Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 10, 2006, Page 2, Image 2

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    Clu*|Jnrtlaub (Dbseruer ( ARI ERS&
because I want to know if he’s
protecting himself and he laughs
and says it’s not his responsi­
bility. How do I get my son to
see that he has to protect him­
self and not rely on these
women he’s being with? --
Katie: Indianapolis. Ind.
Ask ö
Real People, Real Advice
An advice column known fo r
its fearless approach Io reality
based subjects’
Dear Deanna!
My spouse is trying to force me
to quit my stable job of 10
years. I’ve never had problems
and the benefits are great. The
issue is a new department sec­
retary. I have no interest in this
woman but my wife only sees
heras a young, energetic woman
climbing the ladder. I’ve done
nothing to make my wife inse­
cure and she's going crazy lis­
tening to office gossip. I’m not
quitting my job and my wife
still insists that I should. What
do I do? --Paul R.; Jackson­
ville, Fla.
Dear Katie:
You’re doing the right thing by
teaching your son to not rely on
women for his intimate safety
and protection. He needs to
wake up and get wise before he
blinks and has a house of babies
and less than a year to love
them. You can talk to your son
until you're blue in the face but
if it takes something to jump on
him that he can't shake then so
be it and keep it moving.
Dear Deanna:
I’m a teacher in the school
system and I have a parent that
threatened me because I gave
her child a bag of clothes. It’s
obvious the child is being ne­
glected and I didn’t mean any
harm. I’m tired of dealing with
this parent and want to move
the child from my class but I’m
afraid that things will be worse.
Am I personally getting too in­
volved with this situation? —
Ms. Stiles; Trenton, N J.
Dear Paul:
If you’ve had the same job and
same spouse with no issues,
then something has been trig­
gered with the arrival your new
employee. If you’ve winked or
wagged then you've given the
office hens something to talk
about. Office gossip is 99 per­
cent gossip with a one percent
smell of truth. Your wife has an
insecurity issue that started
before now and this is simply
an excuse. You have a choice
to fix your marriage, fix your
job or fix yourself.
Dear Ms. Stiles:
You’re not getting too involved
because you're possibly saving
a child’s life. You should con­
tinue to do what you feel is right
especially if it's helping this
child. However you need to
avoid overstepping your bound­
aries. Utilize the appropriate
authorities in your school net­
work to ensure the ch ild ’s
safety, continued education as
well as resources and tools to
help the mother get her act
Dear Deanna!
My son is an active teen and I
find myself at my wits end
worrying about him fathering
children, exposure to sickness
and everything else. We argue
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeanna I @yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills. CA 9O2J E Website:
-V C A Y K W Special Edition
May 10, 2006
Soldier Killed in Iraq Mourned
Local service
honors officer
(AP) — M ore than a month
after he died in Iraq, Navy Petty
O fficer M arcques Nettles was
laid to rest at W illam ette Na­
tional Cemetery.
N e ttle s, 22, fo rm e rly o f
B eaverton, was rem em bered
Sunday by more than 200 fam ­
ily, friends and other w ell-w ish­
e rs , in c lu d in g G o v . T ed
Nettles was killed April 2 near
al-Asad, Iraq, when the truck in
which he was riding overturned
during a flash flood. He had just
been deployed to Iraq in Febru­
“I don’t know why M arcques’
time is now,” his wife, Christina
M ullen-Nettles said during
the memorial service at New
Beginnings Christian Center
in Portland.
‘‘And I do n ’t know if 1
ever w ill,” she added. “ I
know there is a reason, be­
cause M arcques is special."
Nettles joined the Navy
on Sept. 11,2002, and stud­
ied nursing on his way to
becoming a hospital corps-
N e ttle s w as b o rn in
T acom a. He finished e l­
em entary school and started
middle school in Kennewick,
Wash. He moved with his
family to Beaverton, where
Marcques Nettles
he finished middle school and
graduated from Westview High M arcques’ siblings, said they
were like best friends, espe-
C u rtis Jr., the o ld e st o f cially while playing high school
“ I found no greater joy
than playing next to my
brother on the field,” he said.
"I got to see M arcques, as an
underclassm an, bust a few
skulls. I was really proud of
him. That was the best time
for him and I. Then came
graduation. I went into the
Navy and, true to form, my
heart and soul, M arcques
came in right after me.”
C h ris tin a , to o , said
M arcques brought out the
best in her.
“ I 'd
lik e to th an k
M arcques for every laugh
and every tear; for too many
fishing trips ... lizards ... for
getting up to make coffee for
me even th e jg h he d id n 't drink
New School Will be Named Rosa Parks
building in honor of the civil
rights leader.
Parks inspired the Alabama
bus boycott and sparked the
modern civil rights movement
when she refused to give up
her seat to a white man 50
The new school under con­ years ago. She died last year.
struction in the New Columbia
Rosa Parks Elementary will
neighborhood o f north P ort­ replace the aging Ball Elem en­
land will be named Rosa Parks tary along side a new 82-acre
m ixed-income housing devel­
The Portland School Board opm ent that replaced former
voted 6-0 Monday to name the W orld W ar II housing called
parks center
also coming
Columbia Villa.
Plans are also underway for
a renovated U niversity Park
Com munity C enter and Boys
and Girls Club next door to the
new school. A groundbreaking
ce rem o n y fo r the P o rtlan d
Parks and Recreation facility
was held Tuesday.
“We have waited a long time
for this moment, and the neigh­
borhood is very excited,” said
Scott Jensen, form er P o rts­
mouth Neighborhood Associa-
tion chair.
The new and renovated com ­
munity center will house a two-
c o u rt g y m n a s iu m , fitn e s s
room, aerobics and dance room,
locker rooms, teen lounge and
outdoor patio area. Fundraising
is still under way for the Boys
and Girls Club.
By the end of 2006, the New
C o lu m b ia dev elo p m en t will
bring an estim ated 1,000 new
children and their fam ilies to
the Portsmouth neighborhood.
Domestic Violence Response: Too Little Too Late
from Front
the family services office.
Unsurprisingly, Schwartz said
his unit could use twice or three
times that number, but more added
support doesn’t always guaran
tee.a victim’s safety.
If we’d been aware, we’d have
sent an advocate and officer out,
and in all likelihood she'd got a
shelter,” Schwartz said. ‘But
they’re only temporary, we can’t
put someone up forever.”
Despite the lack of resources
and despondent statistics, a new
state law was passed last year,
creating the Domestic Violence
Fatality Review Committee. The
committee, now being formed, will
review domestic violence-related
deaths twice a year to improve
victim support.
"Claudia Rhone’s case might
be a good one to look a t,”
Schwartz said. “How did this all
evolve and where could we have
Funeral services for Rhone will
be held Thursday at 3 p.m. at
Ross Hollywood Chapel, 4733
N.E. Thompson St.
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