Cl" Fortiani» ©baeriier ( \RI ERS&LDU( Page A4 X T I O K Special Edition May 17. 2006 Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer O pinion Achievement Clouded by Race anymore? Or (Rafael) Palmeiro? W henever I go home I hear people say all the time, 'B ase­ ball ju st d o e sn ’t like black people. H ere’s the greatest hit­ ter in the game and they’re roids? Huh? What would happen scrutinizing him like crazy.’ It’s if we put pictures of all of us in killing me because it’s about our 20s and then put them side- race.” by-side with our pictures in our It may not be all about race, 40s and jump to the same con- but race certainly is a rain cloud Barry Bonds treatment unfair W allace R yan K uroiwa Okay, I’ll admit it: I am a San Francisco Giants baseball fan. Always have been, always will be. Maybe it’s because living in Hawaii. I used to get the Giants games on the radio. Maybe it’s because in my first year of semi­ nary in the Bay Area, 1 watched Juan Marichal pitch and the two Willies — Mays and McCovey — homer in my first live Major League game! So I will admit to a bias in my following rumina­ tion: I have watched with some dismay as slugger Barry Bonds has been vilified in the media and by fans as he nears the home run milestone of 714 home runs, the record the immortal Babe Ruth held until Hank Aaron eclipsed it. Most of the discussion has centered on the purported use of steroids by Bonds. Although there has not been any substantiation of steroid use in the legal arena, Bonds has been tried and con­ victed in the media. Television commentary will show pictures of Bonds as a younger player and then pictures of his present mani­ festation, and then cone lude: now who can say he hasn’t used ste­ by G lobally speaking, sports serves as a microcosm of Ameri­ can society. The insidious reach of racism is always near the sur­ face of the dynamics of human interaction, if it is not overtly present. Whether it is in the New Orleans debacle or the immigra­ tion debate, economic globaliza­ tion or whatever, you don’t have to look far to find race lurking. t Whether it is in the New Orleans debacle or the immigration debate, economic globalization or whatever, you don't have to look far to find race lurking. Barry Bonds Double Standard at Play The overt reason for C h ief F oxw orth’s sudden ouster does not m ake sense; how ever, the covert one does. Is this not a vicious retaliation fo ra perceived threat to a jo b ? Foxw orth began to replace clerical positions in the departm ent with disabled police officers. A dd in an illicit affair, and there is plenty o f fuel forthe fire. W hat about race? Although one white paper’seditorial clearly stated — this is not about race, get rid o f him — it was the white newspapers that gleefully dragged Foxworth’s name through the mud by printing ingreat detail salacious— and rem em ber heretofore private— em ails betw een “two consenting adults.” They show ed no restraint, no dignity, and jeopardized his possible return by such sham ing o f his character. The black newspapers showed respect and dignity, only printing the needed information about the accusations and his departure via a leave o f absence. Foxw orth, it appears is being held to a m uch sterner standard, a double standard here at play, and h e ’s being elusion? I believe Minnesota Twins outfielder Tori Hunter hit on a re a lity w hen he o b serv ed : “They can say what they want, but there’s no way they would launch an investigation if Barry Bonds was not about to break Babe R uth's record. It is so obvious w hat’s going on. He has never failed a drug test and said he never took steroids, but everybody keeps trying to dis­ grace him. How come nobody even talks about Mark McGwire over the whole issue. Race has been a specter over sports for as long as I have been alive and much longer. Remember Jesse O w ens in G erm any? Jack Johnson? Jackie Robinson? Even Hank Aaron received death threats as he approached the beloved Babe's record. Those who would claim that sports is a level playing field, that anyone with talent can make it in sports, need to take their heads out of the sand. Race matters, as Cornel West simply put it. ’’ E v e r y b o d y c a n b e G r e a t B ec au se A nybo dy C a n S e r v e " Martin Luther King Junior We will never make progress toward a more just society until we own up to that and move forward. So my defense of Barry is more than just being a Giants fan, much more. It’s about need to name the sin. When we do that, we can start to do better. And we do need to do better as a society, much better. Wallace Ryan Kuroiwa writes fo r Justice and Witness Minis­ tries in the United Church o f Christ. asked to pay a very high price. His retirem ent threatened, his reputation degraded — the Police union, still w hite dom inated shows him no support and the black comm unity is very quiet — perhaps due to his bureaucratic public response to high-voltage cases such as Kendra Jam es and Jam es Perez. Still, talk o f how he has ‘violated the public tru st’ is hypocritical. L o tso f people, including politicians and even form er police chiefs have been known to be philanderers. Do they stand to lose as m uch as Foxw orth already has? Linda Kanzinger Northeast Portland L o o k in g t o ju m p s t a r t your c a re e r th is s u m m e r? Then get a Summer Fast Pass at Mt. Hood Community College. Summer Fast Pass is a 10 to 15 credit package o f courses th a t will help you get ahead in your college career. 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