Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 10, 2006, Page 6, Image 6

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    ^ '^ l o r t l a n ù (íDhseruer ( A R I I R S & E D l IC A Ì ION Special Edition
Page A6
May io. 2006
PCC Student Pursues Dream in Dance, Sociology
Earns prestigious
Rosalie Tucker dreams about doing
many things. Now, her dreams are be­
coming reality.
Tucker, 25, was selected as one of 38
students across the nation to receive a
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation scholar­
ship that will enable her to attend UCLA.
The amount and duration o f the schol­
arships varies, but the awards can total
up to $30,000 per year for each student.
The same day, the PCC sociology major
learned she had been admitted to UCLA s
World Arts and Cultures program where
she’ll ply her dance skills.
“It was amazing. A total surprise,"
Tucker said following the scholarship
announcement. “I’m so honored. It's
been quite a day.”
Jack Kent Scholars are currently at­
tending or have recently completed
course work at two-year colleges. The
awards will provide the money needed to
four-year colleges and complete their
bachelors’ degrees. The selection crite­
ria is based on academic excellence, fi-
Portland Community College Cascade Campus President Algie Gatewood (left), congratulates student Rosalie Tucker, on her
selection as ju s t one o f 3 8 students in the country earning a prestigious Jack Kent Cooke Foundation scholarship.
nancial need, will to succeed, lead­
ership ability, service to others and
interest in or appreciation for the
Tucker, a Eugene native who
resides in north Portland, may be
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young but she’s already experi­
enced at connecting others through
dance, passion and hard work. In
her life, she has experienced
multiculturalism, the daughter of a
white mother and an African-Ameri-
can father who moved to the West
Coast and started a new life in a
Buddhist community.
Early on, she knew she wanted
to seek out situations where cul­
tures come together and she put
that into practice when she was 18
and joined S eattle’s D iversity
Dance Workshop. Four months in
Thailand, Laos and Malaysia ex­
ploring both traditional and mod­
ern music and art helped her realize
where she should be with her own
dance and performance studies.
Two years later, she joined the
arts community in Portland and
paired her choreography with live
music ranging from big band to
Klezmer, from samba to hip-hop,
and from old-time jazz to spoken
At UCLA, she wants to learn
more about cult ural roots of perf or­
mance, then eventually move into a
professional career as a choreogra­
pher, dance instructor, sociologist
and educator. And, Tucker credits
PCCforhelpingher reach this dream.
“PCC has been an amazing
school,” Tucker said. “When I came
here two years ago I received a ton
of support. I didn't expect it. To
experience the Cascade Campus
and watch it grow and see how the
neighborhood has grown, it’s been
OAME Trade Show to Fill
Convention Center
For minority, women and emerging small businesses
The Oregon Association o f
Minority Entrepreneurs is pre­
senting its 18,h Annual Entre­
p re n e u rs h ip L u n ch e o n and
Trade Show on Thursday, May
11 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the
Oregon Convention Center.
Over 150 small and large busi­
nesses, state and federal gov­
ernment agencies and business
developm ent resources to help
small and minority owned busi­
nesses grow are expected to be
represented at the event. Some
o f those businesses include:
Nike, Providence Health Sys­
tem, City o f Portland, Cookie
Lee Jewelry and the Portland
Trail Blazers. Tradeshow ad­
mission is free.
“The OAM E Trade Show is
a personal, face-to-face forum
to make sales, network and ob­
tain resources among businesses
large and small, new entrepre­
neurs, business developm ent
and coaching resources,” said
Sam Brooks, OAM E founder,
president and chairman of the
Waiter Bond
Sam Brooks
Keynote speaker for the noon
luncheon is Walter Bond, former
N B A playernow nationally rec­
ognized m otivational speaker
and founder o f W alter Bond
Seminars, Inc. The luncheon
will focus on the diversity of the
business people in Oregon. The
e v e n t th e m e , “ O re g o n ia n s
United for Business Success” ,
em phasizes the multi-ethnic fo-
eus o f this event.
O ver 3,(XX) business people,
from the public and private sec­
tors, and the general public are
expected to attend the day-long
For registration and luncheon
inform ation and reservations,
contact the Oregon Association
o f M in o rity E n tre p re n e u rs
(O A M E)at 503-249-7744, oral
w w w .oam e.org.
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