Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 17, 2006, Page 11, Image 11

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    ilu IJortlaub (Observer C \RI I R S & L D li \ H O \S p e c i a l Edition
May 17. 2006
Page B3
Troupe Demonstrating the martial arts
The rich anti m ultifaceted C h i­
nese martial arts tradition o f Kung
I u, w hich literally means "skill
through hard w ork”, will be fea­
tured in the Shaolin Kung Fu S pec­
tacular. W ednesday. May 31 at 7
p in. at the Arlene Schnitzer C on­
cert Hall.
T he highly d ecorated C hinese
S h aolin Kung Fu P erform ance
I roupe, presented by the P ort­
land Art & C ultural C e n ter and
Portland C hinese T im es, creates
an unprecedented live m artial arts
dem onstration. T he w ell-received
tio u p e com es from the Songshan
Shaolin M onastery in C hina and
has perform ed in num erous co u n ­
tries around the w orld, including
R ussia. U kraine, B elarus, E sto ­
nia, L ithuania, L atvia, C aucasus,
G re at B ritain and Japan. T his is a
o u ce-in -a-lifetim e o pportunity to
v iew the tr o u p e 's re m a rk a b le
m artial arts skills and b re a th ta k ­
ing perform ance.
T he 20 m em bers o f the troupe
have d ed icated th eir lives to at
least eight hours o f training per
day, in addition to farm ing, m edi­
ating, and studying the scripture
ol B uddhism . T he Shaolin m onks
Chapel of the R ösö P
Caring fo r People - Making a Difference
B urial and C remation
There is a Difference in Funeral Homes
NE 21 '■ and Broadway 503-287-1155
Michael E. Harper, Sr.
9045SWBabur, Suite 109
BrtliUiLOR ‘77219
P r o j e c t
o p e
223 NE Russell St
Portland, Oregon
The Shaolin Kung Fu Spectacular performs May 31 at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall.
have p racticed this g rueling regi-
men o f kung fu train in g for o ver
500 years. T he tro u p e 's form o f
kung fu has been p assed dow n
from the Shaolin T em ple through
g en eratio n s o f m asters and d is­
Tickets are $34.75 to $54.75 and
are available at the Performing Arts
Center box office, 1111 S.W. Broad­
way or through Ticketm ster, 503-
Open M-F 9-5 pm • Saturdays 10-5 pm
50% -70%
All The Time
Weekend of Art Hop Surprises Coming
Guitar bodies with bold graphics, im­
ages and photos by Frank Engel are
among the special collections displayed
for the Alberta Street Art Hop at Onda
Arte Latina/C ross Currents Gallery.
Mt. Hood
‘Sordid Lives’
The Art Hop on A lberta
this year will be full o f sur­
prises. For the first time,
the street will buzz with art
events from visual to per­
form ance, for a com plete
w eekend - Saturday, May
20 and Sunday, May 21.
The theme "A rt o f Sur-
prise/Surprise o f A rt" will capture you in unpre­
dictable but pleasant ways.
Although no one know s everything that will
happen during the tw o days, Alberta artists have
a few things in store. First, the series o f paintings
by H ampton Rodriguez,
“Looking for Don Q uixote” continues in the
main gallery with its striking portraits o f charac­
ters and depiction o f the loves and conflicts in
this classic novel.
In a special hanging display, new pieces by
Frank Engel com bine his love o f art and music at
A trag ic tale o f loss, love and a fam ily ’s
dysfu n ctio n al etiq u ette, “ S ordid L iv es,” is
the spring p roduction o f the Mt. H ood C o m ­
m unity C o lleg e T heatre A rts dep artm en t.
T h e title sa y s it all: S issy is try in g to
q u it sm o k in g . M o m m a h as ju s t d ie d an
a c c id e n ta l d ea th at a lo cal c h e a p m otel and
B ro th e r B oy has been lo c k e d up in a m e n ­
ta l in s titu tio n b e c a u s e h e th in k s h e ’s
O nda A rte L atina/C ross
Currents Gallery, 2215 N.E.
Alberta St. Engel has deco­
rated guitar bodies with
bold graphics, images and
photos, and y o u ’ll be fasci­
nated by the com bination
o f elem ents front, back and
even inside.
Up the road at 27,h and Alberta, The Know v. ill
feature “The Da Smurfi Code”, a timely foray into
the burgeoning truth o f the Holy Grail as told
through words, pictures and the dry British hu-
m o ro f artist lllion Maybe. Performances are 5:30
p.m. on Saturday and 4 p.m. on Sunday.
The film adaptation o f "D a Vinci Code" also
hits theaters this weekend, but if y o u ’re looking
for a more low-key explanation of controversial
religious suppression, "The Da Smurfi C ode" fits
the bill.
Tickets are $3.
T am m y W y n ette.
A dults will love the roller-coaster o f jokes,
o n e-lin ers and hollering that goes on as the
funeral begins.
“S o rd id L iv es” is presented in the S tudio
T h ea ter located on Mt. H ood’s G resham
cam pus on Friday and Saturday May 19 -2 0 at
8 p.m . A Sunday m atinees w ill be at 2 p.m.
All tick ets are $10.
C n h e m c i n g T h e H o t n e O w n e r s h i p E x p e r i e n c e 1'1
Portland Unwiired
from M etro
unteer-run Personal T elco Project
has 100, and growing, hotspots, or
“ nodes" in homes, parks and cof­
fee shops throughout Portland, and
telecom m unication com panies like
Sprint corner the fast and far reach­
ing w ireless market.
“ I d on’t see M etro-Fi as a com ­
peting service, said Sprint spokes­
w oman Mary Beth Lowell. “O ur
custom ers are probably m obile
outside Portland as well, and d o n ’t
want to be tethered to the area
w here it's available.”
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fl 2006
D iinworth
” “’ft w..
United Church of Christ
0 94 1 NE Ainsworth St.
(5 0 3 )2 8 4 -8 7 6 7
Portland. OR 9T211
A three-day celebration hosted hy the congregation o f
Ainsworth United Church o f Christ (AUCC). whose activities in­
clude social response and action in the greater Portland area,
support fo r community issues, and promotion o f interfaitli under­
standing. I'roceeds will support the mission and ministry o f A UCC,
as well as our community partner fo r 2006, Elders in Action. AUCC
is also offering a special raffle for a tliree-nighl stay fo r two at the
Oellagio Hotel in I ms Vegas, Nevada.
Friday, June 2 - Silent Auction, Hors D'Oeuvres and Dancing
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.W II W O M E N » F < 0 1 .0 0 A N D
“ P E O P I.E O E T H F M O R I. II"
When the sun goes down in Stump Town, we will gather at
McMenamin's Edgefield, 2126 S.W. Halsey in Troutdale. From 6:30
to 10:30 p.m., we will enjoy a plethora of hors d'oeuvres, have
great fun with our silent auction, Live music -featuring Janice
Scroggins! dancing. There will be something for everyone's taste.
Tickets are available now: $35 per person ($10.50 of which is
tax-deductible donation). Call the church as soon as possible at
(503) 284-8767.
Saturday, June 3 - Family Festival
Saturday marks the Fourth Annual Family Festival, featuring food,
beverages, an inflatable "Bounce House," a clown, face painting,
a Portland Fire Truck: and a jewelry, plant and book sale. Festivities
run from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. right next to the church on a closed N.E.
3O'h Ave.
Sunday. June 4 -
Celebration Worship Service and Birthday Party
When you are as welcoming as AUCC. the worship service offers
inspiration, jubilation and the Word of God brought to you by people
pf profound faith, witness and service. This morning, Ainsworth's
Pastor Lynne Smouse Lopez's sermon topic will be "Rejoicing in
the Gift of God's Spirit.” Rooted in AUCC's traditional Four Seasons
Birthday Celebration, the after-church activity will honor and
celebrate everybody's birthday with scrumptious food, cakes, punch
and beverages. The drawing for the Las Vegas trip will be done at
the Four Seasons Birthday Celebration. The winner of the drawing
will receive a three night stay at the Bellagio Hotel for two adults
air fare included.
H KH I.K N.tM.S*)
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