i,!e J î n r t l a n h © b s e r u e r C KRÎ I R S & May IO. 2006 DI ( X V [ ( Y V S p e c ia l E d itio n Page B5 Wally Tesfa R eligion Residentul and Comimrcol Broker Oregotv Washington 503-267-7586 cell 503-2491903 office 503 249 6527 fax wtesfa1@comcast.net P ro je c t H o p e PROPERTIES. Multi-Million $ $ervtse 223 NE Russell St Portland, Oregon Steakadelphia (503)287-4914 6800 N E M L K B lvd STEAKADELPHIA Open M -F 9-5 pm • Saturdays 10-5 pm Actors Audrey Tautou and Tom Hanks in a scene from the suspense thriller “ The Da Vinci Code," based on the novel by Dan Brown. Da Vinci Controversy Builds to Crescendo FURNITURE SALE 50% All The Time The novel’s impact on religious ideas in popular culture, he says, is “quite unlikeanything w e’veexpe- rienced in our lifetim es.” A ssaults on “ Da V inci” d o n ’t jus, com e from evangelicalsor from Rom an Catholic leaders such as Chicago’sCardinal Francis George, who says Brown is w aging “an attack on the Catholic C hurch” through p repostero u s historical claims. A m ong more liberal thinkers, Harold A ttridge, dean o f Y ale’s Divinity School, says Brown has “wildly misinterpreted” early Chris­ tianity. Ehrm an details B row n’s “num erous m istakes” in “Truth and Fiction in the Da Vinci C ode" and asks: “Why did n ’t he simply get his facts straight?” Brow n told N ational Public R adio’s “W eekend Edition" dur­ ing a 2003 publicity tour - he d e­ clines interviews now - that his characters and action are fictional but "the ancient history, the secret docum ents, the rituals, all o f this is factual." Around the same tim e, on CN N he said that "the background is all true.” GKILLED HOT 1 Small, 8” Philly Cheese Steak Help Support The Youth For M A H O G A N Y B E A U T Y O N T H E GO I I.< . IN M O V IN G TO : P o rtla n d Blvd. M LK $2.99 Your Care (503) 249-0425 Phone (503) 249-0653 Fax Our First Priority Featuring the Followinq Cosmetics D r. M arvelitte Failla Ch i ropractic Physician Patti LaBelle Wc are located at Fori Roberts 1716 N .E . 42nd Ave. Portland, O R 97213 Interface Adrien Arpel (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) Color Me Beautiful Gail Haymen • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries We specialize in skincare cosmetics and fragrances for men and women Visit us online at www Colormedirect com/mahoaanvbeauty G R A N D O P E N IN G A P R IL 2 8 . 2 0 0 0 - M a y O. 200 «!!!! Call for an appointment! W E H E IO U N IZ E ANI» A F P H K T A T E T H E O P P O H T I N IT T TO S E R VE M E N AKI» W O M E N OE « O l O R ANO -PEO P LE OE T H E W O R L D " (503) 228-6140 A w ish c h a n g es no th in g . A d e c isio n c h a n g e s ev e ry th in g ! s A/r/.A-AM .I/.SA J OHTV&7? Cfapd of tfa Roses P Caring fo r People - M aking a Difference B urial and C remation Church Sponsors Fellowship Area residents are invited to the two nights o f fellowship during the Episcopal Regional Training Insti­ tute. Thursday, May 18 and Friday, May 19 at the Hilton Vancouver W ashington Hotel and Conven­ tion Center, 301 W. Sixth St. The 14 ,h annual event is spon­ sored by C om m unity A M E Zion Church o f V ancouver and Rev. Robert F. Kemp. A ttending will be representa­ tives from God in C harge M inistry P roduction C o., the U nited o f Praise Choir, the AM E Zion C o n ­ ference C hoiranda liturgical-praise dance p resentatio n by K endra Young. For more inform ation, call 360- 693-4566. There is a Difference in Funeral Homes NE 21s1 and Broadw ay 503-287-1155 Kimberly Adams, Owner Mortgage Broker M ich ael E. Harper, Sr. A I 24 INSUBAMCI Bringing Local History to Life co n tin u ed fr o m M etro other students will also be exhib­ ited at local stores. I n yet another facet o f the project, the students are w orking with artist Joseph Becker and the City Repair Project to construct a bench out­ side G race Academ y. The bench will be made o f cobb, a material consisting o f straw, clay and sand covered with plaster and paint. A nother one o f the w oodcuts and poem s is by Kierra Davis o f Grant High School, a three-year G race A cadem y veteran. They de­ pict people dancing to a jazz band at a n ig h t clu b on N o rth e a st Skidmore Street in 1957. “ I like jazz music and I like to dance,” Davis says. M onia B ow les o f Beaum ont Middle School, in her first year at Grace, created a painting o f two people, one white and one black, eating together at a lunch counter in 1953, the first year that this si mple act becam e legal in Oregon. The white person is MartinaGangleCurl, a noted artist and political activist. B e a s le y , w h o s tu d ie s at Fernwood Middle School, cam e to Grace A cadem y two years ago after her m other told her about the pro­ gram. Cannaday, her “unsung hero, was not only a lawyer but also publisher o f The A dvocate, one of t P ortland's earliest A frican-A m eri­ can new spapers. In h er poem , Beasley im agines herself perform ­ ing this role. In fact, she says, she has some am bition to be a writer. “ I'm keeping a journal, and I write in it every day,” she says. 9H5SWB.tihir.Siute 109 Rutland, OR 97219 (503)221-3050 A.D. Williams Community A.M .E. Zion Church 3605 East 131*’ Street Vancouver, W A H .O .M .E Services STATE EARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Hera when you need ual Shop 503 282-2920 Cell 503-309-4488 DAK I 8&2S HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. ILLIN O IS Our Home Ownership and Mortgage Expertssm will BENEFIT YOU by delivering personalized home loan solutions to fit your needs. Good or bad credit! We’re local. We care. Experience the difference! Call (360) 433-2466 Toll free 1-877-436-2466 apply online at www.dakahome.com 213 N.E. Hancock Portland, OR 97212 9 am-6 pm Tuaa.-Sat. t= ) equal housing lender serving Oregon & W ashington Remember Those Who Serve- Candle Light Vigil Service In Honor of National Armed Forces Day 24th Annual Women’s Day Celebration May 21, 2006 2:30pm T1IEME: “A V irtu o u s W om an Is A W ise W om en” Ross Hollywood & Little Chapel of the Chimes — Proverbs 31:10-31 T w o fJ a y Celebratu tn 4733 NF, Thompson Portland, Oregon 97213 503 281 1800 Saturday, 5-20-06 Noon Crazy Hat Lunch«>n ($ 10.00) - Guest Speaker Dr. Corine Cumvay Sunday, 5-21-06 3:30 p.m . Please join u i as we honor those who are so courageously serving our country. Closing W orship Services Guest Speaker Dr. Corine Conuay D r. Corine Conwrry Virtuous Women Intematumal Ministries f ligpnsulie, Mt). For infonnation call: 160-693-4566 ,r 360-891-0972 Reception to follow service I (I Block N o f Portland Blvd) I Hours: 7 days a week, 11 am-9pm 545 NE Killinqsworth Portland. OR 97211 M ovie version o f d isp u ted novel (A P )— A line from Dan Brow n's “The Da Vinci C ode” tells you why it’s easily the most disputed reli­ gious novel o f all time: “ Almost everything our fathers taught us about Christ is false.” W ith 46 million copies in print, "D a V inci" has long been a head­ ache for C hristian scholars and his­ torians, who are worried about the influence on the faith from a single so u rce they reg a rd as w ro n g ­ headed. N ow the co n tro v ersy seem s headed for a crescendo with the release o f the movie version o f “Da Vinci” May 17-19 around the world. Believers have released an extraor­ dinary flood o f material criticizing the story - books, tracts, lectures and Internet sites am ong them. The c o n s e rv a tiv e R om an C a th o lic group Opus Dei. portrayed as vil­ lainous in the story, is am ong those asking Sony Corp, to issue a dis­ claim er with the film. Bart Ehrman, religion chairat the U niversity o f North Carolina at Chapel H i 11. likens the phenomenon to the excitem ent in the 19th cen­ tury when deluded masses thought Jesus would return in 1844. -70% 503-247-7211 1-5 -O fficiatin g - Reverend Thomas Baker -Guest Speaker- Operation Tribute to Freedom - Music- Womens Vocal Ensemble From Central Catholic High School