u t the alleg ed a tro c i­ tie s in H a d ith a , an in su rg e n t stro n g h o ld in w estern Iraq, W hite H o u se p r e s s s e c r e ta r y T o n y Snow rep lied T uesd ay : “W hen a T im e rep o rter first m ade the call.” T im e m ag azin e w as first to re ­ p o rt, in M arch, that the U .S. m ili­ tary w as in v e stig a tin g a dozen M arin es for p o ssib le w ar crim es in the N o v em b er in cident. T he k illin g s, w hich in clu d ed w om en President Bush participates in a ceremony with the Ambassador o f Iraq to the United States Samir Sumaidaie (left) in the Oval Office of the White House Tuesday. (AP photo) and ch ild ren , cam e afte r a bom b rocked a m ilitary co n v o y on Nov. 19, k illin g a M arine. "As far as I'm concerned, blues and jazz are the great American contributions to music" Edgar Winter 89.1 www.kmhd.fm M arin es then shot and k illed u n arm ed civ ilia n s in a taxi at the scen e and w ent in to h om es and sh o t o th e r p e o p le , a c c o r d in g io R ep. John M urtha, D -Pa.. a d e c o ­ rate d M arine w ar v eteran and p ro m in en t critic o f Iraq p o licy w h o has talk ed w ith m ilitary o ffi­ cials. Snow said th at he has been assu red by the P entagon that “all the d e ta ils” w ill b e given to the p u b lic once the in v estig atio n is o v er. “W e ’ll h av e a p ictu re o f w hat h ap p e n ed ,” Snow said. Tobacco Appeal to Highest Court When you pledge your financial Local family support you show us that jazz awaits verdict and blues are important to you (A P )— The Suprem e Court said T uesday it will decide if tobacco and to your community MAHOGANY BEAUTY ON THE GO L.L.C. Grand Opening May 2 6 th - June 6th 545 NE Killingsworth Portland, OR 97211 503-249-0425 phone 503-249-0653 fax The Joys Of Your Heart Live In Your Home Al A m erican F am ily In su ra n ce , we know lhal hom e is the p la ce w h ere you sp en d the best m o m en ts o f y o u r life. F o r th is rea so n , re g a rd le ss o f w h e th e r you are an o w n er or We specialize in skincare, cosmetics and fragrances for men and women We can be found online at: Coiormedirect.com/ mahoganybeauty a te n a n t, w e have a g reat v arie ty o f p o lic ie s that co u ld o ffe r you the p ro te c tio n you need. C all one o f our local ag en ts today o r v isit w w w .am fam .co m to b eco m e m ore info rm ed ab o u t co v e rag e o p tio n s that ex ist to p ro tec t th e jo y s o f y o u r h e a rt...h o m e . SERLE RAMSEY OWNER JUNE 3 rd l:00-6:00PM: Featured lines Patti LaBell, Flori Roberts Interface, Adrian Arpel Color Me Beautiful and Gail Haymen Cosmetic BARBEQUE, MUSIC, GAMES PRIZES AND MORE... JUNE 1ST-3R” ll:00-6:00PM: COMPLIMENTARY MAKEOVERS Call to m ake your appointm ent with C olor Me Beautiful general manager Sharon Boone Amencan Family Mutuai insurance Com pany a Hom e OJBce M edH on M S37B3 AMERICAN FAMILY GXXK> 4* your p ro fcito n undor on» roof* 001473- 105 This is our way o f saying thanks to the com m unity for the last four years. We will continue to give you five star service that M ahogany Beauty On The G o is known for. previous location giant Philip M orris must pay nearly $8() m i 11 ion i n damages to a longt i me sm oker, a case that could shield com panies from large jury aw ards. The O regon Suprem e C ourt had ruled that the am ount w asn’t exces­ sive given the “extraordinarily rep­ rehensible” conduct o f Phi I ip M or­ ris in m arketing cigarettes. A jury had ordered dam ages be paid to the fam ily o f Jesse D. W ill­ iam s, a local jan ito r and African A m erican resident who sm oked three packs o f M arlboros a day before he died in 1997 o f lung can ­ cer. W illiam s took up cigarettes in the 1950s while serving in the Army in Korea. T he case gives justices a chance to clarify a 2003 ruling in an insur­ ance case that said punitive d am ­ ages should generally be in line with actual dam ages. A rgum ents will be this fall. Philip M orris lawyers said that the punitive dam ages in the W ill­ iams case w ere nearly 100 tim es the com pensatory dam ages and that the O regon Suprem e Court deci­ sion is “dangerous.” T he state court said that the co m p an y “k n ew that sm o k in g caused serious and som etim es fa­ tal d isease, but it nevertheless spread false or m isleading inform a­ tion to suggest to the public that doubts rem ained about the issue.”