Page AM May 17. 2006 Local Brame Family Grows Careers Business center dedicated A grand opening for “Ma­ hogany Beauty on the Go,” a beauty products and gift outlet in the Herman Brame Sr. Business Center, 545 N.E. Killingsworth St., will be celebrated May 26 through June 6 as part of a dedi­ cation to the retail outlet bearing the name of one of Portland’s African American business pio­ neers. “Mahogany Beauty on the Go,” operated by Seble R am sey, started as a kiosk at Lloyd Center Mall in 2002. In its new location, the business will feature Patti LaBelle fragrances, Flori Rob­ erts and Interface Cosmetics, gift items and more. The Killingsworth center is also home to Ricky M. Brame Sr’s Studio Six Nine Hair Design Salon, barbershop and profes­ sional styling shear sharping ser­ vice. Additional business suites are currently available for lease. Herman Brame Sr. was one of Portland’s early African Ameri­ can entrepreneurs. He settled in Vanport after serving in World War II in the late 1940s and established the Cherry Street Barbershop. Later he moved the business to a building he pur­ chased on North Tillamook Street where he operated the Tillamook Street B arbershop for many years. He later purchased the center that bears his name on Northeast Killingsworth. Mr. Brame passed away April 28, 2004. His wife, Eamestine Brame, and their four children Herman L. Brame Jr., a minority, women and emerging small business coordinator for Multnomah County; E. Louise Brame-Spears, a university su­ pervisor for Portland State Uni­ versity; Rickey M. Brame Sr., an electrician with IBEW Local 48; and Sandra M. Brame, a literacy and math teacher for Portland Public Schools, are working to make businesses in the Brame center successful and keep Mr. Brame’s dream alive. Eamestine Brame (front, center), wife o f the late Portland entrepreneur Herman Brame Sr., is surrounded by her family (from left), Sandra M. Brame, Rickey M. Brame Sr., E. Louise Brame-Spears, Herman L. Brame Jr., and Seble Ramsey. Traditional Undergraduate Programs (Newberg, Ore.) Undergraduate Adult Degree-Completion Programs (Portland, Salem, Haise) Graduate Programs (Poriland, Newberg, Salem, Haise, Hedmond) George Fox Evangelical Seminary (Portland) Barber Herman Brame Sr. served generations of Portland residents. Admissions contact: 800 765 4369, 503 554-2240 admissions/« gcorgefox. edu Math, Science Day in Vancouver Middle school students from the Vancouver area will partici­ pate com petitively in various design activities to showcase their m ath, engineering and science skills at the Southwest Washington Math, Engineering, Science Achievement Day. The annual event will be held at W ashington State University Vancouver from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 20. Competitive activities will in- clude a math Olympiad, foil floaters, catapault, straw tow­ ers, naked egg drop and m ulti­ purpose vehicle or mouse trap car. Parents will have the op­ portunity to participate in two seminars entitled, “How Stu­ d en ts L e a rn ” and “C ollege Readiness.” The M ESA m ission is to bridge the gap in academ ic achievem ent with enriching educational opportunities for Want your own room in your own home? A fric a n -A m e ric a n , N a tiv e American, Latino and female s tu d e n ts w ho are underrepresented in m athem at­ ics, engineering and science ca­ reers. For more information, con­ tact Armetta Burney at 360- 546-9676. WSU Vancouver is located at 14204 N.E. Salmon Creek Ave., east o f the 134th Street exit from either 1-5 or I- 205. 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