Mattò (ßbscrucr May 03. 2006 Page A3 Axe Falls on Gregory Heights, Rose City Park, Kellogg Schools Humboldt closure delayed Tw o northeast Portland schools Ave. and one southeast Portland school The board plans to meet again were approved for closure M on­ on Thursday to decide the fate o f day night by a Portland School H ollyrood. Rieke and Portsm outh Board looking for w ays to cut ex­ schools and an unnam ed school in penses in the wake o f falling tax the Sellw ood neighborhood. support and declining enrollm ent. M onday’s decision cam e before The axe fell on G regory Heights a packed audience o f parents, co m ­ Middle School. 7334 N.E. Siskiyou munity m em bers and school offi­ St.; Kellogg M iddle School, 3330 cials. Many spoke out against clo s­ S.E. 69"1 A ve.; and Rose City Park ing schools in areas that were eco ­ Elem entary School, 2334 N.E. 57,h nom ically depressed or had large m inority populations. The school district also plans to transition 12 schools to a kinder­ garten through 8lh G rade formats, elim inating many m iddle schools. Last w eek, a recom m endation to close Humboldt Elementary in north Portland for the upcom ing school year was given m ore tim e, follow ­ ing intense opposition. H um boldt parents and support­ ers have said the school has draw n relatively high achievem ent from the low est-incoine children in the district and argued that low-income c h ild re n d o b e tte r in s m a lle r schools. They also noted the diffi­ culty o f folding the elem entary into O ckley G reen M iddle School, lo­ cated across Interstate 5. Ingredients for life. Ex-School Janitors May Get Millions I 503-288-0033 Subscribe I Fill Out & Send To: c u u |jortlanb tfMiseruer A ttn : S u b s c rip tio n s , P O B o x .31,37, P o rtla n d O R 9 7 2 0 8 s u b s c r ip t io n s a re ¡n s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r (please include check w ith this subscription form) N ame : ______________________________ T elephone : ________ A ddress : ________ o r ¿Trun/subscriptions® SAFEWAY 0 Court upholds lawsuit victory Portland Public S chool's attempt - ca lc u lated by the c u s to d ia n ’s to get cheaper labor four years ago w ages o f ab o u t $ 16 m illio n in the backfired in their faces again last last y ea r o f th e ir c o n tra c t, in c lu d ­ w eek, w hen the O regon Suprem e ing b en efits and retire m en t costs, C ourt refused to reco n sid er an adding up to $64 m illio n in back O ctober 2005 ruling, stating that pay o v er the past four years. But the district violated state labor laws that sum co u ld be red u ced by when it fired the w orkers in 2002. w ages cu sto d ia n s earn ed in o th e r M ore than 3(X) custodians who jo b s. w ere replaced by contract em ploy­ C om plicated negotiations b e­ ees rem ain protected by last y ear’s tw een both parties will likely start 4-3 court decision. C ontracting out when the d istrict’s contract with the custodians saved the district private contractor Portland H abili­ $10.8 m illion over tw o years, ac­ tation C enter expires June 30, ac­ cording to a 2004 audit. The deci­ cording to Jim C oon, an attorney sion, how ever, was devastating to representing the custodians. the hundreds o f w orkers not able to “There are more than 300 indi­ find other jobs. vidual stories,” he said. "W e’re N ow the ex- em ployees may be hoping the district and we can work aw arded $64 m illion in back wages that out as an am icable thing." Deadline Nears for Medicare Part D Seniors who don’t sign up face penalty A frican A m erican lead ers are u rg in g se n io rs to sign up fo r the new M ed icare Part D p re sc rip ­ tio n d ru g co v erag e. If they do n o t sign up fo r a p resc rip tio n d ru g plan by M ay 15, they will face a possib le lifetim e prem ium penalty. W hile en ro llm en t is voluntary, m an y se n io rs are not tak in g a d ­ v an tag e o f this im portant health b enefit, p articu larly th o se w ith lim ited incom es w ho m ay qualify fo r e x tra h elp p ay in g fo r their p resc rip tio n d ru g plans. If a person w h o q u alifies for M ed icare Part D d o es not en ro ll by the M ay 15 d e a d lin e , th ey w ill be penal ized o n e p erc en t for each m onth they are n ot en ro lled (fo r the rest o f th e ir life). T h a t’s on e percen t p er m o n th m o re fo r the co st o f their m o n th ly p rem iu m s. A frican A m erican church lead ­ ers and o th e rs are u rg in g fam ily m em b ers to h elp th eir loved o n es en ro lled in M e d ica re to sign up now , so they d o not ex p e rie n c e a g a p in p resc rip tio n d ru g s c o v e r­ age o r have to pay a p enalty. T h ere w ill be an o p p o rtu n ity to enroll T h u rsd ay , M ay 4, from 10 a.m . to 2 p .m . at M a ra n a th a C h u rch . 4 2 2 2 N .E . 12th A ve. Light Shines on Darfur Genocide H undreds o f protesters, includ­ ing D em ocrat C ongressm an Earl B lum enauer gathered at Pioneer Square in dow ntow n Portland Sun­ day, calling for an end to the con­ flict in Darfur. Sim ilar protests occurred nation­ wide, including one on the National Mall in W ashington, D.C. There, actors, politicians and religious leaders joined thousands o f dem ­ onstrators to bring attention to mass casualties and ask the Bush A d­ m inistration to take action. T he D arfur region in w estern Sudan has been a place where m ore than 2(M),(KM) people have been killed. More than tw o million have been driven from their hom es in w h at's being called the first genocide of the 21st century. Dairy Glen M ilk Gallon Whole. 2% 1%, or Fat Free buy o ne , get one FREE fOGAI O« UJWII VAI VF RU EVERYDAY 10W PRICE G eneral M ills Cereal 14-02 Selected varieties SAVE up lo $3 79 on 2 CLUB PRICE buyone , g eto ne FREE IQUAI CM U SM B VAUT HUE Keebler Mix N' Match Sale 8 , to 18-02. Selected varieties SAVE up lo ( 3 99 on 2 CLUB PRICE E v e r y t h in g f o r y o u r c e l e b r a ­ t io n s t a r t s h e r e . FREE nji a * (NtieMm ♦ wj in» Safeway SELECT Refreshe Waler 12-Pacfc Corona Pacifico or Mike $ Hard Lemonade Oven Joy Bread 2 2 .5 -0 2 White or Wheal Club Price 50c ea SAVE up lo 98c on 2 24-paclr. 5-liter bottles. SAVE up to $4 99 on 3 CUJI PNCE 1 1 2 to 12 02 bottles Selected varieties Plus deposit in Oregon SAVE up to (4 27 CLUB PRICE M e e t w it h t h e M a y o r & C o m m is s io n e r s : Community Budget Hearing J o in us to s h a re y o u r p r i o r i t i e s ! Thursday May 11, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM -Focus: Public Testimony- Regarding Mayor’s Proposed Budget '1 ■ - Metropolitan Learning C en ter/2033 NW Glisan Parking available on playground T r a n s it in f o r m a t io n : Capri Sun Drinks Northern or M D Bath Tissue 10/6 75-02 pouches Selected varieties Club Price SI 75 ea SAVE up to 54 96 on 4 24SngkMor 1 2 « » RJ» 9nw, Fpm I om B 6 to ! W package CUPrice $5 M m w w w .tr i-m e t.o r g CLUB PRICE ttWitkUNM? CLUB PRICE CLUB PRICE ADA accessible Special needs: 823-4519 in advance More info A childcare/interpretation inquiries: 823-5288 TDD: 823-6868 Wf( "CM FBI »«Y BUB t«*f 3 4 1 8 7 1 9 ftWfNtW ■wivSRvsiiMraNCM ALL LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY Item* ft pnees in this ad are available at your local Safeway M om . No sale» to dealers, restaurants o r institution». Sales in retail quantities only Quantities of some items n u y be lim ited and wbycet to availability Not responsible tor tvpograph ita l or pic tonal errors We reserve the right to correct all printed errors.On Buy One, Get One Free CB O G O ’ i offers, customer mu», purchase the first item to receive the se« ond item tree BOGO oiler» are no, I 2 pn< e sales. It o n k a 'ingle item purchased. the regular pnee applies Manufacturers’ toupons may he used on pun based terns only - not on tree items ’ 2006 Safeway Stores In« / 59 lo 64-02 Chilled orange juice Selected varieties Club Price S2 50 ea SAVE up lo S2 9B on 2 MAY S h o p a t H o m e . W e D eliver. s a fe w a y .c o m 2Î5 Tropicana Pure Premium I