C* wnnntted U »C ultural I^ v e rs ify May il. ?()(>(> tvww. portlandobserver.com M etro íl? ^lortlanb © bseruer /Community C td e n d a r Mexico Community Celebration Celebrate the colorful heritage o f Mexico at the free Spring in Mexico C om m unity Celebration, Friday, June 2 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Holladay Park Plaza Retirem ent Com m unity, 1300 N.E. 16lhAve. RSVPs are appreciated by calling 503-280-2216. Restoring Wood Workshop Learn about the Four R 's o f V in­ tage W oodwork: Restore, Repair, Replace or R enovate? Saturday, J u ne 3 from 9:30 a.m . to noon at the Architectural Heritage Center, 701 S.E. Grand Ave. Admission is $ 10 for AHC m em bers and $ 15 for the general public. Hawthorne Second Thursday Hawthorne Avenue will stay open a little longeron Thursday, June 8, w ith p a rtic ip a tin g b u sin e sse s hosting open houses, local artists and other special events for Sec­ ond Thursday. For m ore inform a- w w w .th in k h a w tio n v isit thom e.com . Business Association Meeting North/Northeast Business A sso­ ciation Board meets the first M on­ day o f each month from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Albina Community Bank, 2002 N.E. MLK Blvd. Food and refreshm ents provided by Pizza- A-GoGo; RSVPat 503-284-9013. Cycle the Well Field Join the Portland W ater Bureau and C olum bia Slough W atershed Council for a bike tour through Portland’s G roundw ater Protec­ tion Area, Saturday, June 10 from 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Parkrose Transit Center, N ortheast Sandy Boulevard and 95th Avenue. To register call Jill Wall at 503-281- 1132orem ailjill.w all@ colum bia slough.org. Run/Walk for Arthritis Help The first annual 5K run/walk for the Child A rthritis and Rheum a­ tology Research Alliance will kick off on Sunday. June 11 at8:30a.m . at the Main Street Plaza on the Eastbank Esplanade in Portland. To p r e - r e g is te r v is it w w w .signm eupsports.com and fo r m o re in f o rm a tio n v is it www.CARRAgroup.org. ‘How's Your Memory?’ A free com m unity forum hosted by the P rovidence C enter on A g­ ing addresses the topic o f aging and fo rg etfu ln ess, 7 p.m . on T hursday, June 15 at Providence St. V in cen t M ed ical C e n te r, S o u ther A uditorium , 9205 S. W. Barnes Road. For m ore inform a­ tion call Renee K ing at 503-513- 8404. Vancouver Junior Symphony Advocating for Minority Business Sam Brooks honored for lifetime dedication A strong advocate for m inor­ ity, w om en and em erging small business in Oregon and the re­ gion has been recognized for his lifetime dedication to advancing business and individual success Portland State University Presi­ dent Daniel Bem stine presented the 2006 Vanport Legacy Award to Samuel Brooks in front o f a cro w d that inclu d ed B ro o k s' friends, colleagues and co-w ork­ ers attending the recent Oregon Association o f M inority Entre­ preneurs Annual Luncheon. The second annual award spon­ sored by the PSU School o f Ex­ tended Studies honors outstand­ ing contributions to com m unity Sam Brooks of the Oregon Association o f Minority Entrepreneurs is bestowed the Vanport Legacy success. Award from Portland State University. MMMHMHMMMI continued on page AS ■W Housing Site to F ace Park, Light Rail TriMet picks design team Plans are set for redevelopm ent o f a large parcel o f land ju st south o f the Killingsworth MAX station, Patton Square Park and the Inter­ state Firehouse Cultural Center. TriM et, the metro area’s transit agency, announced that REACH Com m unity Development wil 1 lead a team to design new housing on the property in the 5200 block of North Interstate A venue, currently home to the Crown Motel. “REACH shares Tri M et’s com ­ mitment tocreating new housing in the Killingsworth MAX station area that will be an asset to the neigh­ borhood and provide housing op­ tions for households affected by rising housing prices in north and northeast Portland,” said TriM et G eneral M anager Fred Hansen. “We want all the exciting things happening around light rail to be accessible to everyone in our com ­ munity.” Since 1982, REACH has devel­ oped more than I ,(XX) units o f af­ fordable housing in Portland, most recently com pleting Station Place T ow er in the Pearl District, a 14- story building providing 176 units o f m ixed-incom e housing for eld­ erly people. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver The Crown Motel on Interstate Avenue will give way to new housing just across the street from Patton Square Park and steps away from both the Max Killingsworth Light Rail Station and Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center. “We are excited to have this opportunity to be part of the renais­ sance on Interstate Avenue," said Dee Walsh, REACH executive di­ rector. “The potential is enorm ous, so it’s critical to do the first projects well and set a high standard.” The redevelopment site is across the street from Patton Square Park. The Crow n Motel currently occu­ pies half the site. The rem ainder o f the property is vacant. TriM et pur­ chased the site with federal funds designated to stim ulate station area development. The money was made available w hen the Interstate MAX light rail project was com pleted under budget and ahead o f sched­ Support the future o f music in s o u th w e s t W a s h in g to n at a fundraising concert for the Junior Sym phony o f V ancouver, featur­ ing Bach, Handel and others, S at­ urday. June 17. Early auction be­ gins at 7 p.m. and concert begins at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $20, avail­ able at the door or by calling 360- 696-4084, extension 5. ule in May 2004. SER A A rchitects and W alsh Construction Co. will be part o f the REACH team. The architectural firm d esigned a 14-story residential building on the North Park Blocks in 2004, and the current Civic rede­ velopm ent project at Southw est 19th and Burnside. The new North Interstate project program and design, including the num ber o f units and sizes, com m er­ cial com ponents, height and style, will be developed in consultation with the surrounding com m unity and in response to available re­ sources. The team hopes to com ­ plete the project by September 2008. Distinguished Service Award Loaves and Fishes Lunch Sixth Grader leads by example S en iors, jo in the C herry B los­ som C enter L oaves and F ishes for lunch, M onday through F ri­ day from 11:30a.m. to 12:30p.m. Each meal includes salad, bread, b ev erages, your choice o f tw o en trees and d essert, fo r the su g ­ gested donation o f $2.75. C herry B lossom C en ter is in the East Portland Com m unity Center, 740 S.E. 106*. community service “W e are recognizing individu­ als, programs and organizations that reflect our com m itm ent to the com ­ m unity, and Sam truly reflects that com m itm ent,” said Bem stine. "By engaging with the com m unity we ensure Portland State University is a great place not only for learning and research, but is supportive o f our com m unity’seconom ic growth and liv a b ili ty .” After four years in the Navy, Brooks has spent the rest o f his life advo­ cating for sm all, w om en, minority and em erging small businesses. H e founded and operated S. Brooks and A ssociates, a north­ east Portland em ploym ent agency, and in 1987 form ed the Oregon Association o f M inority E ntrepre­ neurs, w hich has grow n to becom e the largest m inority and most d i­ verse business association in the Pacific Northwest. Under Brooks' direction, OAM E now provides technical assistance and access to capital, m atching Erin Chamberlain (left) who led an effort that brought $30,000 worth of gifts and money to Hurricane Katrina first responder families in Mississippi, receives the Portland Police Bureau's Distinguished Service Medal from Chief Rosie Sizer. Eleven-year-old Erin Cham ber- lain proved that with a little spiritual guidance and a lot o f kindness, anything is possible. Cham berlain,a6'h Grader at Dex­ ter M cC arty M iddle School in Gresham , led an effort that brought $30,000 in gifts and donations to children o f first responders in the Hurricane Katrina-ravaged areas of Gulfport and Biloxi, Miss. Her trem endous work in bring­ ing smiles to these devastated fam i­ lies, and, in dem onstrating true com m unity spirit, earned her the Portland Police B ureau's D istin­ guished Service Medal. “I felt God wanted me to help the children who suffered through the hurricane," said Chamberlain, whose father Scott Chamberlain is a detec­ tive for the Portland Police Bureau. “I felt he wanted me to take care o f the children o f the rescuers.” During Hurricane Katrina, the shock felt am ong G ulf Coast police, firefighters, em ergency m edical technicians, dispatchers and other first responders doubled. Many saw their own hom es dam aged, fam ilies displaced, or lives d is­ rupted ju st like the people they were trying to help. Their dual sta­ tus o f victi ms and responders made “E rin 's Project” much more than an em ergency supply mission. W ith the additional sponsorship from A laska A irlines, w hich do- continued on page A5 I