|Jo rtIan ò (¡Di Single Sex Academies Delayed Ipf fPr^sOn em^ UVl 1 VI Superintendent V ickie P hillips 1 r ry says an academy adm inistrator fo r Cnanges Oil to ihe male school w ill he hired to recruit and ensure the curriculum rough start t‘illhr:it ani' partnerships are designed to t‘ tht* pnlfiirtal I n n u academies are scheduled to wel- come their first class in the 2007-08 school year. The A cadem y fo r Y oung W omen w ill use the planning year needs, and college prepara a c tiv itie s fo r students in gn 7-12. In January, the school bt approved a series o f change to hire an a d m in istra tor and teach- Jefferson H igh School based / l p i k . . ; i z 4 „r r Portland School D istrict officials say they need an additional year to develop the Jefferson H igh School Academy o f Young Women and the Academy o f Young Men. A team im plem enting the male- only school has asked fo r a fu ll planning year to develop a rig o r­ ous program and culturally relevant instructional strategies unique to male students. Just eight students had signed up fo r the men’ s acad- Page A3 S u b s c rib e ! ™ P o rt binò (Db Ann: Subscriptions. PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 s u b s c r ip tio n s are fu s t $60 p e r ye a r (please include cheek with this subscription form) N ame : __ T elephone A ddress or email suhscriptioiis@portlandohscrvcr.com Racist Attacker Violates Parole Parole officers have arrested K yle Brewster. 37, foralleged violations o f his parole. The alleged white suprema­ cist was convicted o f manslaughter in connection w ith the death o f E thio­ pian im m igrant Mulugeta Seraw in Portland on Nov. 13. 1988. M ultnom ah C ounty parole o ffic ­ ers obtained information that Brewster has been associating w ith members o f the w h ite su p re m a cist gang V olksfront. By tracking the connec­ P hoto B v M ark W ashington /T iie P ortland O bserver Neighborhood Welcomes Albina Bank Albina Community Bank, a minority-owned financial institution, has ju s t opened its fifth branch at 5636 N.E. Sandy Blvd in the Rose City Park Neighborhood. Since opening on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in 1995, the bank has used deposits to assist first-time homebuyers, create and maintain local jobs and revitalize or redevelop underserved areas o f the city. tions o f gang members on social net­ working Web sites like MySpace.com. parole officers found evidence that Brewster had been in contact w ith V olksfront members. Parole condi­ tions prohibit him from being involved in gang activity. Brewster was sentenced to 15 years in prison fo r Seraw’ s death. He was released in November 2(X)2 and was scheduled to complete his parole in 2008. Brewster has no other convictions, but had several disciplinary actions w hile in prison. Oregon Shakespeare Festival, A shland O rg an ized bus tours June 9-11 The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare Intim ate Apparel by Lynn Nottage Bus Stop by William Inge ($345',person double occupancy) The Merry Wives o f Windsor by William Shakespeare The Winter's Tale by William Shakespeare ($275/person double occupancy) Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand The Importance o f Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde Intimate Apparel by Lynn Nottage ($345/person double occupancy) Relax and Enjoy! Tbr fmgnal Hntoty of Dc(tor fom tui (zoos) Fmemble intimatt Af-pwHiOOb} Gwendolyn M u ta n t» . Tiffany Adamt Photos David Cooper and T f harie< Fnekton Round-trip coach trip; dinner w ith OSF actors; indoor and outdoor performances; BOOK NOW ! (541) 482-2111 lodging in dow ntow n hotels; shopping and much more! amyr®osfashland.org