'ri,‘'IJnrthutÒ (ÌDbserUvr ('ARI'.I.RS&i D U C N V \ O \ Special Edition Page B2 Asian American Heritage OFF.: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 6 1103 FAX: STATE FARM (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 C elebrate the music, dance and heritage o f Asian A m ericans in the Pacific Northwest at the Cross­ ing East H eritage Festival, Satur­ day, May 20 at Parkrose High School, 12003 N.E. Shaver St. at 7:30p.m. A donation o f $5 to $ 10 is sug­ gested. The festival is a m ultim e­ dia preview o f the C rossing East radio series on OPB 91.5 FM /550 AM, hosted by A lison Frost and Polo Catalani o f the A sian Re­ porter, beginning May 2 6 at 2 p.m. F o r m o re in f o rm a tio n v is it M irth Tran w ill p e rfo rm a t the w w w .crossingeast.orgorcall 503- C ro ssin g E a st H e rita g e Festi- 233-2919. va/, S aturday, M a y 2 0 . INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent N a t K in g C ole is th e s u b je c t o f a PBS A m erican M a s te rs p re s e n ­ ta tio n on S unday a t 1 p .m . on C h a n ne l 1 0 . WE'VE MOVED! 4 9 4 6 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland. OR 97217 MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Residential & Commercial Service CARPET CLEANING 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL $ 2 5 .0 0 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) $ 3 5 .0 0 STAIRS (with other service) $ 1.5 0 Each Each Area Nat King Cole on OPB PBS biography series A m eri­ can M asters will air "T he W orld o f Nat King C ole” , a new portrait o f the m usician’s role as aceleb - rity and his part in the Civil Rights m ovem ent, airing Sunday, May 21 at I p.m. on KOPB Channel 10. The highly acclaim ed series fo­ cuses on how Cole, the man Isaac H ayes calls the personification o f cool, uniquely broke through Additional Services • AREA A ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • A U T O /B O A T /R V CLEANING • DEODORIZING & PET ODOR TREA TMENT • SPOT A STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARO PROTECTION SOFA-------------------------------------- $ 6 9 .0 0 LOVESEAT -------------------------- $ 4 9 .0 0 SECTIONAL ---------------------------- $ 9 9 .0 0 CHAIR OR RECLINER _________ $ 3 5 .0 0 THROW PILLOWS ------------------------ $ 5 .0 0 1 I I COUPON SPECIAL ANY 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL & SOFA OR HALL. LOVESEA T& CHAIR T h e M a n W h o H a d A ll the L u c k - , I l CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (503) 281-3949 GLIDE I $ 1 3 5.0 0 - Portland Com m unity C ollege’s Theatre Arts D epartm ent presents "The Man W ho Had All the Luck" on th ree c a m p u s sta g e s, now through June 4. Tickets are $ 10 for general adm ission and $8 for se­ niors. students and college staff. For more information and locations, call the PCC box office at 503-977- 4949 or visit w w w .pcc.edu/theatre. carvers from the T anzania tribe M akonde have been carving ebony for centuries, and now the public can see some o f the most valuable wood on the globe at the W orld For­ estry Center. G eneral adm ission is $7 for adults, $6 for seniors, $5 for children, and m em bers are free. 2 2 4 -4 4 0 0 or o n lin e at www.ticketm aster.com , or by visit­ ing the box office at 1111 SW Broad­ way. T h e W h o ’s T O M M Y - Radiant Theatre presents the W ho’s rock opera: Tom m y through June 10 at Liberty Hall. 3 11 N. Ivy. Show tim es are 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, and tickets are $20 at the $7 for children under 18 and free for ages five and under. C e le b ra tin g L ove - N ordstrom ’s celebrates Asian Pacific Am erican Heritage Month with an exhibit titled Love Now, through M ay at the dow ntow n location. ‘ C lea n ’ at the M ila g ro Dianetics can help you live a better and happier life. Read the book used by millions to reduce stress, anxiety and unhappiness.This is the road to a better life with fewer problems. Just get it, read it and try it, and you'll never be the same. Available at your local bookstore or from Dianetics Foundation, 709 SW Salmon St. Portland, OR. 97205 Phone 503.228.0116 • Free shipping • All orders shipped within 24 hours www.dianetics.org « 2004 BPi. All Rights Reserved DIANETICS Is a trademark and service mark owned by Religious Technology Center and is used with its permission $8.00 Portland’s First A nnual Mt. T a­ designers, sculptors, and more. Y ou’re invited to meet the art­ bor Art W alk happens Saturday and Sunday, May 20-21, from 11 ists, view their work, and enjoy a a.m. to 5 p,m. in artists’ hom es walk in the neighborhood, with free V is it throughout the Mt. T abor neigh­ a d m is s io n . w w w.sorellacreations.com /taborto borhood. This is a juried art show, and the preview the artwork and view a map 33 artists within 22 hom es will offer and list o f artists. M aps will be also be available at: their work for sale. Bipartisan Café, 7901 S.E. Stark; Y ou’ll find a variety o f talented Com m on G rounds Coffeehouse, and professional artists in the Mt. 4321 S.E. H aw thorne; C ooper’s T ab o r neig h b o rh o o d , including C offee, 6049 S.E. Stark; and Muse painters, photographers, jew elry R a re E b on y Sculptures — Master yoKK t a u ano interna TtONM N tn tu u t Paperback m ajor racial barriers in the enter­ tainm ent industry. In addition, the film features interviews with many o f C o le’s admirers who share their thoughts about this unforgettable m usician and black icon, includ­ ing Stevie W onder, B.B. King, A n d re B e n ja m in (O u tk a s t) , W hoopi G o ld b erg , Les Paul, Q uincy Jones, Harry Belafonte, Eartha Kitt and Isaac Hayes. Mt. Tabor Studios Open Doors Art+l)esign.4224S.F. Hawthorne. UPHOLSTERY CLEANING I I May 17. 2006 A fric an M usic Benefit — M aster drum m er O bo Addy will perform with his traditional group Okropong in a benefit perform ance for the T oguna Cultural C enter in Mali. Africa, on Thursday, May 25 at 7 p.m. at Jackson M iddle School, 10625 S.W. 35th Ave. Admission is $5, for more inform ation call 503- 916-34H. A nim ation at O M SI -Explore how art, math, science, and technology com e together in the exciting world o f anim ation at the Oregon M u­ seum o f Science and Industry. Ex­ p e rim e n t w ith storyboarding, charac­ ter design, movement, timing, filming, sound, editing and more as you explore the process of anim ation and create your own anim ated se­ quences. For adm ission and tickets, call 503-797- 4000. -- M ira c le T h e a tre Group com es “Clean" with audiences, telling the tale o f an inquiry into the pow er o f faith with a Puerto Rican fam- ily living in the United States. Perform ances door/$ 17 in advance (sliding scale aire F rid ay , M ay 12 Love Now e x h ib it In n o v atio n S tatio n — T h u rs d a y s ) , a v a ila b le at through June 3 at the Kids will have a ball at w w w .radianttheatre.org or by call­ M ilagro Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St. O M S I’s new Innovation Station by Tickets are $ 16 to $20 and are avail­ ing 503-502-8261. exploring the human side of tech­ able by calling 503-236-7253. nology. For more inform ation, visit Bang! Bang! at T o w n Lounge — The Chicago band Bang! Bang! C o lu m b ia S ym phony O rc h e stra - www.omsi.edu. featuring G retta Fine on vocals and - Enjoy a classical concert featuring S h o s ta k o v ic h an d O n th e R ad io — G roove to soul and bass and Jack Flash on vocals and B a rb e r, hip-hop with Kevin Berry from 7 to guitar, delivers an energetic and Rachm aninov, May 25 and 26 at the 9p.m . M ondaysat 90.7 FM/KBOO. visual stage show , influenced by First U nited M ethodist C hurch, Check out the C om m unity Pot­ the classic acts Talking Heads and 1838 S.W. Jefferson St. For tickets pourri talk show from 7 to 8 a m. in f o rm a tio n , v isit Blondie to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, a n d M ondays, W ednesday and Fridays Friday, May 26 at the Town Lounge, w w w .colum biasym phony.org or at 1480 A M /K BM S. Count your 714 S.W . 20,h Place. D oors open at call 503-234-4077. b le ssin g s w ith M elo d ies from 7 p.m. with a $6 cover. Menopause T h e Musical - "M eno­ Heaven from 6 to 10 p.m. M ondays S ato ri M en ’s C h o ru s -The Satori pause The M usical" opens May 3 1 through Fridaysat 1290 AM/KKSL. M en’s Chorus presents “Pomp and at the Portland C enter for the Per­ Tune in to African American Health Potpourri” on Sunday, May 2 1 at 3 forming Arts. The hilariouscelebra- Radio W ednesday nights on 1290 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at North Star tion o f w om en and “the change” AM/KKSL. Ballroom, 635 N. K illingsw orthCt. features four w om en w ho have T rip p in ’ th ro u g h T ow n - Take a The season finale promises the right nothing in com m on but hot flashes, trip through tim e to find the hottest am ount o f pom p with plenty o f night sw eats, mem ory loss, choco­ poetry, hip-hop and soul influenc­ potpourri, from Latin to jazz, co w ­ late binges and not enough, or too ing Portland on W ednesdays at the boys to grandpas, sw eethearts to much, sex. Tickets are $44.50 plus Ohm. $7 cover. 3 1 N.W. First Ave. fish stew. Tickets are $ 12 for adults, fees, available at Ticketmaster, 503- N ational H eritage F oundation CHANGING LIVES FOUNDATION Be known as one of 'America's Finest.' Become an FBI Special Agent. FM at worts In the community lodny i m demands that we hernne mere rtM»se and we are wortonq harder man e w m he rd rw r e — h r a« neopre raqarrKess ol caor race, « w o n natwia ortrji. nrtrtics affiXatxxi riantal status dsaCnity, age sex or sexual onenratmn To I k end. we are rednnWng 1 / oiwrsity eftirts whhn K ip T 9 and exterrair w ill such organuaow) as Buys and firs Clute <1 Amerra. Hare Agaxisl Drugs, me I nague ol Untied lalln Ame-xan Crtwus and Ihe NMCP Addlnnaty. we re w y croud xi hold our hr annual 1 week I B Cltttens Academy During w«kty 3 hour seasons, we bring loqelhor leaders (ram a nwtilede ol ethnic and idkjxxs groups lo gam an msrdei s dew o im e F a Spadai Agaats Foreign ,anguage sWfc are an especially crtlral need far Ihe FBI partcutaily il you hold a Bachelor s degree r any subier I area and haye a native fluency r any me d t e i j Arabic. Chinese ■ all dialects. Farsi/Peratan, Hebrew, Hindi. Japanese. Korean. Paahbr. Puniate. Russian. Spanish. Urdu, and Vietnamese In quality lor the FBI Special Agent position, you must possess a tour-year college degree plus three years rt professional work experience, be available lor assfanmen* anywhere m Ihe FBI s |iiilsdfctton. he Delween the ages of 23 and 36. and be m excellent physical i onditwi with Ihe ability to pass a rigorous physical fitness test. fa lean more about these and other opportune»«, please vxsrt our Web see far mmpfeto details Positions added daily www.fbiiobs.com We have oppodimtires tor Sperai Agents from a broad range ol educatola dBconres and professons, howeyor me FBI has special needs W camtdales with entrai Ihelotowmg >bu exist be a U S clfeen and consent fa a complete background mvesbgation. drug test, and polygraph as a preieqiesife ter emptoyment. Orty Dose candidates determined fa be Irs i quakted wm be ,.rx tar fed lo proceed n me sefeclkr graces.« TDD; (202) T2A-2967 the FBI « an eqtal oppotnty employ« FBI...Spedai People. Spatial Agent». « P ortland E vent T heo R atliff (Portland Trail Blazer) is partnering with C hanging Lives Foundation for 2 events, one in Portland at 111th NE Halsey Avenue. T ime : 6:30pm -8pm W hen : W ednesday May 17 There will be food, prizes, cash giveaw ays..etc...