May 24. 2006 ^"Portianò (Oherrucr All-Star Game pagcC3 Tournament: Saturday, May 27th, Noon ISFAV A N o n-P rofit O rganization Educating Fam ilies and Youth Reba S trickland P re sid e n t PO Box 5 6 0 2 1 P o rtla n d , O regon 9 7 2 3 8 ( 9 7 1 ) 2 2 2 - 0 9 4 9 Cell (5 0 3 ) 4 9 3 - 2 4 5 9 F a x /H o m e Eddie Barnett, Jr. born in 1989, had a passion for life and sports that ended in 2005 with sudden cardiac arrest. His family has set up "The Eddie Barnett, Jr. Foundation" to work toward prevention of sudden cardiac arrest. UNDERSON Gunderson Inc., a mature manufacturing based company, is seeking conscien­ tious, dependable individuals to work as: • • • F itte r/W e ld e rs /T ra in e e s Entry Level Positions Maintenance Technicians, Electricians and Mechanics An Equal Opportunity Employer Gunderson offers a competitive wage and excellent benefits. The selected candidates will be required to complete a pre-employment drug screen and/or physical. If you would like more information on these positions, please visit our website at Please apply in person at 4350 NW Front Ave. Portland, OR 97210 between 7-3pm Mon-Fri. Michael E. Harper, Sr. A gen t l* 1 U U N ( l homi lXM5SWKithir.Suitc KW R M O R 9 7 2 Ì9 (303)221-3080 FAX: (503) 227-8757 2S&8 STATI: FARM INSl!RAN( T.( '( fMPANIKS olhcls hi . oomington . I llinois 24 H o u r G o o d N e ig h b o r S e rv ic e ®