Committed to Cultural Diversity mvn portlandobservei io n i Bobby ‘Blue’ Bland M etro Comes to Portland for Blues Concert See page B3 inside 'r'!' JJortlanb (JDbscrucr pom niu nity C a le n d a r PCC Art Beat Festival The art beat goes on at the 19lh Annual Art Beat festival at all Portland Community College cam ­ puses, through Friday, May 12. The free public celebration in­ cludes local, regional and national artists, visual art, dance, music, theater and literary events. Local Grads Honored The Bridge Builders organization invites the com m unity to con­ gratulate African American gradu­ ates from Portland and V ancouver at the 10,h annual Black Baccalau­ reate, 7 p.m. Sunday, May 2 1 at the U niversity o f Portland C hildes Center, 5000 N. W illamette Blvd. Bird Festival Celebrate International Migratory Bird Day at the O aks Bottom M i­ gratory Bird Festival, Saturday, M ay 13 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Sellw ood Park, just south o f Oaks B ottom W ildlife Refuge. The event is free and open to the pub­ lic; for m ore inform ation, visit www . Japanese Garden Hosts Moms G ive your m other a unique gift this year at the Japanese G arden, Sunday May 14 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Special perform ances are scheduled, including Japanese m usic, haiku poetry, tea and guest lectures. The event is free with garden adm ission; for more infor­ m a tio n v is it w w w .ja p a n e s e or call 503-223-1321. Walk For Mothers Day Join the Fifth A nnual M aking Strides A gainst Breast C ancer W alk, Sunday, M ay 14, begin­ ning at 9:30a.m . at 1875S.W .Park Ave. and continuing a five-m ile route to the PSU campus. For more inform ation, call the Am erican Cancer Society at 503-795-3940or sign up online at stridesonline. National Bike to Work Day C elebrate N ational Bike to W ork Day, Friday, M ay 19, with a spe­ cial event fro m 7 :3 0 a.m. to 9 a .m . at Oregon Square Park in the Lloyd D istrict on Northeast H olladay betw een 7'h and 9,h Avenues. En­ jo y free breakfast, speakers, door prizes, dem onstrations and more. Lents Home Buying Fair On Saturday, M ay 20 learn how you can buy your own hom e in Lents, and meet with realtors, lend­ ers, title com panies, developers, hom e-buying counselors, busi­ nesses and non-profits. The fair free and open to all, from 10a.m. to 2 p.m. at Kelly Elem entary, 9030 S.E. C ooper St. SECTION Transgender Library Breaks Isolation Offers education, supportand a good read by S arah B i o i fera» n i and feel alone in the absence o f transgender-specific titles. O utside In, a social service agency for mostly low- incom e, hom eless and sexual m inority youth, continu­ ally w orks to decrease that type o f isolation, with a growing transgender health program , and now a refer­ ence library containing over 400 resources. Ask three people what transgender means, and y o u ’re likely to get six answers. For the sake o f this article, the term can imply several com ponents including gender, gender identity and sexual orientation. Zarod Rom inski, O utside In’s associate executive director, hired Llewyn M cC obb specifically to expand the clin ic’s sexual m inority program , first established in the early 1990s. T heT rans/Identity Resource C enter was a response to the grow ing need for trans health programs as this particular population flourished. O riginally the center was a w alk-in service, but as w ord spread, services were expanded and the online health directory was created. O utside In fashioned its program s from experience, not statistics. An official num ber for Portland’s trans population isn ’t available; because as M cCobb puts it, people aren’t w illing to share private inform ation with som eone they d o n ’t feel is their ally. M cCobb said it was a dream to create a library for the m any books that are now available on the subject. Help for the project cam e from PSU Reference Librarian Rose Jackson who approached O utside In with a $9,6(X) grant, funded by the National Network o f Libraries o f Medicine. A board o f librarians, com m unity activists. O utside In staff and PSU researchers w as form ed to oversee the library. T he co llec tio n in clu d es boo k s and v ideos o f fic ­ tion, b io g rap h ies and au to b io g rap h ie s, and oth er boo k s and tran sg e n d er reso u rces to u ch in g on spiri- continued on page B6 photo bv S arah B i . olint /T he P ortland O bserver Outside In staff members Zarod Rominski (left) and Llewyn McCobb look over materials from the downtown center's new Trans/ldentity Resource Center, a reference library with unique and hard to find books that explore gender issues. Bringing Local History to Life Black pioneer, old district explored photo bv M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Monia Bowles (from left), Sade Beasley and Kierrä Davis are painting a mural depicting Northeast 19"' Avenue in the Sullivan Gulch neighborhood as it was 200 years ago with tall firs and a waterfall. Genealogy Explored at L ib ra ry •Tcommunity service J Ä M ffl ¿ S k T m P orti ani ) O bserver Until a literary m ovem ent about ten years ago, a person could walk intoa library with thousands o f books, by L ee P erlman T he P ortland O bserver Before last year, Sade Beasley had never heard o f B eatrice C a n n a d a y . N ow th e m id d le Mt. Tabor Garden Tour school student is bringing the T ake a w alking tour o f six Mt. story o f this African Am erican T abor-area gardens on SE 55,h civic pioneer to others through A venue betw een Belm ont and her ow n w ords and art. H aw thorne S treets, benefitin g Beasley has made a wixxl carv­ Puppy Raising for G uide Dogs for ing o f Cannaday, w ho in 1922 the Blind. Tickets are $15, avail­ becam e the first A frican-A m eri­ a b le at c a ta ly s t@ p r o v o k in g can w oman law yer to practice in , the Portland N urs­ Oregon. The local student has ery or the gardens on tour days. a ls o d e d ic a te d a p o e m to May 20 and 2 1 from 11 a.m. to 5 Cannaday, part o f an anthology p.m. For more information call Sheri called "U nsung heroes and un­ Dowley at 503-806-6167. told stories." Both are part o f a m ajor art Low-cost Helmets S u m m er’s around the corner, do enterprise by the private north­ y o u r kids w ear a h elm et? All east Portland art school G race sizes o f h elm ets on sale for $5, Academy, and funded by a $5,(XX) plus free fitting. K ids can also grant from the Confl uence Project b ring th eir ow n h elm ets for c o r­ o f the Lew is and Clark B icenten­ rect fitting and ad ju stm en t, and nial. T h e sh o w ie st p art o f the b ik e /p ed e stria n lights available for purch ase as w ell. S aturday, project is a 12 by 16 foot mural. M ay 20 from noon to 4 p in. at G ate w ay N eig h b o rh o o d F air, 112'h and N ortheast H alsey. years lav 10. 2 0 0 6 Latest in DNA research covered North Portland Library will present Jump- Start Your African A m erican G enealogy on Saturday, May 20 from 3:30-5:30 p.m. the program is free and the public is invited to attend. Local genealogists and library staff will present inform ation designed to help re­ searchers find inform ation on family history. Participants will have a chance to practice researching techniques using library com ­ puters and will be entered in a draw ing for a free DNA test. The schedule begins at 3:30 p.m. with Emily Aucilino, o f the Genealogical Forum o f O regon and the International So­ ciety o f G enetic G enealogists, introducing the basics o f DNA genealogy. At 4:30 p.m ., local genealogist O.B. Hill will discuss his experience conducting genealogy research. At 4:45 p.m ..Stephen Hanks, author o f Akce Tree: A D escendant's Search for his A nces­ tors on the Eskridge Plantations, will dem on­ strate the beginning steps o f research, using the fam ily nam es o f several participants. Librarian Janet Irwin will be on hand to created under the direction o f artist Michael Leonard Maguire, depicting the S u lliv an 's Gulch neighborhood as it w as 200 years ago, with tall firs and a w aterfall at what is now N orth­ east 19th Avenue. The historic scene contains a deer, fox, w oodpecker and a stylized Native A m erican ren­ dition o f a C hinook salmon. Around the edges are Native A m erican petroglyphs and por­ traits o f historic figures. On T hursday. May 18 the mural will be hung on the back wall o f a building housing Epi­ cure Restaurant on N ortheast 17th A venue facing W eidler Street. G race A cadem y stu ­ dents will read som e o f the po­ em s from “ U nsung H eroes" during the unveiling. The an­ thology, w hich also includes stories o f the S u lliv an 's G ulch neighborhood, collected by the stu d en ts in oral interview s, should be available for pur­ chase later this spring at Broad­ w ay B o o k s an d p o s s ib ly P ow ell's C ity o f Books. The w oodcuts by Beasley and 21 continued on page 115 discuss M ultnom ah County Library gene­ alogy resources, including the specialized genealogy collection at Central Library (including Civil W ar records and The O r­ egonian Index) and genealogy databases, such as H eritageQ uest. From 5:30-6 p.m.. participants will be able to practice the skills they have learned on the library's com puters. North Portland Library is located at 512 N. Killingsworth St. For more inform ation, call 503-988-4810. I