î,l‘^Jorilanò ©bscruer Page B4 Owner Operators G et Hom e For Supper With our Local & Regional Runs! • Great W eekly Settlem ents • Direct Deposit • Fuel Card w /Discounts • Contractor Insurance Program $1000 Sign-on Bonus + $500 Fuel Bonus HUGE potential for success! C lassifieds /B ids CH5MEKETA COMMUNITY COLLEGE M a k e Tracks to Custodian, deadline 0 6 / 0 9 / 0 6 R o a d l l n k U S A Pacific For co m p le te jo b d e scrip tio n s v is it our w e b s ite at www .chem eketa.edu or call the HR Dept. at 503-399-5009. We are an AA/EEO employer. 3 0 0 1 SW Colum bia Way, Bldg 41 Vancouver, W A 98661 1 -3 6 0 6 9 5 -5 2 5 0 U n ite d S ta te s B u re a u o f R e c la m a tio n Savage Rapids Dam Removal and Replacem ent Pum ping Facilities Grants Pass, Oregon Solicitation No. 06SP101619 Bid Date / Tim e: June 9. 2006 - 11:00 AM PDT Sub-bids requested from all subcontractors and suppliers including Sm all Businesses, Sm all D isadvantaged Businesses, W om an Owned Small Businesses, HUB-Zone Small Businesses. Veteran- Owned Small Businesses, and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses. Your subcontract and/or material quotation is requested on item(s) of work in your specialty area. This project has various goals for subcontractor and supplier participation. W e intend to negotiate with all currently certified firms. Scope of work includes Grading, M echanical, Electrical, Concrete Demolition, Landscaping, Mise. Metal Fabrication / Installation, D ra in a g e , P la c e m e n t o f E n g in e e re d M e ta l B u ild in g , a nd Construction Related Services @ K ie w it May 24. 2006 Kiewit Pacific Co. P.0. Box 1769 Vancouver, W A 98668 Phone: (3 6 0 )6 93 -1 4 7 8 FAX: (3 6 0 )6 9 3 -5 5 8 2 We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Bond in full am ount required unless specifically waived at Prime Contractor's option. Assistance will be given to interested SB su bco n tra ctors to obtain bonding, lines of credit, insurance, necessary equipm ent, supplies, m aterials or related assistance or services. Portland Development Commission For contracting opportunities with the C ity o f Portland and for valuable information on how to do business with the City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page: Join the team that helps make Portland www.portlandonline.com/omf.'purchasmt; a great place to live and work \ C » *v o f P o r tla n d M ETRO B u re a u o f P u r c h a s e s PDC values diversity In its work force Business Data Analyst, $48,699 - and is committed to Equal $65 ,14 8 . D ea d lin e : 6 /2 3 /0 6 . Employment Opportunity and C o o rd in a te s all asp ects of the Affirmative Action. S o lid W a s te & R e c y c lin g DIVERSITY MANAGER D e p a rtm e n t’s b u s in e s s transaction data; analyzes data, W e're looking for an experienced perform s research, adm inisters in d iv id u a l w ith d e m o n s tra te d in d e v e lo p in g , d a ta b a s e s a nd m anages su ccess im p le m e n tin g and m a n a g in g consultant contracts. s tra te g ie s and p ro g ra m s th a t Department Head Stagehand - s u p p o rt and a lig n w ith P D C 's Electrician. Portland Center for the overall diversity objectives and Perform ing Arts. $22.24/hr. PT, g o a ls fo r P D C ’s b u s in e s s fluctuating schedule. Deadline: 6/ activities. Reporting directly to the 12/06. Operates, m onitors and E xecutive O ffice r, th e p osition oversees all aspects of electrical, conducts periodic assessments of lighting and control com ponents P D C ’s cultural com petency and u se d on s ta g e o r in s h o w designs and supports education production. M anages the work of and com m unication efforts that assistant electricians. support organizational diversity Assistant Transportation Planner. goals. W e offer a generous host $ 4 2 ,07 9 - $ 5 6 ,3 3 8 a n n u a lly. of benefits as part of our efforts Deadline: 5/31/06. Perform s a to keep PDC a positive, healthy v a rie ty of e n try -le v e l and p rod uctive place to w ork. transportation research, analysis, Apply online at www.pdc.us/lobs and planning activities within the P o rtla n d D e v e lo p m e n t C o m ­ T ra n s p o rta tio n R e s e a rch and m is s io n 2 2 2 N W 5 th A v e ., M odeling Services Section of the P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 0 9 J o b lin e : 5 03.823.3463 Metro Planning Department. To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b a n n o u n c e m e n t a n d re q u ire d a p p lica tion m aterials, visit our website at www.metro-region.org/ jobs, or pick up a complete packet at M etro Human Resources, 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland. AA/EEO Employer WANTED 1120 SW Fifth Ave. Room 750, Portlan'd OR 07204 503-823-6855 J O \, Instructor, Adjunct Pool Labor Education and Research Center University of Oregon °< F C O ^ Applications will be accepted for the purpose of creating a pool of WASHINGTON COUNTY instructors to fill potential short Administrative Specialist I - Temporary te rm o r te m p o ra ry v a c a n cie s . Assessm ent and Taxation P o te n tia l p o s itio n s in v o lv e $ 1 3 .3 4 / hour in s tru c tio n in n o n -cre d it la b o r Closes June 2, 2006 educ. program s, research and special projects. B.A. degree or Call (503) 8 46-8606/TTY (503) equiv. professional exp. in approp. 846-4898 for inform ation or see fie ld , a n d d o c u m e n te d la b o r our w ebsite: w w w.co.washington educator’s exp. req’d. Applications .or.us. C ounty application and accepted on a continuous basis supplem ental application form s & reviewed as positions becom e required. Women, minorities, and available. Pool will remain active p e o p le w ith d is a b ilitie s a re through June 30, 2007. encouraged to apply. EO/AA/ADA institution committed APPLY TO: to cultural diversity. Please see the W ashington County Human UO jo b s p a g e a t h ttp :/ / Resources Division job s.uoregon.edu for additional 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 inform ation Hillsboro, OR 97124 BRAIDER WITH STYLIST LICENSE Good starting package for right person. PARKING FACILITY Operator GENEVA'S SHEAR PERFECTION Im m e d ia t e f u ll a n d p a r t - t im e o p e n in g s . S e e k in g 5 6 0 1 NE ML King d ep end able, w ell-groom ed, positive individuals. 5 0 3 -2 8 5 -1 1 5 9 $ 8 . 5 0 + startin gw ag e.O vertim e/ad van cem ent potential. Ask for Paul Knauls SR. or Paul Jr. M edical & Dental, 4 0 1 k a v a il.D ru g te s t/B a c k g ro u n d c h e c k Apply 1 2 :0 0 -l:0 0 P M , Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri; NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENT (LEGAL NOTICE) District Seeks Applicants to Serve on Custodian Civil Service Board In accordance with ORS 242.330, the Custodian Civil Service Board (CCSB) is composed of three commissioners, and three alternates, appointed by the Portland Public School Board for six-year terms. The Custodian Civil Service Board oversees the appointm ent, em ploym ent, classification and discharge of custodians and assistant custodians In employ of the Portland Public School District. The CCSB develops rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of the Custodians' Civil Service Law, including the classification of custodial em ployees, the m anner in which exam inations are to be held, the certification of eligible candidates for vacancies, the appointm ent of candidates for em ploym ent and the investigation into the dism issal of custodial em ployees. The CCSB is also required to report annually to the School Board. The annual report m ust include the rules of the CCSB, the effect of such rules, recom m endations for a m ore effective classified civil service and a roster of all em ployees that fall under the Custodian Civil Service Law in the em ploy of the school district. To be eligible for appointm ent, an applicant must (1) be an elector of the District, (2) be a resident of the District for at least five years im m ediately preceding appointm ent, (3) be known to be devoted to the principles of civil service, and (4) not be a m em ber or em ployee of the School Board. Com m issioners serve without compensation and may be removed for ju st cause at any time. Re­ appointm ent to the CCSB is not autom atic at the expiration of the term; however, com m issioners may continue to serve until the School Board has appointed a successor. Applications for appointm ent to the Custodian Civil Service Board can be downloaded from the Portland Public School website at w w w .p p s.kl2 .or.u s. by w riting Portland Public Schools, P.0. Box 3107, Portland, Oregon, 97208-3107, or by calling the PPS board office at 503-916-3741. Completed applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 13, 2006. For m ore inform ation, about the appointm ent process, contact the School Board office at 503-916-3741. 3 :0 0 - 4 :0 0 P M Tues. City Center Parking, 1 3 0 SW Stark, Portland. METROPOLITAN EXPOSITION-RECREATION COMMISSION (MERC) Arlene Schnltzer Concert Hall - West Entry Modification Bids due Thursday, June 15, 2006 2:00 p.m. DO YOUR THING. The M etropolitan Exposition-Recreation Com m ission (M ERC) is soliciting sealed bids for the "ASCH - W est Entry Modification Project” for the Portland Center of Perform ing Arts (PCPA) Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, located at 1037 SW Broadway, Portland OR 97205. The work contem plated consists of all equipm ent, materials, and labor as necessary to m odify the W est Entrance (extend curb and sidewalk and m odify entrance and doorw ay) in accordance with the Bid Documents. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held M ay 3 0 ,2 0 0 6 at 10:00 am, at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, W est Entrance (C orner of Main and Park S t.) 1037 SW Broadway. This is a public w orks project pursuant to ORS 2 79C.800 to 279C.870. A bid p a c k e t ca n be p ic k e d up o r v ie w e d a t th e M E R C Adm inistration Offices, 777 NE MLK Jr. Blvd, Third Floor. To obtain a packet for this Request for Bids, contact M ERC Construction/ Capital Projects Departm ent, Heather Olsen at 503-731-7846 or Mark Hunter 503-731-7827. Sure you may have it goin' on. but th e tru th is. lite can always get better Set it oft by p in in g the Army Reserve Earn up to $20,000 You can learn valuable new iob skills, earn an additional paycheck and still stay on point because you II be training near home. The rest of the tim e you are completely tree to for College do whatever you want. Find out more at GOARMYRESERVE COM or call 1-800-USA-ARM Y Sealed Bids for the "ASCH - W est Entry M odification", m ust be delivered to MERC O ffices at 777 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97232 to the Construction/Capital Projects, no later than 2:00PM Pacific Tim e, June 15, 2006. At that tim e, the bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at the M ERC Conference Room. Where: Army Recruiting at 1317 NE Broadway When: Monday ■ Friday 9 00am - 6 00pm <91 Who Sgt. 1st Class Raymon Collett at 503-284-4005 ARMY RESERVE EMPLOYMENT To Place Your Classified Advertisement Junior Surveyor Salary: $2,407 - $3,443/month Announcement #OCDT6070 Portland Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-m ail: classifieds@ portlandobserver.com Sr. Roadway Designer « O f t Salary: $3.916 - $5,614/month Announcement 40CDT6171 Portland ' , • Local Pgm. Project Delivery Spec. Salary: $3.734 $5,347/month Announcement »OCDT6299 Salem • Region Utility Specialist • LEADERSHIP • VISION • COMMITMENT • • COMMUNICATION • TEAM WORK • RESPECT • UN IO N PACIFIC North America's largest railroad is a high tech, Fortune 200 company in a growth mode This makes us an excellent place to start and grow your career. • Train Service Personnel • Assistant S igna l Person Union Pacific offers a competitive compensation and benefits packoge We have numerous opportunities • Operations Management Training Program • Information Technology • Train Dispatching • Special Agents/Police • Diesel Mechanic & Electricians • Trock Maintenance • Truck Drivers/Hostlers • Train Service To start or grow your career, apply online at w w w .up.com Select "Jobs at UP" then "View Positions" Multnomah Education Service District Applicants sought for vacancy on M ultnomah Education Service District Board of Directors The M ultnomah ESD Board of Directors is seeking a pplica nts to fi 11 a n at-large vacancy ( Position #2 ) on the Board. Ap p lica n ts m ust be resid en ts w ith in the Multnomah ESD boundaries which are approximately those of Multnomah County. To confirm residency In the district, contact the Multnomah County Elections Office, 503-988-3720. Multnomah ESD is a regional ed u ca tio n age n cy p ro v id in g sp ecia l ed u ca tio n , school health services, a lte rna tive and outdoor education, technology and other support services to th e eigh t p ublic sch ool d is tric ts In M ultnom ah County. Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on June 15, 2006. For m ore inform ation and to download application materials from the Internet, please go to th e M ESD w eb site at w w w .m e s d .k l2 .o r.u s or contact the M ESD Public Affairs Office, 503-257- 1516; e m a il a t m s k o ln ic @ m e s d .k l2 .o r .u s . Interviews will be conducted at the regular m eeting of the Board of Tuesday, June 2 0 ,2 0 0 6 at 7:00 p.m. BUILDING AMERICA* Multnomah Education Sendee District An Equal Opportunity E mployor 11611 N.E. Ainsworth Circle Portland, Oregon 97220-9017 Salary: $3.223 $4,616/month Announcement 40CDT6173 Salem • Project Geologist Salary: $2.922 $4,183/month Announcement »0CDT6039 La Grande These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job information are available at. a) local Employment D epartm ent field offices, or b) the Oregon jobs page at. www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon offers employees com petitive salaries and comprehensive benefits that includes employer paid health insurance: paid holidays, vacation, sick and 6r n personal leave: membership In the Oregon Public Service ** wX *<■ Retirement Plan (OPSRP); and opportunities to participate in the ‘ ; Oregon Savings Growth Plans The State of Oregon and all Its I* divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers. ’•** • Engineering Application Analyst Information Systems Specialist 6 Salary $3.719 - $5.132/month Announcement »OCDT6426 Salem • Wireless Communication Technician Information Systems Specialist 5 Salary: $2.415 - $3.386/month Announcement 40CDT6073 Springfield CUSTOMER SERVICE/ENFORCEMENT • IR A Registration Analyst HEALTH SERVICES • Principal Executlve/Manager C Program Support Manager Salary: $3,287 $4,840/month Announcement »LEHS6451 Portland Close Date: May 31,2006 Salary: $4,840 - $7,136/month Announcement »OCDT6423 Salem Salary: $2,069 $2,846/month Announcement »0CDT6428 Salem • Motor Carrier Enforcement Officer ENGINEERING/ENVIRONMENTAL • Transportation Analyst OOOT People drive Oregon's Department of Transportation It great benefits, a professional work environment, job innovation, and career growth opportunity drive you. then come to OOOT. O Salary: $3.478 $4.797/month Announcement #0CDT6004A Salem MANAGEMENT/PROFESSIONAL • IT Operations & Production Mgr. Salary: $2.258- $3.121/month Announcement »OCDT6427 Cascade Locks OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) . Salary: $4,487 $6.193/month Announcement »OCDT6030 Salem • District Office Manager Salary $3,529 $4.921/month Announcement HLEHS6446 Salem Close Date: June 12, 2006 w • Project Manager Salary $2.301 - $3,217/month Announcement »OCDT6029 Salem ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Procurement & Contracts Specialist 3 Contracts Specialist w Salary: $4,119 $5,681/month Announcement A0CDT6425 Salem ADMINISTRATIVE/CLERICAL • Exec. Asst, to Rail Dlv. Admin. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES w INFORMATION SYSTEMS • Senior Analyst Salary $2.922 $4,183/month Announcement 4OCDT6376 Salem • Transportation Maintenance Supervisor Salary $2.659 $3.725/month Announcement #OCOT355O Portland r e g o n o OOOT... Building Careen. Bridging the Future Detailed job announcements include qualifications, requirements, and instructions on how to apply fpr these jobs. Go to www.odot.state.or.us/jobs for a complete copy or call 5039864030 (TTY 503 -9 8 63 8 5 4) to request by mail. ODOT is proud to operate as an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Announcements will be made available in alternate format upon request: (503) 378-6202. TTV 1-806993-8898. b s