o rt l¿xnh ffibseruer M ay 24. 2 0 0 6 Page A 5 Risks, Warning Signs for Stroke Focus on Prevention W hat is the number three killer in time in which injured brain tissue the United States, behind heart dis­ can be saved - approxim ately three ease and cancer? Congratulations hours after sym ptom s begin. So, if you’ve answ ered stroke. the sooner you recognize the signs Knowing the warning sings of and the sooner you can call 9-1 - 1, stroke can save a life. the better the chance of survival. T w o recent studies found that In support o f National Stroke A w areness Month, expens from stroke patients that arrived at the Providence Portland Medical C en­ hospital by am bulance are more ter and the Providence Brain Insti­ likely than other patients to be tute ask that people invest a few evaluated by a staff physician and m inutes o f their tim e to raise their receive the necessary diagnostic aw areness about stroke. m easures and be adm itted to the The phrase "tim e is brain" is hospital or Intensive Care Unit. Losing som eone special in your often used in asso ciatio n with stroke, due to a limited window of life to a stroke takes only an instant. O SAFEWAY The Providence m edical providers urge you to rem em ber the follow ing w arning signs o f stroke and you could save a life: • Sudden num bness o r weakness o f the face, arm o r leg, especially on one side o f the body • Sudden confusion, trouble speak­ ing o r understanding • Sudden trouble seeing in one o r both eyes • Sudden trouble walking, dizzi­ ness, loss o f balance o r coordina­ tio n • Sudden, severe headache with no known cause Some people are at higher risk for stroke, yet m uch o f this risk can be reduced with the help o f a p h y si­ cian to m anage the "m odifiable" risk factors that can be controlled, such as high blixxl pressure; heart disease, especially atrial fibrillation; sm oking; high cholesterol; and d ia­ betes. T alk w ith P ro v id en ce ex p e rts to find out how h igh y o u r risk o f stroke is; to learn the d iffe ren ce betw een the risk facto rs you can and can n o t co n tro l: and for those you can c o n tro l, how b est to m anage them . Ingredients fo r life.- Dora Lee Nonne completes an exercise under the watchful eye of physical therapist assistant Doyle Marvin at Providence Portland Medical Center. Recovering from Stroke First comes quick action Dora Lee Nonne remembers start­ ing to dress on that Saturday m orn­ ing. “ I got one leg in my pants, and my other leg w ouldn’t m ove,” she recalls. “T he last thing I rem em ber is falling to the floor.” N onne’s daughter heard her 78- year-old m other hit the ground. Her eyes did n ’t track, and the left side o f her face drooped dram atically. Palanuk knew her m other had suf­ fered a stroke. And she knew time was o f the essence. F ire d e p a r tm e n t c r e w s r e ­ sponded to the 9-1-1 call. Palanuk rode with her m other in the am bu­ lance and dem anded they be taken to the acute stroke program at Provi- d£hce P ortland M edical C enter where they expected to get expert stroke care. The stroke team was alerted, Palanuk was tested and aclot-bust- ingdrug was adm inistered. Palanuk and her siblings w ere am azed at what happened next. “ We literally watched the movement com e back,” rem em bers Palanuk. "H er left arm started to m ove again, her face re­ laxed, her eyes started to see us again and follow m ovem ent.” N onne’s stroke was debilitat­ ing enough she could have died or at the least been significantly dis- abled for the rest o f her life. Instead the tiny, gray-haired woman walked out o f Providence after 12 days o f treatm ent and rehabilitation with only the slightest rem nants o f the stroke. W hat seem s like a miracle recovery is really the result o f tim ­ ing and attention. “D ora Lee was lucky to be with som eone who recognized the signs o f stroke and called 9-1-1,” said Dr. Lisa Y anase, medical director o f the Providence stroke program. “ If ev ­ eryone w ho thought they w ere having a stroke or w itnessing a stroke would call 9-1-1, we could save many people from severe dis­ ability and even death.” Palanuk knew how a stroke mani­ fested because her m aternal aunt had suffered a debi I itating one years ago. She also knew tim e was im por­ tant - she rem em bered seeing huge P rovidence Brain Institute b ill­ board s along the freew ay that stated in cases o f stroke “Tim e lost is brain lost." Strokes occur when a blood ves­ sel supplying blood to the brain either bursts or is blocked by a blood clot. In a m atter o f minutes, brain tissue within that area is dam ­ aged, and may die without proper treatment. Heart, Brain Healthy Recipe Savory Tuna and Rice Wedges W .-à Tl L V - Jr • 1 Rancher’s Reserve " 11 rn ’-»L > «, Brother's Choice Bigger Beef Patties Angus Beef Ribeye Steak Bone-in. CLUB PRICE CLUB PRICE 3" Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water 24t4-pack 0.5-liter bottles SAVE up Io $2.00 CLUB PRICE 24-Pack Budweiser, Miller or Coors 13s9 12-oz cans Selected varieties P lus d e p o s it in Oregon SAVE up to $5 50 BUY O NE, G ET O N E FREE FCJCM1 LIM U VAJUUFMf CLUB PRICE Frozen. Sold in 10-lb. box lor $9 90 ea SAVE up to $1 2.09 ea Nabisco Snack Crackers Lay's or Wavy Lay's Potato Chips 11 to 11.5-02. Selected varieties SAVE up to $2 W o n 2 CLUB PRICE 7 to 10-oz Selected varieties Club Price $1 66 ea SAVE up to $4 59 OK 3 (Serves 6; 1 wedge per serving) • V egetable oil spray • 1 1/2 cups w ater • I 1/2 cups uncooked instant brown rice • 12-ounce can albacore tuna in distilled or spring water, rinsed, drained, and flaked • W hites o f 2 large eggs plus I w hole large egg. or egg substitute equivalent to 2 eggs • 14.5-ounce can no-salt added diced tom atoes, drained • I cup plain dry bread crum bs ( I tablespoon reserved for topping) • 2 medium green onions, finely chopped • 3/4 teaspoon dried oregano, crum bled • 1/2 teaspoon salt-free all-purpose seasoning blend • 1/8 teaspoon salt • 3 ounces fat-free or light cream cheese, softened • I /3 cup fat-free or low -fat grated C heddar cheese • 2 medium Italian plum tom atoes. diced (optional) P reh eat the oven to 350°F . Lightly spray a 9-inch pie pan with vegetable oil spray. In a small saucepan, bring the w ater to a boil over high heat. (The amount o f water may differ from the directions on the package.) Stir in the rice. Reduce the heat and sim ­ mer, covered, for the tim e specified in the package directions. Meanwhi le. in a large bowl, whisk together the tuna, egg w hites, and Nutrients per Serving Calories < Total Fat 292 4.5 g Saturated 1.0 g Polyunsaturated 1.5 g Monounsaturated 1.5 g Cholesterol 63 mg Sodium 429 mg egg. Stir in the tom atoes, bread cru m b s (ex cep t I tab lesp o o n ), green onions, oregano, seasoning blend, and salt. G ently stir the cream cheese into the cooked rice until thoroughly com bined. Stir into the tuna m ix­ ture. Spread evenly in the pie pan and spri nk le with the reserved bread crumbs. Bake for 25 minutes. Remove from the oven and sprink le with the Ched­ dar. Return to the oven and bake for 2 to 3 m inutes, or until melted. Cut into wedges. G arnish with the diced tomato. This recipe is reprinted with per­ m ission from Love Your Heart, Copyright © 2006 by the American Heart Association. Carbohydrates 36 g Dietary Exchanges Total Sugars 5g 2 starch Dietary Fiber 4g 1 vegetable Protein 25 g 2 1 /2 very lean meat 75 Í CLUB PRICE Gatorade or Propel BUY O NE, G ET O NE 32-oz Gatorade or 700-ml Propel Selected varieties SAVE up to $1 00 FREE FQUAl <»■ I O W N VALÜK FlUtl 8-Piece Fried Chicken Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream 2 Breasts. 2 Legs. 2 Wings. 2 Thighs 1 75-qt Selected varieties. SAVE up to $5 99 on 2 CLUB PRICE CLUB PRICE O N E W E E K ONLY! S “ SAFEWAY $ COUPON SAFEWAY $ COUPON SAFEWAY S COUPON SAFEWAY - S COUPON ONE WEEK ONLY! ONE WEEK ONLY! ONE WEEK ONLY! ONE WEEK ONLY! M a y 2 4 -3 0 M a y 2 4 -3 0 M a y 2 4 -3 0 M a y 2 4 -3 0 SUPCR COUPONS! SUPIR COUPONS! 24-Pack Coca-Cola ,2- Items & pnees m this ad are ivailaWe at your local Safeway stores. N o sales to dealers, restaurant» or institutions Sales in retail quantities only Quantities o f some items may be limited and subtect to availability N ot responsible for rypograpb a a l o r pictorial errors. W e reserve the right to correct all printed errors O n Bus O n e. Get O n e Free f B O G O * ) offers, customer must pun ha«e me lin t item to receive the second item free B O G O o ften are nor 1/2 price sales I f only a smgle Hem purchased, the regular p n ef applies Manufacturers coupons may be usetf on purchased items only - not on free items ’ 200h Saleway Stores, Inc.