Committed to Cultural Diversity www.portlandobserver.tom Ebony Carvings M etro Forestry Center hosts rare collection See story in Focus, page B3 JJortkinit (íDt __________________________ SECTION o m m Ll nity a le n d a r Matt Dishman Ten Minutes with the Mayor Promotes M a y o r T o n i Potter w ill meet Parkrose, Argay and surround­ ing neighborhood residents on Saturday, M ay 6 from 9 a.m. to 11:30a.m. at Beale Street N W BBQ Restaurant, 10721 N.E. Sandy B lvd. A ll surrounding neighbor­ hood residents are invited; sign­ ups begin at 8:30 a.m. and fill quickly. For more information, call Carmen Rubioat 503-823-3578. Healthy Lives Partners with African American Health Coalition Health Fair at Portsmouth Attend the Community Health Fair at Portsmouth M id d le School, 5 103 N. W illis Blvd.. Saturday May 6 from noon to 4 p.m. The fa ir w ill o ffe r free blood pressure, blood - by L ee P eri . man T he P ortland O bserver t a W i®' - • O n e c o u ld say the M a tt Dishman C om m unity Centerand the A fric a n -A m e ric a n Health C o a litio n have a sym biotic rela­ tionship. i sugar, lead, vision and body mass index screenings; diabetes edu- cation services, bike safety and other health-related inform ation. f e i /J ''J e ■ PCC Art Beat Festival r * ■w The art beat goes on at the 19lh Annual A rt Beat festival at all Portland Community Col lege cam­ cess to local, regional and na­ tio n a l artists, plus visual art, I dance, music, theater and literary events. This event is free and open to the public. 0AME Luncheon and Tradeshow The Oregon Association o f M i­ n o rity Entrepreneurs (O A M E ) presents the 18"' Annual Entre­ preneurship Luncheon and Trade Show, M ay 11 at the Oregon Con­ vent ion Center. Trade show is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and the luncheon is from noon to 1:30 | p.m. in H a llC . For more in fo rm a ­ tion, call O A M E a t 503-249-7744. Bird Festival photo by I saiah B ouie / T he P orti . anii O bserver Kristina Booker trains with Garland Brown Sr. at Matt Dishman Community Center. 77 N.E. Knott St. event is tree and open to the pub­ lic; fo r more inform ation, visit w ww . Walk For Mothers Day Join the F ifth Annual M aking Strides Against Breast Cancer W alk, Sunday, M ay 14, begin­ ning at 9:30a.m . at 1875 SW Park Ave. and continuing a five -m ile route to the PSU campus. For j more inform ation, call the A m e ri­ can Cancer Society at 503-795- 3 9 4 0 o r sig n up o n lin e at w w w line. Loaves and Fishes Lunch Seniors, jo in the Cherry Blossom Center Loaves and Fishes fo r lunch, Monday through Friday from 11:30a.m. to 12:30p.m. Each meal includes salad, bread, bev­ erages, yo u r choice o f tw o en­ trees and dessert, fo r the sug­ gested donation o f $2.75 as able. Cherry Blossom Center is in the East Portland C om m unity Center. 740 SE 106"’. For more inform a­ tion, cal IT amara or Steven at 503- 256-2381. Stroke Community Forum Providence Hospitals present the Stroke C om m unity Forum as part o f N ational Stroke Awareness M onth. Tuesdays, May 23 and 30 at 7 p.m. The events are free; the M ay 23 forum is at Providence Portland Medical Center am phi­ theater, 4805 N.E. Glisan. and the M ay 30 forum is at Providence St. Vincent Souther Auditorium , 9205 S.W. Barnes Rd. To pre-register and fo r more inform ation, call the Providence Health Resource Line at 503-574-6595. community service The center at 77 N.E. Knott St. helps the coalition achieve its m ission on im proving the health o f local residents and the A A H C helps the Portland Parks and Rec­ reation fa c ility stay true to its Dishman Director Nelson-Furman said. The rooms are used for “ ev­ erything from an indoor park for very young children to hip-hop classes." The older part o f the building may not be as chic as more mod­ ern athletic facilities but, Nelson- Furman said. " It has such a com­ m unity feel that other mega-cen­ ters don’ t have." The A frican American Health C oalition was founded in 1989 by roots as a com m unity resource. a group o f A frican Americans in O rig in a lly b u ilt in the 1920s as the health held profession who Thomas Lam b E liot School, then were concerned by disproponion- closed in the late 1940s, it began ately-high death rates by African a new life in 1951 as the Knott Americans from "preventable” Street C om m unity Center. A new diseases such as “ heart attacks, E lio t School was later built three stokes and m ajor chronic i l l ­ blocks to the west and renamed nesses," in the words o f A A H C fo r Harriet Tubman. president Corliss McKeever. In 1970. the Knott Street center It has gone on to provide a was renamed in honor o f M alt m ulti-pronged effort to promote Dishman, an A frican American healthier liv in g through advo­ com m unity leader. It has been cacy, education, and providing not o nly a headquarters fo r box­ facilities assisted by a grant from ing and w restling com petition, the federal Center fo r Disease but one o f the few anchors o f Control and Prevention. For in­ public pride in an often neglected stance, it holds education and and forgotten com m unity. support meetings fo r diabetes In 1993, it became something s u ffe re rs e ve ry T h u rsd a y at more. In that year, financed by a Legacy Emanuel Hospital. bond measure, the Portland Parks Its "Spice II D pi Healthy C ixik- Bureau added a state o f the art in g " classes teach people how to sw im m ing pool and associated do healthy eating and cooking facilities. The rest o f the center “ in a culturally appropriate way,” has a gym . weight room, crafts A A H C ’ s Keith Dempsey said. puses, M ay 8-12. The festival offers students com m unity ac­ Celebrate International M ig ra ­ tory B ird Day at the Oaks Bottom M ig ra to ry B ird Festival, Satur- day.M ay I3 fro m 10a.m .to4p.m . at S ellwood Park, ju st south o f Oaks Bottom W ild life Refuge. The I room , and classrooms that serve a number o f functions. “ Y o u name it, we do it," Finally, through its "W ellness continued on page B5 Letter Carriers Help Stamp Out Hunger Annual event returns Saturday, May 13 I I \ Local residents are encouraged to place non-perishable food donations by your m ailbox in the morning on Satur­ day, M ay 13 and help the National Association o f Letter Carriers Stamp out Hunger. Close to 3,000 letter carriers throughout Oregon and C lark C ounty w ill jo in w ith lettercarriers across Am erica to collect the donations from their postal customers during the annual event — the largest one-day food drive in Oregon and in the nation. Letter carriers d e live r mail to homes in every com m u­ nity, and we know the people along our routes." said L.C. Hansen, president o f N A L C Branch 82. “ We see first hand the need lo r food donations to help fight hunger." Nonperishable food such as tuna fish, peanut butter, soups, stews, c h ili, canned fruits, vegetables, beans, rice and pasta are requested. Do not include glass items, homemade items o r previously opened containers. Letter carriers w ill collect the donations along their routes and trucks w ill pick up the food and deliver it to the Oregon Food Bank. Last year’ s e ffo rt by the lettercarriers generated more than 1,3-m illion pounds o f food throughout Oregon and southwest W ashington. "H u n g e r rem ains a huge p roblem in Oregon and in the nation, notes Rachel B ris to l, executive d ire c to r o f Oregon Food B ank. “ Last year, one in fiv e people in continued on page HS Portland Postal worker Carol McConanchie does her part in picking up donations o f nonperishable food in the Stamp Out Hunger food drive sponsored by the National Association o f Letter Carriers. Local residents can help by placing food donations by your mailbox in the morning on Saturday, May 13. Farmers Market Ready for Second Year Next to Kaiser on Interstate Avenue A rich variety o f q u a lity fresh local pro­ duce. baked goods, cut flow ers, artisan cheese, meat and fish w ill he available to the public when the Interstate Farmers M a rk e t opens its second season on Wednesday. M ay 10. T h e m a rk e t sets u p s h o p each W ednesday through Septem ber, fro m 3 P ^ - u n t il 7 p.m . across the street fro m the K aiser Permanente Interstate Campus on "T h e y g ive consumers the chance to meet the people w h o g ro w the fo o d and N o r,h In,ers,a,e A ve n u e next to O ve r- to get the freshest foods money can buy. Vancouver Youth to Explore Careers 1.(Kai youin w in get ncip cxp lo rin g careers w h e n W a s h in g to n S la te U n iv e r s ity Vancouver hosts a Pre-Em ploym ent and Career E xploration Youth conference from 8:30a.m . to 5 p.m Saturday. M a v6 . I opics include preparing fo r summer em ­ ploym ent. exploring careers, becoming an inventor, being prepared fo r life in the real w orld, reverse engineering, college 101, fo- continued on page 116