May 17. 2006 I l" $ o r t l a t t ò ( P h s e r u e r C A R E F R S & E D U C A T I O N S p « ™ / Edition Steakadelphia R eligion Israel L. G aither em ployees and nearly 3.5 million volunteers, w ho serve more than 31 m illion people annually. He is the Salvation A rm y’s chief spokesperson in the U.S. and the 68(X) N E M L K B lvd 503-247-7211 STEAKADELPHU First African American Leads Salvation Army Gen. Shaw Clifton, world leader o f the Salvation Army, has w el­ com ed com m issioners Israel L. G aither and his wife Eva D. G aither as national com m ander and national president o f w om en's m inistries, respectively. Israel G aither is the first African A m erican to hold the position in m inistry’s 126-year history. "America loves The Salvation Arm y,” he said. “There is strong confidence in who we are and what we do. But there’s more to be done. This position is an honor and I intend to lead with total depen­ dence on God and in partnership with territorial leaders toeffectively impact those on the margins o f A m erican society. All that we do is “for the m ission.” In his new position, Gaither heads avast A nnyof3,661 officers, 112,513 soldiers, 422,543 members, 60,642 Page B5 coordinator for m atters o f national concern to its mission. He will act as the chairm an o f the national board o f trustees and be responsible for presiding over tri-annual com m is­ sioners conferences, which bring together the key executive leaders o f The Salvation A rm y’s four terri­ tories in the United States. At the tim e o f C om m issioner G aith er's installation as National C om m ander, the Salvation Army USA has unique opportunities to forward its mission: site selection and building o f com m unity centers in line with the $ 1.5 billion gift from the estate o f Joan B. K roc;continu- ing the $363 million com m unity re­ co v e ry se rv ic e s fo r H u rrican e Katrina survivors, while preparing em ergency response plans for po­ tential new disasters; continuing the iconic annual "R ed K ettle” C hristm as Cam paign to help the needy during the holidays; and strengthening the voice o f The Salvation Army in the United States in accordance with its evangelical roots. At the same tim e, the Army con­ tinues to focus on a variety o f other social services, w hich range from operating sum m er cam ps for kids to centers for senior citizens. In her role. C om m issioner Eva G a ith e r w ill lead the n ational w om en’s m inistries to em pow er w omen to deeper faith and service to others. Her prim ary areas o f fo­ cus will be those involving the sys­ tematic abuse, victim ization and a b a n d o n m e n t th a t lead s m any w om en to lives w ithout a lot o f hope. She will partner with leaders from the four territories o f The Sal­ vation Army to com bat com m on issues that affect w om en through­ out America. 1-5 I GRILLED HOT 1 Small, 8” Philly Cheese Steak P o rtla n d B lv d . I --------- I M LK For $2.99 ( I Block N o f P ortland Blvd) I Hours: 7 days a week, 11 am-9pm A wish changes nothing. A decision changes everything! Men of Victory Annual Retreat H ighland U nited C h u rch o f C hrist presents the H ighland’s Men o f Victory Fifth Annual 2(X>6 Re­ treat, Aug. 31 through Sept. 3 at D rift Creek C am p in Lincoln City. The purpose o f this retreat is a tim e o f renew al, relaxation and re­ vival. This year’s theme is “It’s Your Season T o Arm Yoursel f ' and focuses on “continuously, consis­ tently and eternally” (Ephesians 6:10-11). The church invites area residents to join H ighland as God takes the com m unity to the next level. If you c a n ' t m ake it to the retreat, consider sponsoring another brother. “ Men o f V ictory” is the m en’s m inistry at Highland, w hich meets at 6 p.m. each Tuesday to study, pray, join fellow ship, sing and ad­ dress the issues facing youth and young men in the com m unity. The m inistry is open to men o f all ages, cultures and socio-econom ic back­ grounds. It is H ighland's goal this year to raise $1(),(XX) for transportation, lodging and meal expenses. Any contribution would be appreciated and is tax-deductible. For more inform ation, call D ea­ con Ronald W illiam s at 503-282- 5279 or Deacon Charles Jennings at 503-313-0806o r503-287-9567. Dear Deanna! I becom e so annoyed at people that com e to church late. O ur worship service has been the same for years, the doors open at the same tim e but people com e in late. I think it’s rude to com e in w hile other people are rejoicing, enjoying the service and singing. My faithful celebration is knocked off balance when a door opens or a m other drags her kids into a seat. How can I address this issue without insulting anyone at my church? —Peaceful W orship; G reensboro, N.C. Dear Peaceful: You should be happy that people com e late, com e as they are and com e at all. If your church is full o f people like you, then I’m surprised you have m ore than 10 people each week. Church is not about you. It’s about the congregation w orship­ ing together. It's rude that people com e late, but they still com e and you should pray they com e often and on time. Stop com plaining and see your church officers to address the issue and keep it moving. Dear Deanna! My wife m akes m ore money than I do but she’s not a wise spender. O ur household is struggling, the bills are being paid late and our savings is very small. 1 try to talk to her about this but she starts an argum ent and rem inds me o f how much money she makes. It d oesn't m atter w ho makes what money b e­ cause my main concern is running the household. Although I make less, my money covers everything and I’m alw ays broke. W hat do I do? —Jam es; Baltimore, Md. This year’s them e is “A Virtuous W oman is a W ise W om an." The keynote sp eak er is Dr. C o rin e Conw ay o f V irtuous W om en Inter­ national M inistries o f Higginsville, Mo. For m ore inform ation or tickets to the luncheon call 360-693-4566 o r360-891-0972. Audrey Sylvia died May 11, 2(X)6 at the age o f 58. She was born July I, 1947 in Enid, Okla. She worked in the teaching profes­ sion for m ore than 30 years. She was em ployed at A lbina Head Start where she worked as an Education Coordina- DAK H .O .M .E Services Survivors include herm other,T helm a ■ M ayes, brother Billy Sylvia, niece Heidi T urner and loving com pan­ ion M ichael Turner. A rrangem ents by C aldw ell’s Funeral Home. George W illis A m em orial service will be held for Mr. G eorge W illis (Sugar) at theT rue Vine M issionary Baptist Church, 4735 N. Com m ercial Ave, M onday, May 22 at I p.m. with Pastor Raymon H. Edw ards, Sr. officiating. Our Home Ownership and Mortgage Expertssm will BENEFIT YOU by delivering personalized home loan solutions to fit your needs. Good or bad credit! We’re local. We care. Experience the difference! Call (360) 433-2466 Toll free 1-877-436-2466 apply online at equal housing lender serving Oregon & Washington W ally T e s la ACQUIRE TS A sk Deanna1. PROPERTIES. Real People, Real Advice Residential and Commercial Broker Oregon/Washington Community A.M .E. Zion Church 503-2677586 cell 503-249-1903 office 503-249 6527 fax 3605 East 13 th Street Vancouver, W A Multi-Million $ Service 24th Annual Women’s Day Celebration SONA JOINER CALLNOW THEME: “A Virtuous Woman Is A Wise Women” — Proverbs 31:10-31 Experienced Attorney over 25 years defending People against each o f you becom es responsible for your share. You may still be broke, but the bills will be paid with a little m oney in the bank that you may need for a rainy day. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: askdeanna I or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills. CA 40211. Website: Two'Day Celebrant m Saturday, 5-20-06 Noon 1. Employment Discrimination: Race, Age, Sex, and Disability 2. Criminal Accusations: • Sex crimes • Drug crimes • A ll misdemeanors and felonies 503-241-1113 Crazy Hat Lunch« >n ( $ 10.00) Guest Speaker Dr. Corine Conuuy f l K irv «- Sunday, 5-21-06 3:30 p.m. Closing Worship Services Dr. Corine Conway Free Phone Consultations Guest Speaker Dr. Corine Conuuy Virtuous W om en Intematitmal Ministries Higginsnlle, M O. 360-693-4566 a 360-891-0972 For information call: R egis S alon Located in Lloyd Center Mall Specializing in Ethnic Hair Care Remember Those Who Serve- Basic Shampoo Set for $15.0(1 ( Includes Comb Out) Candle Light Vigil Service Contact Abel at 503.282.2888/8652 or 'Stop by and give me a try ’ Your Care Our First Priority In Honor of National Armed Forces Day May 21, 2006 2:30pm Ross Hollywood & Little Chapel of the Chimes 47.33 NE Thompson Portland, Oregon 97213 503-281-1800 Please join us as we honor those who are so courageously serving our country. Dear James: Your wife is on a pow er trip and sh e 's using her financial status to disrespect you. S h e's trying to have control but obviously sh e’s m ak­ ing a mess that will send you to the pr house. You need to im m edi­ ately assem ble a budget that in­ cludes savings, divide the bills and Kimberly Adams, Owner Mortgage Broker Audrey Sylvia In Loving Memory Women’s Day Celebration Vancouver’sCommunity A.M.E. Z ion Church, 3605 E. 13th St., has se t p la n s fo r its 2 4 ,h a n n u a l W om en’s Day Celebration. Events begin with the “Crazy Hat Luncheon" on Saturday, May 20 at Noon (tickets are $10) and ends with a special W orship Ser­ vice on Sunday, May 21 at3:30p.m . Head Start Teacher Dies • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! (503)228-6140 Reception to follow service -Officiating' Reverend Thomas Baker ~Guest Speaker- Operation Tribute to Freedom ~ Music- Womens Vocal Ensemble From Central Catholic High School